Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 188 It's Another Master and Apprentice

Chapter 188 Another Apprenticeship (Second Update)
Chapter 188 Another Apprenticeship (Second Update)

"Sir, why don't you like her paintings?" Dean Luo still wanted to ask, and once again showed Yu's soft and unframed paintings to Mr. Jiang's bedside.

Mr. Jiang's eyes lit up, he was skinny, and with sunken eye sockets, he sat up with his hands struggling to prop up his body, and said: "This painting is already a master, but it is not well-known, so it has not become a master. This painting can already be compared with My level is the same, so what qualifications do I have to accept her as an apprentice?"

The large group of people blocking the door, as well as the people in the room, were all breathless, and their eyes widened in shock.

"If you don't dislike it, my friend," Old Mr. Jiang went down to the ground and signaled the servants beside him to move the long case.

Dean Luo immediately put Yu Jiaoruan's paintings on the long table, pointed to one of them and asked, "Why are you using such a painting method?"

"I remember reading a book, "The Second Ancestor's Mind-Tuning Picture" by Shi Ke of the Five Dynasties, which is a work of school-age Zen with wild cursive brushwork. I use his here..."

Yu Jiaoruan explained seriously.

Mr. Jiang's eyes lit up, and he signaled his servants to prepare pens and ink for him, he wants to paint!
And this one is Mr. Jiang's last painting, its preciousness can be imagined.

It stands to reason that Mr. Jiang's weak and sick body could not last, but miraculously, he lasted for two hours, and he also drew a breakthrough work that he was satisfied with.

"This painting, I give it to my little friend." Old Mr. Jiang pressed his private seal on the painting, his cloudy eyes were full of gratitude, he held the painting with both hands, and said: "Please accept it, little friend."

Yu Jiaoruan was at a loss, if this happened, no one present would have thought of it, right?

"Take it," Old Dean Luo looked at the painting, also fascinated, but their hearts were there, even though they were eager for the painting like a hungry traveler, they suppressed it.

Yu Jiaoruan felt the emotions carried in the harvested work essence, and only hesitated for a moment, then gently and carefully took the painting with both hands.

"One more thing, I wonder if my little friend can become a teacher?"

When Mr. Jiang asked this question, everyone present felt that Mr. Jiang was going to accept Yu Jiaoruan as his apprentice!
Even the middle-aged man who is jealous of Yu Jiaoruan's talent and wants to let Yu Jiaoruan die has no objection to this point, and even takes it for granted.

The old doctor stroked his beard and shook his head thoughtfully, with interest in his eyes.

"No," Yu Jiaoruan shook her head, embarrassedly said: "That painting that you think has become a master...I imitated it without authorization after seeing your painting. To put it bluntly, I just picked up your painting. Teeth."

"Hahaha," Mr. Jiang laughed.

At this time, Mr. Jiang would have thought he was a normal and healthy old man if he didn't have that thin body and pale and bluish complexion.

But all the people present were silent when they saw Mr. Jiang like this, and their emotions surged.

One word came to their mind: —Brightness!
"Who here hasn't imitated it? It's just that you have your own style in the imitation, which is even better." Mr. Jiang waved his hand, and then took out a treasured jade token, and said, "Would you like to worship my master as your teacher?" ?”


Everyone present was shocked!The eyeballs almost popped out of the eyes.

This is the inheritance token of this school of painting skills!That is to say, from now on, no matter who learns the inherited painting skills of Mr. Jiang's school, they must respect Yu Jiaoruan as their master!

In this world, [-]% of people who study painting have learned the painting skills of Mr. Jiang's school!

The influence in the painting world is so great...beyond imagination.

"What?" Yu Jiaoruan felt that the atmosphere was not right, she looked around anxiously, and finally her eyes fell on the old doctor, she really didn't know whether she should accept this token.

(End of this chapter)

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