Minghua smiled helplessly, rubbed her son's little head, and then touched the big clinging spirit's head.

"It's okay, I can eat this time; okay, mom is going to watch TV, you go and make love with your dad." He handed over his son to Yan Fu'an.

Yanfu An responded with a smile, "Huahua, I will communicate well with my dear brother; you can slowly watch TV, put the fruit on the coffee table, and call us if you need anything. I will take Qingqing back to the room to communicate."

"Okay." Minghua waved her hand and leaned over to pick up the fruit plate.

Yan Fu'an lowered his head and looked at his dear son, "My dear son, let's communicate in the room."

"That's not necessary, right? I want to follow mom." Yanqing looked at Minghua eagerly.

Minghua coughed lightly, pretending not to hear or see; she ate the fruit and stared at the TV without moving.

It’s time to understand such an obvious attitude, right?

Fu An smiled proudly at the banquet.

Yanqing followed her good father to the room in frustration. After walking through the corridor, Yanqing saw two guest rooms and her eyes flashed.

Yan Fu'an took him into the study, closed the door and locked it; he walked straight to the desk and sat down, and then signaled Yan Qing to do as he pleased.

Yan Qing sat opposite him, and the expression on his face was not the same as the depression in front of Minghua; now he was calm and careless when talking to Yan Fu An, but he had something similar to Yan Fu An's. Arrogant temperament.

"Dad, how do you want to communicate with me?"

The banquet was not slow, Fu An said casually with a smile, "Tell me why you promised your grandparents."

"I didn't agree. I only found out after school." He didn't lie.

"Well, in that case, you can choose to go back with Uncle Chen instead of getting close to me and your mother. You are a seven-year-old child, how can you still be so childish. Childish children are not lovable. Your mother also wants to live a leisurely life and has no intention of caring about you."

Yan Qing's eyes showed disappointment, but a loser does not lose the battle; he must have the necessary momentum, "It doesn't matter what you say, I only listen to my mother; my mother is very good to me and is willing to love her only good son. , don’t even think about sowing discord.”

Yan Fu'an chuckled, knowing a little more about his son; he lacked love and maternal love, and he cared about his mother very much.

Speaking of which, he was also responsible for this, but he had no regrets.

Life comes from selfishness, there are always things you want, and there are always people and things you want to monopolize; Minghua is the person he wants to monopolize, ever since he was a child.

Their son is the fruit of their love, but this fruit cannot compete with him for favor.

"You are an older child, it's time to be sensible. Don't bother me and you, mother, from now on. It's okay to come and play occasionally, but you can't compete with me for your mother's heart." After Yanfu'an finished speaking, he paused and then asked: "If you can do it, you are welcome to be our guest; if you can't do it, then you can come less often in the future."

Yan Qing pursed her lips. After all, she was not as good as Yan Fu An, a sinister father; she could only hold on to prevent herself from falling behind.

"What you said doesn't count."

"You have to think about it carefully. My wife cares about me more."

"What mom cares about is me. It's just that I was born after you. You just took advantage of the elders. When I grow up, you are already old. If I want to take mom out to live with me, you can also care about it. Not."

Who allowed him to be born later?

It is normal for the mother to care more about the father. He is a son, so he cannot be unfilial to his father; seniority is inherently unfair, and he is at a disadvantage when it comes to competing for his mother's favor.

But so what.

He wanted the latecomer to catch up and beat his father to death on the beach.

Yanqing, who has regained his strength, seems to be stronger psychologically.

Yan Fu'an regrets that he can't use the fact that his wife cares more about him to hit his son in the future; because it can't be hit.On the other hand, Yanqing is indeed his good eldest son; he has good psychological quality, is unyielding in the face of setbacks, and has the courage to face difficulties.

"Then try to see if you can catch up to the latecomers." He was full of confidence. "You were so cute when you were a child, but you couldn't compete with me. When you grow up, you are no longer cute, and you can't compete with me."

An exchange between father and son ended in failure.

When they walked out of the study, the two of them ignored each other. Minghua only watched TV and seemed not to see the competition between their father and son.

All three members of the family knew it.

Minghua was pretending to be confused.

Yan Fu'an is constantly looking for ways to strip away his son's favor, and must direct all his wife's attention to him.

Yanqing is constantly looking for ways to solve the problem. No matter what the good father's tricks are, he has to find them.

As night fell, Lin Kee's dinner was delivered.

A table full of delicious food whetted Yan Qing's appetite, especially when he opened one of the Gu's with the Buddha Jumping Over the Wall; the fragrance spread quickly, and soon the whole living room was filled with fragrance.

Don't look down on young people when it comes to banquets. With quick hands and feet, you should first serve a bowl to your mother; out of filial piety, you should also serve a bowl to your father; and lastly, he should serve himself.

"Mom, dad, drink the soup; it smells so good! What my grandparents said is true. The Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is so delicious that it makes people remember it endlessly. It is a rare delicacy in the world. People who can study this dish must have an excellent knowledge of food. understand."

He drank the soup while talking, but he stopped talking after the soup was in his mouth.

As the saying goes, eat without talking and sleep without talking.

He cannot be underestimated by his father, and he will definitely abide by what is required.

The dinner was spent in a competition between father and son, and Minghua was satisfied with the meal; Fu Anzhi was satisfied with the feast, and the feast was clear and satisfying.

"I'm so full." Minghua touched her slightly bulging belly and felt full.

Yanqing put down his chopsticks and assumed the same posture as Minghua, holding his belly with satisfaction, "Mom, can you eat Buddha Jumping Over the Wall tomorrow? I still want to eat it, it's so delicious."

"You have to ask your dad. Lin Ji's food is ordered by your dad." She didn't want to get involved in the big clingy guy and the little clingy guy.

Yanqing was not discouraged and kept up her efforts, "Tomorrow, daddy will make a reservation for Lin Ji. Can mommy call me to eat? Mommy, I have never eaten such delicious food."

Minghua looked at Yan Fu'an.

Yan Fu'an raised his eyebrows, dismissing his son's policy of mourning soldiers, "I have something to do tomorrow, so I will take your mother out for dinner."

Yanqing snorted silently.

"Uncle Chen should be able to accommodate you tomorrow, and the chef and servants will be able to come over. You won't be short of food."

"Dad, I am your son. Take me with you tomorrow; as long as you take me, I will not complain to my grandparents." Mom does not favor any of them, which is fair.

But his grandparents will definitely help him.

He didn't believe that his father could ignore his grandparents.

Yanfu An laughed angrily, "You can go complain and see if your grandparents can control you and me. If you can't control me, go home. If you can, you can eat whatever you want from now on." , there is absolutely nothing wrong with you or me."

"Okay, you father and son have the same bad temper. What are you arguing about? I'll call my parents personally later." If they continue to argue like this, it will be difficult for their parents.

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