"They will come back when they can."

Yu Youyi still didn't look smiling and just nodded lightly, "I hope An An is not worried about us being bored at home and having no one to accompany us; he also dragged Huahua out to live with him. He is really a sweet and obedient son. "

Big laugh.

"Young people, didn't we also want to live by ourselves when we were young?" Yan Fanghong comforted her in turn.

Yu Youyi turned her head and looked at him deeply, "You're right, I think we can do it too; why not send Yanqing to find them, and let's go live in the countryside for a while and let Yanqing develop a relationship with them."

Yan Fanghong: Are you sure it's not to cause trouble for your son?
Yu Youyi nodded fiercely, thinking that this was a good idea, and went home.

Yan Fanghong looked at her back, his eyes twitching unconsciously, and his whole body felt bad. Having been a couple for decades, he knew very well what Yu Youyi would do next.

When I walked into the house, I heard Yu Youyi calling Uncle Chen.

"Uncle Chen, my husband and I plan to go out and live for a while. We don't need to tell Huahua and An An that we are there. When Qingqing is out of school, you will personally pick her up and take An An and the others to their place."

Uncle Chen was stunned, "Madam, you..."

"Don't say anything, don't ask anything; remember what I told you, just send it to An'an." Yu Youyi took two steps and then stopped, as if he just remembered what he had ordered. "Let a chef pack up and come with us, and two servants. That's it. Please make arrangements, Uncle Chen."

"Okay, ma'am, you and sir."

Uncle Chen said nothing. Yu Youyi had already walked some distance away and didn't care what Uncle Chen would say next.

Uncle Chen could only look sideways at Yan Fanghong and wait for his instructions.

"Sir, are you and your wife going on a trip?"

"No, you follow An An and the others to take care of Qing Qing, and take the cook and servants with you. When you go to An An's place, you don't need to say anything. Just say that it was my wife who said that we will go out to live for a while and let An An take care of it." Qingqing." Yan Fanghong had no intention of explaining the cause of the matter.

Everything was caused by Yan Fu'an, who was too unscrupulous and did whatever he wanted. Yu Youyi didn't like his son anymore, so naturally he thought of ways to torment him.

However, Yanqing is the person he has the least dealing with, so it would be perfect to arrange for Yanqing to go there; let Yanqing cultivate a relationship with his mother, and at the same time create trouble for his son.

Full marks for strategy.

After the banquet passed, Yan Fuan definitely did not have a good life.

Yan Fanghong had to lament that it was not unreasonable for his son to have a high IQ, so he just followed his mother.

"Okay, I understand. Sir, you and your wife are eating and sleeping outside. If you have anything to do, call me directly. I will arrange for someone to come over here. Also, I will take care of the young master's side. No. Let the young master bully the young master."

Yan Fanghong waved his hand and left directly.

It is not certain who bullies whom.

Yan Qing and Yan Fu An, father and son, each have their own agenda and their own sense of propriety.

Yu Youyi packed up two large bags of clothes and took them with her jewelry, makeup and skin care products.

Yan Fanghong looked at it for a while, "You don't need to bring the clothes, right? Let's buy them when we go there; besides, we stayed there for a while last time and we already had clothes."

"Those clothes are old and can no longer be worn. These are newly bought and are just perfect for wearing. We are celebrating the Chinese New Year there. We haven't been there for several years. Let's go and have fun this time."

Yu Youyi said this, and Yan Fanghong just listened.


"Come pick up your luggage and leave quickly." Yu Youyi acted vigorously and urged Fang Hong to start moving.

Yan Fanghong had no choice but to carry two large bags of clothes when he went out, and he could only carry them because he had not given up on exercising in recent years; other elderly people in their fifties would have to drag the bags with them.

The luggage was placed under the eaves of the front yard, and Uncle Chen arranged for a vehicle to arrive with a driver ready.

After putting the luggage into the trunk, Yanfanghong sent Yu Youyi to the car first, and then he got into the car after him.The car drove away, and Uncle Chen stood there and watched helplessly, without even saying a word.

If his master didn't tell him anything else, he would do what he had ordered before; after lunch, he would drive to Yanqing School and wait at the gate.

Yanqing attended an aristocratic primary school, where most of the students were either rich or noble; as long as he made a few friends, it would be a hugely profitable network.

Uncle Chen waited until 05:30 in the afternoon when Yanqing appeared at the school gate carrying a schoolbag.

Uncle Chen opened the car door and walked out.

Yanqing saw him at a glance, smiled and said something to the friend next to him, and walked forward.

"Grandpa Chen, why are you here? Where is the uncle driver who picked me up before?"

"He went to see your grandparents off, and he probably won't be back for a while. I'll pick up the young master later. Young master, please get in the car." Uncle Chen opened the back seat door and invited him.

Yanqing nodded and threw the study in first, and then he also got in.

"Bang~" the car door closed with a sound, Uncle Chen got into the driver's seat and drove away.

The car drove for about ten minutes, Yanqing looked at the scenery outside the window that was different from the route home, and asked.

"Grandpa Chen, this is not the way home."

"It's the way home. Today we go to where your young master and young lady live. You will live there for a while."

Yanqing asked in confusion: "Why? Where are my grandparents?"

"The husband and wife went out to play. I don't know where they went."


Yanqing nodded and began to look forward to living with his parents.

The vehicle was parked in Linhuang Community. Uncle Chen did not have a pass and could not enter the community. He could only call Yan Fu'an and Minghua, but he did not choose to call Yan Fu'an but Minghua.

Phone calls.

Minghua was having fun with her cell phone. As soon as the call came in, her fingers were operating Daji's second person. She didn't expect to pick it up by such a coincidence.

"Hello, madam, I am Chen Fu."

"It's Uncle Chen! Is something wrong?"

"Young madam, the husband and wife went out to play. Before leaving, let me bring the young master here. We have already arrived outside your community. Do you think you are at home? If you are at home, please come out and pick up the young master."

The game is off.

Ming Hua opened the game interface, clicked on the call interface, and stared at the familiar name on it for a moment.

Uncle Chen did not wait for a reply and repeated: "Young madam, sir and madam, please let me live with you and my young master for a while."

"Okay, I understand. You guys wait outside the gate. I'll be right back." After waking up, Minghua hurriedly spoke, but she couldn't let her son mislead her into not welcoming him.

"Okay, young lady."

After hanging up the phone, Uncle Chen turned sideways from the driver's seat and looked at the child behind him who was shaking his legs out of boredom.

"Young Master, the Young Madam is not at home. Come back immediately. We have to wait for a while."

Yanqing nodded seriously, "Okay, I'll wait for mom."

"Young Master is so sensible." Uncle Chen praised with a smile, and then asked, "Young Master, do you want to play with your mobile phone? Do you want to watch videos?"

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