Chang Yuning smiled shyly, "It's good to have a fixed salary. I also manage finances on a daily basis. I have enough money, my salary can support my life, and my house and mortgage are also covered, so there is no need to be too tired. Although I can earn more by helping people manage their finances outside, There are more, but the risks are also greater and the pressure is also doubled; rather than this, it is better to be content."

Minghua understands that this person has a contented character and does not have too many requirements for money; it is enough to live a carefree life.

“Do you know anything about venture capital?”

"I have done it. I also worked as a venture capital investor." The smile in Chang Yuning's eyes became more obvious.

"May I ask, how much did you put in?"

Chang Yuning calculated the investment before and after and reported a rough figure, "About 200 million."

"What about profit?"

“Venture capital investments have long and short-term consequences, and not all of them are profitable. Every investment involves risks.”

Minghua took a serious look at the other person's face and saw that he was a man of wealth, but only partial to wealth; there were quite a few of them, and such people won more than they lost.

"Okay, I won't ask you for details; I will give you 5000 million first. Whether you are a venture capital investor or a stock buyer, it depends on your ability to make losses or profits."

"Too much," Chang Yuning scratched his head, how to use so much money?

"I'll test the waters for you. If you do well, I'll add more funds."

Chang Yuning's heart trembled. Will there be more in the future?

He can't afford such a large investment!
"Why, it can't be done?" Minghua asked after seeing his reaction clearly.

"No, no, ma'am, I can do it! But the funds you gave me are too much, I'm afraid." I feel bad if I lose money.

Minghua said calmly: "I'm here to test the waters for you. Even if you don't get what you want, I won't let you lose money."

"Madam, you are so generous!" Chang Yuning's heart moved. Since the lady said so, he just had to go ahead and do it.

In the past, most of the people who helped people manage their finances were friends and relatives they knew. If they really lost money, they would be afraid that they would feel uncomfortable. When investing, they were extremely careful, and most of the time they would invest when they were sure of a sure win.

As a result, we will have to tie our hands and feet.

Fortunately, the profit from each investment is very objective; he has continued to do this, and now he also helps others invest and earns some commissions.

After Chang Yuning made the arrangements, Minghua looked at Wang Xin and said, "Miss Wang, are you good at law, are you better than any other position in the Yan Group?"

"Serving in the legal department is not an important position." Wang Xin said matter-of-factly.

"In that case, then you can come to me from now on. Assistant Wang can bring you to me. I think it belongs to you, the newcomer. From now on, you will be responsible for my legal affairs, are you willing?"

Wang Xin nodded solemnly, "Thank you, madam, for your appreciation."

"That's it. If I have nothing to do on weekdays, you can work at the Yanshi Group. You will still get your salary, and I will also give you a salary here, so it will be regarded as your part-time job."

Wang Xin: Is this such a good thing?
Assistant Wang was envious. He didn't even have double salary.

However, thinking about the huge dividends every year, the imbalance in my mind suddenly disappeared.

"Are you willing?" Seeing her dull expression, Minghua asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I'm so willing." Wang Xin nodded repeatedly. She turned around and carefully reviewed the legal regulations she learned in school, making sure to satisfy her wife.

Being able to work next to the wife of the chairman of the group is equivalent to working for a big boss.Minghua nodded, "Okay, your salary will be [-] yuan a month in the future, and the same will be true for Mr. Chang. Of course, if Mr. Chang can earn a certain interest rate from his profits, there will be bonuses and even dividends. What is the interest rate?" I’ll give you two percent of it.”

"Ma'am!" Chang Yuning gave a thumbs up with a happy face.

He works hard, his wife contributes the capital, and he gets a 5000% dividend on the money he makes; if he earns 1000 million from 20 million, he can get [-].

Emma, ​​we can do the deal.

The lady took the risk, and he also got a share of the profit.

Both of them got the wife's promise, Xu Lin was very happy, the wife was so generous.

Minghua turned her gaze to Xu Lin's face, "Mr. Xu, you are a computer talent. If you are willing to work with me, you will be treated the same as them. If I have nothing to do on weekdays, you can continue to work at Yanshi Group. I If something happens here, I will assign the task to you. Your monthly salary is one hundred thousand, I hope you can handle the task I give you."

"Of course I am willing, thank you madam for your appreciation."

Minghua nodded with satisfaction, "In that case, Miss Wang and Mr. Chang will go back first, and later I will ask Assistant Wang to transfer the money into Mr. Chang's account; you can start managing your finances today."

"Okay, ma'am, take your leave."

Wang Xin and Chang Yuning politely resigned.

After Wang Teshu took the two of them out, he pushed Minghua's WeChat message to them, "You will add Madam's WeChat account later. If anything happens, Madam will tell you in WeChat."

"Understood. Thank you Special Assistant Wang for giving us this opportunity. Thank you very much. Whenever you have time, let's have a meal together and I'll treat you." Chang Yuning beamed and smiled from ear to ear.

"You're welcome. You can stay with Madam because of your strength. If something goes wrong later and you fail to keep up with Madam's requirements, you will still be fired by Madam."

Wang Xin knew what was good and what was wrong. It was precisely because they were the people brought to Madam by Special Assistant Wang that Madam kept them so easily. That was out of trust in Special Assistant Wang, and they were the beneficiaries of this trust. Three.

"Anyway, thank you Special Assistant Wang. If you have time, please tell us that we can have a meal together. We don't know Madam very well, but we still hope to get to know her better so as not to offend Madam in the future."

Wang Xin said this, and Assistant Wang followed suit.

Watching the two of them enter the elevator, Assistant Wang's lips curled up slightly; they were able to walk in front of his wife because they had stayed in the Yan Group for two years and did their jobs properly.Second, they were quite good themselves, and when the wife needed someone, he just took advantage of the situation.

In any case, he was happy to give them a hand and they appreciated it.

If he helps someone and they don't appreciate it, he will not help that person next time.

People who are ungrateful are not worth helping.

in the lounge.

Minghua reported Xu Zhen's identity information, "Now focus on this girl, only on this girl, do you understand?"

"Understood, I will keep an eye on her all the time." He said he would keep an eye on her all the time. After Xu Lin went down, he immediately called a group of brothers and asked them to keep an eye on Xu Zhen.

As for Xu Zhen, what should she do if she gets into trouble?
That's not something he should worry about. The lady only asked him to keep an eye on her and report at any time, but didn't let him help.

After Xu Lin left, Minghua picked up her phone and saw two added messages on WeChat. She added a note and was about to put it down when Xu Lin also added WeChat.

After the three people were added, Minghua didn't care about anything else. She went back to the office and acted coquettishly in Fu An's arms.

Yanfu An happily hugged his wife, talking to her while reading documents.

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