Yan Fu'an, who was having a video conference, saw her pushing the door open and smiled at her, only glancing at the sofa.

Minghua nodded and sat over. Without any words, the tacit understanding between them was reflected.

Assistant Wang walked forward with a smile and asked in a low voice: "Madam, do you have any pastries and tea that you want to eat? I will arrange it for you."

"No need to make arrangements. I just came back from eating a lot outside. By the way, Special Assistant Wang, I ordered delicious food to be delivered to the company later. If the front desk calls you, please go downstairs and get it."

"Okay, I took note."

Wang Te pushed away and sat opposite Yan Fu'an's desk. He sat in front of the laptop and operated the screen to assist in the video conference.

Minghua leaned on the sofa and took out her mobile phone to scroll through the video. She wouldn't know it if she didn't scroll, but she would know it once she scrolled. Nowadays, many verses about the soul and Buddhism have been widely circulated on the Internet.

Buddhist verses cannot be understood by listening to them; they need personal experience to realize them.

She scrolled and scrolled and found another video of the national treasure. Feiyun, the fat girl, smiled longingly, looking like she had seen better days, and Minghua couldn't help but chuckle.

She can't help laughing when she sees beautiful things; she frowns when she sees negative news, but she won't read more; information transmission on the Internet has memory, and each push is based on big data.

If you stay on negative news for too long, 90.00% of it will be negative news over time.

She wasn't in the mood to see such a thing.

I kept watching the video until [-] noon, when the video conference ended.

Yan Fu'an closed the computer, looked up at the person leaning on the sofa, and said to Assistant Wang: "Let Mr. Pei come over and have dinner together; by the way, the previous meeting urged the senior management to come up with resolutions as soon as possible; overseas and Remember to follow up on the issues that need to be resolved during the video conference with the senior executives of each branch."

"Okay, Chairman."


Assistant Wang picked up his notebook and left, leaving the chairman's office. When he came to the secretary's room, he saw a secretary calling to him on the phone.

"Assistant Wang, you're here just in time. I have your phone number; it's from the front desk, saying it's looking for you."

"I know what's going on. Hang up first. I'll get down right away." Wang Teshu put down the computer and told them, "After sorting out the reports and information for the recent period, senior executives from overseas and domestic branches will submit them. The materials must be used carefully.”


"Assistant Wang, did something happen? Tell us."

Assistant Wang glanced at them and said, "It's none of your business, just work hard."

"Oh, don't go!"

"That's right, we also want to ask about the chairman's wife."

"Our chairman's wife doesn't come to the company often. I heard she is very busy. She is a scientific researcher and is very, very good. Our chairman is also very good. However, I think the chairman is definitely not as intelligent as the chairman's wife."

The three secretaries chatted and discussed.

In their perception and among the people they come into contact with, scientific researchers are a very mysterious industry; apart from the few they have seen on TV, the only scientific researchers they have seen are the wives of the chairman of the board.

"I don't know how the chairman caught up with his wife. She is so good-looking! Her temperament has improved."

"Not only her temperament and appearance, but also the condition of Madam's skin is very good. Before, I stood by the door and leaned against the glass, and I saw Madam's face up close. Her complexion was tender, and she was wearing no makeup. , you can even see the fine hairs on your face.”


"It must be true! I don't know why Madam, a beautiful woman with a high IQ, fell in love with the Chairman."

"The chairman is actually quite good. He is clean and tidy, good-looking and has a distinguished family background. He has nothing to say about his own abilities. He is very good at making money, at least we can't match it." "That's it. I still think the chairman Not worthy of my lady.”

While they were discussing, they packed their things and prepared to go downstairs to the company cafeteria for dinner.

in the chairman's office.

Yan Fu'an walked to Minghua and sat down next to him. He stretched out his long arms and pulled her into his arms. He kissed the fair forehead and asked in a low and gentle voice with a slightly hoarse voice.

"Did you have fun outside?"

Minghua put away her mobile phone. Not to mention, she became more and more addicted to watching videos. She raised her eyelids to look at the handsome face close at hand, and Minghua reluctantly regained her concentration.

"It's okay, it's not necessarily how fun it is outside; however, I ate a lot of good food in a store, all of which were barbecue. I ordered the food, and it will be delivered to you later. You can try it."

Yan Fu'an lowered his head and looked at the things on the coffee table. Didn't those piles come from ordering food?He pointed and asked immediately.

"What about these?"

"It's just a snack. It's okay to eat normally. If you eat it as a meal, it will feel like something is missing. It's not bad as a snack."

"Okay." Yanfu'an nodded, loosened his arms a little, leaned over and opened the plastic bag and took a look at it, "Why are they all cold stuff? The ones on the stalls outside are unhygienic."

The hygienic conditions on the street stalls are always not reassuring. It's not about anyone; it's just what he saw.

Minghua smiled, "I know, I bought it in the mall, are you relieved now?"

"That's not okay. Next time you want to eat it, let the chef at home cook it; they will also cook it, but we didn't order it, so they won't cook it."

"Then try their craftsmanship next time."

Yan Fu'an wrote down this matter, his eyes were tender and affectionate, and he always showed his softest side when facing her.

"Knock knock knock."

"Come in." Yan Fuan completely let go of his arms and sat upright.

The door of the office was pushed open, and Special Assistant Wang came in carrying a bunch of fast food boxes, followed by Pei Yuan; he also carried two large oil paper boxes in his hands, which were quite large in size.

"What are you doing?" Fu An looked puzzled and confused.

Special Assistant Wang replied with a smile, "Chairman, these are the meals that Madam ordered. The Lin Ji you ordered is coming to the company soon. I will go down soon."

"That's fine."

Yanfu Anxin calmed down and lowered his head to look at the person in his arms. When he saw her staring at the oil paper box in Pei Yuan's hand, he stood up and walked forward, took the oil paper box and put it on the coffee table, opened the box and looked inside. Hold out disposable food boxes.

"Mr. Pei, sit down, you're welcome."

"Okay." Pei Yuan sat on the sofa opposite them.

Yan Fu An's eyebrows were soft and he opened the big box. The whole box occupied half of the coffee table.

Opening the food box, Yanfu An saw the roast lamb, "You ordered it from the nearby Zhicheng BBQ restaurant."

Not a question, but a statement.

"Have you eaten there too?" Minghua asked.

Yan Fu'an nodded, "I went there once for a friend's treat. Their roast lamb is really good. But don't eat too much barbecue. Eating too much will not be easy to digest and will easily cause you to get angry."

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