"An'an and Huahua have their own house outside, and they can go out to live if they want. They are so old, and it's normal for them to want to live alone. Didn't we go out to play too? Just let them go."

After hearing this, Yu Youyi understood. Who among newlyweds wants to live with their parents?Of course, go to their own house and live their little family life.

The problem of living with parents is neither big nor small; it is like drinking water and knowing whether it is warm or not.

Some men cannot live without their mothers and insist on living with their parents; in fact, they just want to do less work and make excuses for their laziness.

She has seen this kind of thing a lot. Although people like them have no work to do; but after all, it is their own small family that belongs to their hearts. The character is easier to get along with.

Very few couples live well with their parents.

"That's all, they can do whatever they want, as long as they can live their own life."

Yu Youyi gave up on the phone and pretended that she didn't know about it.

Yan Fanghong held her hand with a smile and said briskly: "The children in our family have been self-disciplined since childhood and know how to live their own lives; especially An An, Huahua is a more unique existence to him than us. He You will know how to cherish it more than ordinary people."

On Yan Fu An's side, the two drove to a courtyard house near the company; the chef they brought was a middle-aged divorced woman who gave birth to a son and a daughter. After the divorce, she took her daughter to live alone. Live together, but also close.

This led her to put all her thoughts on her children. Even Minghua heard more than once that she wanted to buy a house for each of her children. Fortunately, she was good at cooking, especially the dishes from the Sichuan and Chongqing regions. Very well done.

After arriving at Yanjia, Yanjia generously gave me a generous salary; a monthly salary of [-] to [-] yuan, including food and accommodation, five social insurances, one housing fund, and provident fund. All the salary can be saved.

Doing the math, she has been at Yanjia for more than ten years, and she has saved enough money to sell two or three houses in her hometown's second- and third-tier cities; the rest can be saved as pension funds, and she will do so after she retires. There is a corresponding pension.

From this point of view, unless she marries someone she really likes and treats her well, she would rather live alone.

You can make money by yourself, raise your children by yourself, do your own work, and make your own decisions about coming in and out; you can be free and comfortable, you will not have to worry about food and clothing when you get old, and your life will be better than those who are married.

When you are sick, you can find a nurse to take care of you. When you are too old to move, you can find a reliable nursing home.

"Aunt Yang, make the food lighter and not too spicy; make less pastries. There are few people in the family, so if you make too much, you won't be able to finish it and it will be a waste." Minghua said to the female chef at home.

Aunt Yang is thin but healthy, and her hands and feet are nimble and she is a good worker.

At this moment, she nodded with a smile, "Okay, young lady, what kind of food do you want to eat?"

"Make a winter melon soup. Eating some winter melon in autumn is good for your health; I remember that I brought out ginseng and stewed chicken with ginseng. You can watch the rest of the dishes."

"Okay, where is the young master?" Aunt Yang looked at Yan Fu'an.

Yan Fu'an said calmly: "I don't have anything I want to eat, just follow Huahua and eat."

"I understand, then I'll go to the kitchen to tidy up before cooking."

After parting, Aunt Yang and the servants who came with them cleaned up the kitchen first, making sure it was done, the natural gas stove for cooking was working; as long as there were enough ingredients and seasonings, they could cook.

When they came out, Aunt Yang had brought enough ingredients and seasonings for the day, so they were free to work.Minghua and Yan Fu'an walked into the main courtyard. A row of bamboos were planted on both sides of the courtyard. There were three main rooms connected together. Next to the main room were the wing room, the Bisha cabinet, and the wing room.

There are about ten rooms, large and small. In ancient times, the main room was where the head of the family lived. Naturally, the head of the house’s wife also lived here. They had a lot of things. Except for the side room where the servants lived, the other rooms were theirs. A place to put things.

"This courtyard house is really big." After walking only a short distance, I felt tired. Judging from the outside, the area was not much different from that of the old house.

"Like it?"

Yan Fu An stepped forward and hugged her from behind, with his chest against her back.

Minghua nodded repeatedly, "I like it. How could I not like such a big house? It seems to me that there are a lot of flowers and plants planted in the middle garden. Is there anyone taking care of it here every day?"

"There is a servant who takes care of the flowers and plants, but he has taken leave to go home these days; he will not come back for two days. We have never lived here, so he is responsible for the flowers and the sanitation of the house."

"Isn't that just one person doing the work of two people?"

"Two wages were given." Yan Fu'an explained the situation to her carefully, "He is a disabled person. I heard that he lost an arm when he was on duty as a soldier. His ancestor was a gardener. He learned from it when he was young and retired. He came to me after someone recommended him."

"He has been working here for seven or eight years, and he has been doing very well. Because he is missing an arm, his wife divorced him, and he has three children to support. At that time, I thought about this for a while I couldn't come over to live in the house right now, so I discussed it with him and asked him if he would take care of the entire courtyard, and I would give him two wages."

"He agreed immediately. No one usually comes over here in the courtyard. He only needs to take care of himself, eat and drink; take care of the flowers and plants, and then clean the house and yard. He is very willing."

Minghua smiled knowingly, "Two salaries are not low, not bad."

Although the work is simple, it is rare and easy; it does not mean that the cleaning work is easy, but the environment is relaxed and the spirit is fulfilling.

With a disability, it is difficult to find a job that suits your needs after retirement; returning to your ancestral profession is a good way out.

"Then did he remarry later?"

Yan Fu'an shook his head, "No, his three sons are old and can take care of themselves; he can make money, and the family is not short of money, so they are living a good life."

Minghua didn't ask anything about each other, and the two of them looked at the master bedroom together; the three connected master bedrooms are very large, and the middle one can be used as a living room for entertaining guests, with the left side for sleeping, wardrobes, and dressing tables. For example, the right side is a suitable place for resting, reading and playing the piano.

This was the case for the boudoirs of ladies in ancient times.

"The furnishings are very quaint, and the furniture is also old stuff." From the screen, wardrobe, dressing table, jewelry box, to the carved bed, they are all antiques.

It is full of ancient atmosphere and retains the magnetic energy left by history, which is something that has passed the test of time.

Usually this kind of antique wood is made of top-quality materials. It was really not easy for Yanfu An to find so many, even matching ones.

"Brought it from a friend's house many years ago."

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