Chapter 19 Tear up the stepmother script
"Student Xiao Minghua, we're at school." Xu Mingzhan reminded the car parked outside the school gate.

Xiao Minghua, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked out the car window, opened the car door and thanked him, "Thank you."

"Sure, don't wander around during this time, we will send someone to protect you; if you have something to do, you can gesture, and someone will notice." Xu Mingzhan raised his hand, his index finger bent, and the other fingers were in a natural shape.

With such a gesture, people who don't care about it can't find any difference at all.

Minghua followed suit, "Is that so?"

"That's right, you're very smart, you can learn it as soon as you learn it; remember what I said, don't go out of school casually, and I'll discuss it with you after the matter is settled." Xu Mingzhan's voice was slightly stagnant, and then he said: "You've done a good job, You can trust the country for anything; it’s just that not everyone in our system can be trusted, so don’t trust anyone casually in the future, even me.”

The Xu family can withstand any test because they have come out of the flames of war; the family education is strict, if the small medicine bottle is in the hands of others, it will be hard to say.

Human nature is greedy, the Xu family only overcomes greed, and there are many people who cannot overcome greed.

Minghua looked at him unexpectedly, "Thank you for reminding me, I don't trust you, otherwise I would give you everything."

"That's good, let's go in."

Minghua nodded, got off the car and went straight into the school.

Her figure disappeared at the school gate, and Xu Mingzhan said, "Has our people been arranged?"

"It's already been arranged. Minghua's safety can be guaranteed." No one has noticed Xiao Minghua now, and the protectors are in place, even if it is leaked, they are not afraid.

The Film Academy is that big, it's not hard to protect a person.

"Well, go back." Xu Mingzhan looked indifferent. As soon as he spoke, the driver started the jeep and drove away from the academy.

Minghua went to Tian Shao's teacher's apartment, the door of the master's house was closed, but today the master has no classes, so he should be at home.

"Knock knock knock."

"Here we come." Tian Shao opened the door and saw her subconsciously sizing her up for a while, "As long as it's okay, what are you hiding, kid? Let the military dispatch."

Minghua stretched out her arms to hug Tian Shao, "Master, thank you; I just handed in some things, I can't say what it is, master, don't blame me."

"Okay, I see, come in and rest for a while; are you scared? They are too unreliable in their work." Inviting a girl to go alone is not afraid of scaring people.

"Master, I'm fine."

Following her into the room, the door closed, Tian Shao pushed her to sit on the sofa, and poured a cup of hot water for her.

"You can't tell, and I won't ask too much; you have to know, not all of them are trustworthy."

"Master I know, today a chief said he knew you and said that you called him."

Tian Shao nodded slightly, "That was an old classmate from the past. We were classmates in high school and we agreed to get married when I returned from further studies; but he joined the army later, and when I returned from further studies abroad, I met him again. He was married and had a child. I have never been married in my life."

"Between us, he owed me; so, I called him and asked him to help."

Minghua could roughly hear that they were a pair of people who had a story; in that era, there were indeed many misses and many regrets.

"Master, you don't need to contact him in the future. What I handed in is a good thing; if they want what I have, they will only treat me more politely." Speaking of the system is tantamount to handing in the system.

I have seen [Wan Duqing], and the two blueprints are enough to show that what she produced are all good things; especially thermal weapons, according to the current level of technology, the thermal weapons on the blueprints are not unexpected, and according to the historical process, it will take hundreds of years can be produced.

It is enough to see its preciousness.

It's not worth it for the master to let go of his whole life's pride for her, and to contact a heartless person.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Since he is the one who interviews you, you will have more interactions in the future." As a master, it is impossible not to deal with that person, "You don't have to think about it, I have already figured it out; In this world, I don’t live for love, it’s just that I figured it out too late.”

"After I was sent down, I suffered too much, but I figured it out. It took me half my life to figure it out after suffering so much. It's sad and deplorable. Once I figured out some things, I let it go. I didn't contact him because I didn't want to contact him. Everyone was fine. .”

"Contacting him this time is to let him repay the love, and treat it as an end between us; after decades of entanglement, it is an end in my heart."

In people's hearts, love has long been lost, and marriage is to have children; she has been struggling with this issue, but it is hypocritical and petty, with a small structure.

Precisely because of the hardships she had suffered in these years, she looked away instead, her mind was stable, and her temperament became more and more suitable.

Listening to the story, Minghua felt very sorry for her; when she was young, she lived a prosperous and carefree life, but in middle age, there were many disasters, but the person who should be treasured and cherished was the one who hurt the most.

"Master, your life is wonderful." Much more exciting than her first life, in the 21st century entertainment industry, because there are always people who are let down by her side; she saw through love early on; she never talked about it until her death once in love.

I still remember when my best friend asked her, is it bad to try to believe in love?

She answered this way: Falling in love affects the speed at which I win awards.

In those years, winning awards was her only goal. For this reason, she frantically studied acting and various skills; she learned both useful and useless things. Even so, she still had very little time to study, and the things she learned were limited.

The status of an actor with an award and an actor without an award are very different. She wants to have status, and one day she wants to have the right to speak in the entertainment industry.

Tian Shao smiled suddenly, and sighed softly, "You! I don't understand. I am very envious of those women who have lived their lives in a mediocre way. They have wives who accompany them until they grow old, and children who are happy with each other."

"Master, being with you until old age is not as good as it looks on the surface, it is the determination accumulated over time; children have few opportunities to be happy, they will fly when they grow up, and they will think of their old parents at home when they are free. Not to mention far Now, let’s just talk about the teachers in our school, how many of them can be as relaxed and unrestrained as you?”

There are very few teachers in the college who are not married, and the unfortunate people in marriage account for eight or nine out of ten.

"Yeah! The determination to grow old together is accumulated over the years. Maybe it's bad, maybe it's impatient; however, after a lifetime, the will will pass. The children will eventually grow up and go out with no hope. Promising ones are close, but it's also a lot of trouble." Tian Shao shook his head and smiled bitterly, "You are young, so you know a lot."

"It's not that I know a lot, it's that the world is like this. After reading a lot, I will naturally think more; Master, I'm not afraid to tell you that I have no plans to get married. As long as I can make money in the future, I can be filial to my parents and take over my parents." Come and live with me; when I send my parents away, I will be old too, so I will save some money for retirement. If I have money, I will donate it, and if I have no money, I will bury it anywhere.”

(End of this chapter)

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