Chapter 46 Tear up the stepmother script
Minghua has a good temper, but it doesn't mean she is also good-tempered.

There are words in the words, and the disdainful tone makes her angry; why do you look down on Minghua?It was obviously the first time they met, but they brought out their emotions like this.Is it just because of a job?That's too narrow.

People are different, and occupations and occupations are also different; there are thousands of types of people in the same occupation, and it is the most wrong idea to judge a person's character rashly.

To put it plainly: the brain is sick and needs to be cured.

After clarifying Minghua's working hours, Gu Jianguo turned black and called Tong Xin to leave; he returned to the barracks to separate from Tong Xin, and went to see his superior alone, explaining the situation during the reception, emphasizing that Tong Xin was not suitable for protection Work.

The dislike for the task object is on the face, who knows what will happen if they are unhappy in their hearts; they can't bear the unknown result.

"Since that's the case, for the time being, you alone will come forward. As for Comrade Tong Xin, let her return to the art troupe."

The matter was finalized in this way, Gu Jianguo took the order to walk away; the person who came to pass the message walked to the office of the art troupe, and Tong Xin was complaining to others that the person receiving protection was a vase actor. Cancel Tong Xin's reception qualification.

"Comrade Tong Xin."

"Yes." Tong Xin responded subconsciously, and she stood up only to realize that what they said might have been overheard; Tong Xin's face changed drastically, her heart was pounding, and she pretended to be calm and asked: "Comrade Yu, what are you looking for?" I?"

Comrade Yu nodded, "Your reception qualification has been revoked. From now on, you don't need to receive mission targets anymore."

"Why?" Subconsciously blurted out.

Everyone loved that the competition for the spot was fierce; fighting for the spot was a matter of qualifications and credit.

"I've heard what you said just now, and I think you should know it in your heart; I've conveyed my words successfully, so let's go first, and next time you talk about people behind your back, save some virtue." Comrade Yu's face was light, and he didn't see them change again. With a pale face, he turned his feet and strode away.

The people in the same office as Tong Xin were panicked, one of them was the closest to Tong Xin, grabbed her hand and asked sharply, "Did you do it on purpose?"

"What on purpose?"

"Deliberately lead us to say those words just now." The woman's face was as white as paper, "No, you didn't mean it; once these words are passed into the ears of the higher authorities, we can't escape."

Not only were they ruined, Tong Xin couldn't escape either.

Tong Xin's heart sank involuntarily. She said that she had never been embarrassed by others on the spot; she had never been caught, and she criticized the object of the task this time.I'm afraid that her punishment will not be light.

She guessed right, and Comrade Yu went back and told the superiors, who asked them to interrogate Tong Xin in person; the people in the same office complained to some extent about Tong Xin, so they sold her out one by one without asking any more questions, and even stepped on her. Feet, as long as there are excuses that can be evaded, they will all be pushed to her.But after a long time, Tong Xin's punishment came down, and she made a serious mistake, and she would miss the chance of promotion in the next few years.

"The place is spacious, there is room for us to put all these things." Going around the kitchen, Xiao Chen helped Xu Mingzhan and the two bring in the small stove and the like.

The kitchen stove uses an earthen stove, and cupboards, shelves, and steamers are all ready-made.

There is an earthen stove, but the small stove is useless.

Xiao Chen thought the same way, "We brought the small stove here, I really thought we didn't bring the right ones; and the coal, which was brought in by train after traveling thousands of miles, they actually arranged a separate yard for us here, even the kitchen and toilet are ready-made of."

"It's okay, you can take it to the shooting place to warm Minghua with a pot of hot water, and you can also make some soup." Xu Mingzhan glanced at the girl next to him from the corner of his eyes, and said with lowered eyes: "The next month's shooting task is heavy, and nutrition is important. Keep up, good health is the capital of revolution; what do you think?"

"It's fine, as long as I can eat enough, I have no other requirements."

Xiao Chen:.
Comrade Ning:
Xu Mingzhan coughed lightly, "That's it. When Comrade Gu comes over again, I will mention it to him; food and drink must be prepared, it doesn't matter if you can't finish it, take it to the next crew to continue eating."

Xiao Chen:.
Comrade Ning:
Minghua: .
After more than an hour, Gu Jianguo came over with a lot of ingredients, and Xu Mingzhan really mentioned the things used to make soup; Xiao Chen's mind became a mess when he heard it, those black beans, red beans, red dates, wolfberry...
Is Comrade Xu going on the road of being a good wife and husband?

Minghua: Hold on tight, your indifference is about to collapse.

"I see. I'll send it later. Is there anything else I need?" Gu Jianguo asked, his attitude was calm, and his thoughts couldn't be seen on his face; .

To be selected to protect her, Gu Jianguo had his own set of principles; Tong Xin was selected because he needed a lesbian. She was lively and cheerful in the art troupe, active in doing things, and courageous in performance. The higher-ups saw that she was quite suitable. , that's all, not how good she is.

If you have doubts in your heart, you can observe slowly. It is the most stupid way to write emotions on your face.

For those who want to climb up, expression management is the foundation; even if there is no such course at the moment, for those who are ambitious, they can learn by themselves without a teacher.

"I don't have firewood, and I don't have any matches; Comrade Lao Gu has to send it along with him. Report us how much money was spent, and I will settle the bill." Xu Mingzhan stared at him with a blank expression.

Gu Jianguo had the same zombie face, "Okay, then I'll go first; you don't have any firewood and matches, and I'll bring them to you right away." Otherwise, I won't be able to make dinner.

Xu Mingzhan thanked him several times on the way to send him out, nothing more than polite words.

Gu Jianguo went to the logistics, counted what Xu Mingzhan wanted and sent it to him, and handed the list to him, "Comrade Xu, let's see if there is anything missing."

After a brief glance, Xu Mingzhan shook his head and thanked again.

"I have all the things I want, thank you, Comrade Gu; let you run here again and again, and we won't go out for the time being, you can just come here tomorrow morning."

"Okay, then I'll come back tomorrow."

After Gu Jianguo left, he closed the courtyard door, and Minghua chose a slightly smaller bedroom from the three rooms; despite the small size of the room, it was the most sunny one, and it was more comfortable to live in the sun in autumn and winter.

Xiao Chen chose a small room, and the big bedroom was given to Xu Mingzhan and Comrade Ning.

For dinner, I had to take a sip of the noodle soup I made, boiled water and took turns to take a shower, wash my hair, and wash my clothes; each went to sleep, in this strange courtyard, Xu Mingzhan thought he would suffer from insomnia.No, I slept very soundly, and when I woke up, I felt much better.

The sunlight shone into the room through the gap in the window, Minghua stretched her waist, and wanted to let it go badly; unfortunately, she was not qualified to play badly, and she didn't earn much merit and luck, and there was no reason to relax in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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