After lunch, they moved on to their next destination; by the time they had played all the way, it was already evening when they reached the foot of the Great Wall.

It would be inappropriate to go up any further.

They found a hotel to stay, got up at five o'clock the next day, had breakfast, and climbed the Great Wall together as a family of three.

Yanqing was very excited when he set foot on the Great Wall for the first time; he dragged his parents and ran. There were not many people on the Great Wall in the morning, so Yanqing cheered and ran wildly.

The only three or two people there kept looking back and smiling in unison.

Children's happiness is always so pure.

He ran a long way until there was no one left and then he slowed down.

Yan Fu'an and Minghua were okay, but Yan Qing was out of breath. People who haven't done any difficult exercise for a long time lacked physical strength.

"You must be tired." Minghua reached towards the backpack behind Yan Fu An.

Yanfu An consciously took off his backpack, unzipped it and took out two thermos cups, one for Yanqing alone and one for Minghua; as for himself, he drank with Minghua.

Yanqing took a sip of hot water to quell his thirst, and drank two more sips before stopping.

Yanfu'an and Minghua drank the water interactively, and put the thermos cups back into their backpacks. Yanfu'an took out a box of pastries and gave it to her like magic, "Uncle Chen prepared this."

"Uncle Chen is so careful. How many things have you prepared?" Minghua became curious and wondered how many things were in the backpack.

Yan Fuan opened his backpack and showed it to her.

At a glance, Minghua only saw some things on the surface, such as the thermos cups on the left and right sides, and the two boxes of strawberries on the top layer. The strawberries were washed, put into disposable plates and sealed with plastic wrap. .

There was something underneath that she couldn't see.

"Eat while walking." Pulling on his backpack, Yan Fu'an stood up and continued walking forward while holding her hand.

As for Yanqing, Fu An didn't care about it at all.

Seeing this, Yanqing's eyes flashed brightly, and she ran to the other side of Minghua and stretched out her hand, "Mom, I'll hold the pastry box for you, you can eat."

Yan Fu'an paused and continued to move forward; he reached out and grabbed the box from Minghua's hand, not giving his son a chance to behave.

Yanqing said helplessly: "Mom, dad is so childish, he always gets angry with me; alas, that's my dad."

"Knowing that I am your old father, you still fight against me all day long. Mom, you are such a good boy."

"Thank you dad for the compliment." Yanqing was not ashamed but proud, with a smile on her fair face, "As your good eldest son, these are what I should do; after all, you can always be with your mother, But I spend very little time with my mother. I have no choice but to work harder, otherwise, I'm afraid my mother will forget me."

As he spoke, he didn't forget to look up at Minghua, his eyes showing grievance and a bit of cunning.

Minghua can understand it, and so can Yan Fu'an; this makes Yan Fu An's teeth itch, and he just wants to pick him up and beat him up. He is as smart as a briquette, but he is quite fair.

"Huahua, Miaomiao is becoming more and more ill-intentioned as he gets older. You can't believe that he deliberately insinuates me."

"Well, you solve the problem between you and your son, I won't ask~"

Suddenly, the father and son lost the desire to quarrel.

Yanqing: Mom won’t help him, and she won’t help dad, so let’s each rely on our abilities.

Yan Fu An: My son is a debt collector, so we should prepare him for his studies.This battle between father and son ended with Minghua not helping anyone and just asking questions. After a whole day, they walked down the Great Wall. Minghua’s legs were a little sore, and Yanqing’s condition was even worse. His legs were as soft as noodles. His father Walk on your back.

The bag on Yan Fu An's back was hung around his neck.

Minghua was very satisfied with the scene in front of her, and the quarrel was inevitable due to the deep love between father and son.

Banquet Fu An: Anyone who cares about debt collectors will take it.

Yanqing's face was full of enjoyment, and she felt it was worth it no matter how tired she was; if her father fought with him, he would have to take the initiative to carry him on his back.

"Mom, can you and dad continue to play with me next time?"

"Okay, baby, your parents will come back and play with you the next time you get your results in the college entrance exam. Next time we won't go to the Great Wall, but will visit our Siheyuan in Sijiu City. The courtyards that we enter one after another have a long history. It just so happens that my mother wants to buy a courtyard house. Recently, I have asked people to find some related resources. When the baby gets results, I will accompany her to see it, okay?"

Yanqing looked satisfied and nodded in agreement.

"I listen to my mother. Is our family living in a courtyard house?"

"Yes, we also live in a courtyard house. The courtyard house has a long history and has been developed for thousands of years. It has a strong historical atmosphere. Mom likes it very much."

Yanqing remembered that her mother liked courtyard houses. "When I grow up, I will also buy a courtyard house for my mother. She can live wherever she wants. When the time comes, I will give one to my grandparents and many to my mother."

"Mom's good baby, then mom will be waiting for you." Minghua put his hands on his son's back, leaned up and kissed his little face, which made Yanqing blush, both excited and shy.

His mother rarely kisses him because she doesn't spend much time with him. Every time her mother gets close to him, he can be happy for a long time.

"I will work hard." Yanqing clenched her fists and solemnly promised.

Walking to the parking lot, Yan Fu'an put Yan Qing into the car and let Minghua get in. He stuffed his backpack into the back seat and put it with his son. Finally, he opened the driver's door and sat in.

Minghua pulled up her seat belt and turned to look at her son, who was enjoying herself. Her eyes were filled with tenderness unconsciously.

Yanfu Anke was not in such a good mood, and felt like he was being manipulated by his son. He had a sullen face while driving, and waited until Yanqing got so excited and fell asleep in the back seat that he spoke.

"Huahua, all your attention is on your son." His tone was rather sad, but you couldn't tell from his calm face.

Minghua chuckled, "That's our son. He's so good and sensible. It's really not easy to get along with him. Since you want to come back to get along with your son, you have to get along well with him. You and your son fight every day. I didn't care."

Yan Fu An became even more resentful, "Are you trying to make terms with me for your son?"

She doesn't care about the fight between their father and son, and he can't always be jealous that his wife treats his son well.

"It's understandable. Our son is really well-behaved. There's no need to make him feel that you don't want to see him."

"That's because he always wants to steal you from me."

Minghua spread her hands helplessly, "What can we do? We have two men in our family."

"He doesn't count." He can only be considered a boy.

Minghua wanted to say, you also know that he is not a man? !Then you are still blocking him everywhere.

She felt reassured by Yan Fu'an, who was very measured when it came to his son. It seemed that his son had taken advantage every time, but in fact it was Yan Fu'an who deliberately let him off the hook and gave him repeated victories. The process was full of twists and turns. Yes, the result gave him the courage and confidence to continue fighting next time.

Dear friends, I updated a chapter yesterday because I didn’t have enough manuscripts. I went to my uncle’s house to help with the funeral these days, so I didn’t have enough manuscripts. I rushed back after the ghost removal today and spent the night coding to update.

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