Cheng Mingyue was speechless. She just couldn't stand Cheng Mingyi. Whenever she saw Cheng Mingyi happy, she wanted to stab her a few times to make her unhappy.

Li Lianhua also couldn't understand how the two sisters, who had a good relationship before they were five years old, developed to where they are today; Cheng Mingyi was filial, sensible, well-behaved and intelligent; Cheng Mingyue was dull and arrogant, always doing inappropriate things.

Gradually, everyone's original love and affection for Cheng Mingyue also decreased a lot.

If she continues to do this, how much affection will her family have for her when she gets married?

"You, you, can you save us some trouble?" He poked Cheng Mingyue's forehead, "You envy Yiyi and always be praised and liked by everyone, then you should be yourself; don't always look for reasons in others, only Only by being yourself can you be praised and recognized."

Cheng Mingyue was confused in her mind and frowned.

Seeing this, Li Lianhua stopped talking; she just hoped that her daughter would figure it out soon and not get into trouble.

"Okay, go back and think about it slowly; mother and father will never harm you. You should be obedient and watch more and talk less. If you don't know how to be yourself now, then look at your cousin more. Follow your cousin and you will always find your own direction."

"You two are the only sisters in the family. You have everything in Yiyi. We have never lacked anything from you. All those partialities, prejudices, and unfavorable thoughts in your mind have been put away by me. Good morning, let me hear them. Once, my mother will whip you with a stick."

"Also, spend less time with the seventh uncle's children and play more with your cousin; your father often says that those who are close to red will be red and those who are close to ink will be black. You will learn from whomever you follow."

If you are not smart, just follow others.

On the one hand, I know that I am not smart enough and lovable enough; on the other hand, I hate pleasing smart people. In the end, I get nothing, and my life becomes more and more tiring.

I don’t know if Cheng Mingyue listened, but she has become much more at ease; the elders no longer jump out and make conspicuous bags when talking, and follow her brothers and sisters from time to time, and she seems to be much more well-behaved.

After the cassava was divided, each family of the Cheng family happily packed up and continued on their way; people from the two villages before and after saw it and could only envy them. There were more than 30 men in the more than 200 households of the Cheng family, with adult men There are even eighty or ninety.

They are strong and have a lot of labor, and they have always been dedicated to protecting the old, weak, women and children in the clan, and outsiders can't get in even if they want to.

However, the Chen family, who were two villages behind them, had heard that the Cheng family had received so much food. Looking at the Chen family, every household had almost reached the bottom of their food supply, but they could not find enough food. Next, The journey is not easy.

After three days of stop and go, Cheng was fine, but people in other villages obviously became very anxious.

When people are anxious, their tempers will rise, which leads to a lot of fights; there are fights within the family, and there are also fights with others. In short, there is no time for peace.

At night, Chen, who was two villages behind, started making trouble again.

In the middle of the night, everything is silent, and the slightest noise can be heard far away.

Cheng Yuanxi held his wife and daughter in his arms. Worry arose in his heart, and he did not forget to comfort his wife and daughter, "Sleep peacefully, everything will be fine."

As for the son, he is a man and does not need to be comforted.

"Dad, why don't we break away from this section and walk forward; people of one clan are not afraid of others when they are together. The team joins the team in front." In this way, to a large extent, the recent villages have been prevented from learning about their clan. The impetuous mind that arises from getting some food.

No matter how chaotic they are, they have nothing to do with the Cheng family.

The task given by Tiandao was too arduous. She was a helpless woman with no money and no power. For the current plan, she could only save her family first and then talk about other things.

The seven-year-old girl suddenly said these words. Cheng Yuanxi was alert and stared at his daughter deeply in the middle of the night.Under the dim moonlight, I could barely see her daughter's frown and worry on her face.

Cheng Yuanxi knew that her daughter had been smart since she was a child, but it seemed that she would be even smarter if she took this path, "How could you have such thoughts?"

"Dad, we have food, but people in other villages don't. You have taught me that when there is a shortage, there is no need for equality. When they are so hungry that they cannot bear it, several other villages will unite. No matter how many people we have, they can't stop us." Live. Besides, if you only commit a thief for a thousand days, how can you prevent a thief the day before?"

Cheng Yuanxi nodded and carefully considered his daughter's suggestion.

He raised his hand and touched the top of his daughter's head. Seeing that she was nestling in his wife's arms again, he couldn't sleep anymore. He sat up and looked at the villages in the distance. Most of the people in those villages were too hungry to sleep. Then he looked at Mrs. Chen. , and people from other villages.

It's noisy every day, the Cheng family is really not suitable for this position anymore.

After figuring it out, Cheng Yuanxi ran to find Cheng Dazhu.

Cheng Dazhu asked strangely: "Why are you here in the middle of the night?"

"Dad, come and talk to you."

Cheng Dazhu: What can you say if you don’t sleep?Free!
Cheng Yuanxi's next words made Cheng Dazhu pay attention.

"Dad, do you feel that the current situation is not quite right?"


"There are too many noises and people are anxious. This is not a good phenomenon. There are many strong men in our tribe, but there are also many strong men in other villages. If we really unite, we may not be able to protect our family's food, women and children." Cheng Yuanxi He spoke in a deep voice.

Cheng Dazhu understood, and could not help but frown, lowering his eyebrows in thought; he followed what Cheng Yuanxi said and looked at the locations of other villages. Basically, there were people arguing in each of the four or five nearby villages, some loudly and some as quietly as possible. , but he could still hear some small sounds.

Even if you can't hear everything clearly, you still know that this kind of dispute is definitely not a good thing.

"What do you think?" Cheng Dazhu raised his eyes and asked.

Cheng Yuanxi lowered his voice even more deliberately, "Go forward and leave this section."

"It's so easy to stay away from anywhere. Once we leave, they will definitely notice it; besides, it's not certain whether we can get into the queue if we get to the front."

"Let's leave now while it's dark; when we get to the front, we can naturally get in. The team is not fixed. As long as we get up early enough and leave earlier than other teams, we can naturally do it."

Cheng Dazhu nodded helplessly, but did not respond, "You and I will go to the clan leader and village chief to discuss it carefully."

The father and son went to the place where the clan leader's house was and called the clan leader to come out. They also called the village chief to come out. They avoided the crowd and went to the nearby forest to discuss.

"Dazhu, why are you calling us here in the middle of the night?" The village chief looked sleepy, obviously not sleeping well.

The patriarch was not much better, he was woken up just as he fell asleep.

Cheng Yuanxi took the initiative to speak, "Clan chief, village chief, we are worried about this matter. People in several villages have become a lot more anxious around these days. It is not safe for us to walk around them. We can always hear them when we sleep at night." The noise.”

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