Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 113 Seeing that Yu's soft scalp is numb

Chapter 113 Seeing that Yu's soft scalp is numb (seventh more)

Chapter 113 Seeing that Yu's soft scalp is numb (seventh more)
The Yu family is in trouble again!

"Boss, why did you hit me?" Aunt Yu fell to the ground, clutching her kicked stomach and choking, feeling extremely wronged.

Uncle Yu's hands were still not healed, so he kicked Aunt Yu to the ground, and then kept kicking.

"Ah, master, it hurts so much, don't hit me...it hurts," Aunt Yu begged.

Aunt Yu didn't even understand, she was talking about waiting, why did she hit her?

"Father, stop beating, stop beating mother, mother will not be able to take it anymore, mother is still injured, it was you who beat her five days ago," Yu Datangmei begged from a distance, not daring to approach.

Uncle Yu turned his head and glanced at him coldly, and sister Yu was so frightened that she silenced, facing her aunt's pleading gaze, she struggled to turn her face away.

"The head of the house, the head of the house..." Aunt Yu's begging was useless, and Uncle Yu beat him harder. There seemed to be a cloud of anger in Uncle Yu's heart, and no matter how much he vented, he couldn't get rid of it.


Aunt Yu screamed in pain and rolled on the ground, but she still couldn't escape Uncle Yu's kick.

None of the two sons and one daughter of the Yu family wanted to stand up and really help Aunt Yu, so what's the point of yelling at the sisters in the lobby?

Li Zheng was still sad and worried about the disappearance of Mrs. Yan, but he was disturbed by the affairs of Aunt Yu's house and had to go to Yu's house to solve the matter first.

The Yan family——

Yu Jiaoruan threw the cloth and the whole set of needlework in front of the big man and spread her hands.

The big man looked at the fabric and was silent for a while: "You do it."

"I don't know, I haven't learned it before," Yu Jiaoruan shook her head, and then added temporarily: "I don't plan to learn it either."

The big man didn't understand why Yu Jiaoruan refused in such a hurry, he picked up the black fabric and began to cut it. He wanted to cut out clothes, but in the end he cut a piece of cloth and turned it into scraps.

Then the big man started to sew with a needle and thread, looking up at Yu Jiaoruan from time to time.

Yu Jiaoruan saw the big man directly stabbing his own flesh with a needle, the needle tip completely disappeared, and felt pain when looking at it.

"You did it on purpose again," Yu Jiaoruan rolled her eyes.

She didn't believe that the big guy didn't even have basic common sense.

The big man stopped talking, and the dull head continued to cut, and continued to sew when the cut was broken, put the two pieces of cloth together, continued to cut, and unknowingly, a complete piece of cloth was sewn into a spliced ​​piece of cloth, which was far more than Therefore, the hot needles and threads are so sewed that they can't be seen!

What is even more unbelievable is that...

The big guy actually sewed his own fingers to the cloth!

How painful it is for the needle to go through the flesh!Can't he feel it? ? !

How on earth is it possible to string finger meat and cloth together!

In the end, the end of the thread was cut off, and the thread was pulled out from the flesh, and the work was done.

Yu's delicate scalp was numb.

Yu Jiaoruan raised her hand: "I'm convinced, I'm really convinced, put it down, let me do it."

She surrendered, and she was really scared.

It's a good thing it's black cloth, otherwise with his appearance, it would probably have become a cloth with plum blossoms!
When the big man heard this, he decisively put down the cloth, scissors, needle and thread in his hand, and stared at Yu Jiaoruan.

"I don't know how to cut cloth, you have to cooperate with me, is it possible?" Yu Jiaoruan asked.

The big guy nodded.

"Then don't move around, if you want to move around, I'm not responsible for the scissors hurting you," Yu Jiaoruan reminded.

The big guy nodded.

Yu Jiaoruan directly covered the big man with the cloth.

She doesn't know how to tailor clothes, but she knows where the splicing points of the clothes are. After all, she wears clothes on weekdays, so when she cuts, she also cuts them according to the splicing points. In this way, you can see which two pieces are the sleeves and which ones are the front.

(End of this chapter)

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