Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 327 The Development of Things

Chapter 327 The Development of Things (Fifth Watch)

Chapter 327

Lu Ya'er didn't know everything, she only knew a general idea, and with the information given by Mrs. Du, she guessed that she wasn't actually the daughter of the Cao family either!

Lu Ya'er thought of Mrs. Cao's strange eyes when she saw her that day!
So she hid outside the capital and waited until Mrs. Cao went to burn incense. She used the killer moves she had learned to tie Mrs. Cao.

Lu Ya'er inquired about the Yin family, and found out that Yin's mother had returned to her old house to recuperate due to her serious illness. The two sons stayed in Shangjing, they were civil servants and military officials respectively, and the eldest son went out to find their sister, and I don't know where she went!
After fifteen years of searching, the Yin family has never given up on finding their stolen daughter.

Lu Ya'er suddenly wanted to laugh, and she immediately decided that she was the stolen child of the Yin family!
Lu's mother wants to send her own daughter to be the eldest lady of the official family. How can the Cao family be better than the Yin family?

It's just that Mother Lu failed!
So he reached out to Cao's house again, but unexpectedly, Aunt Yue of Cao's family also wanted a son, so she mistakenly took Lu's mother's daughter as her son and went to Cao's house, and she was the daughter of Yin's family!
Lu Ya'er's eyes lit up, although she still had some doubts, but she was sure of it, and she decided to show Mother Lu a good look!

She wants to avenge her sick biological mother!

After she avenges her revenge, she will go to find her biological mother. At that time, Mrs. Yin will be very happy to see her, right?

With this in mind, Lu Ya'er decided to be the first to take action against the daughter of the Lu family in the Cao family!

How could the Cao family be willing to raise someone else's daughter? When they knew that the son under Aunt Yue's name was not a son, but someone else's daughter, the Cao family kicked her out!
At this time, people have disappeared.

Lu Ya'er couldn't directly attack Mother Lu's heart, so she stole two hundred taels of silver from the Cao family, and decided to go back to Shan'ao Village to seek revenge on Mother Lu!

The development of the matter is also a direction that Yu Jiaoruan never expected.

Three months later—

Seeing that the Chinese New Year is almost here,
Yu Jiaoruan and Yan Xiujiu returned to Shan'ao Village, and she was going to spend the New Year with Mrs. Yan.

However, she saw a person who should not have appeared in Shanao Village, and she was very surprised.

She hurriedly looked at Yan Xiujiu, blinking her eyes innocently and smartly, wondering in her heart.

"Shouldn't she be at Cao's house in Shangjing?"

Yu Jiaoruan asked softly.

Yan Xiujiu nodded, and managed to focus his gaze on Lu Ya'er.

Yu Jiaoruan wasted [-] points of essence to activate the reconnaissance ability for [-] minutes to observe Lu Ya'er.

She was sure that Lu Ya'er had seen her too, but pretended she hadn't seen her, that's not Lu Ya'er!

It's okay if you don't observe, but once you observe, you will find the problem!
The Cao family wanted Lu Ya'er to learn how to win a man's heart in a romantic place, and what he taught was indescribable. Maybe Lu Ya'er didn't break the law, but her words and deeds already brought out a sense of love. There seems to be no obsequiousness.

"Ah Jiu, don't you think she's weird?" Yu Jiaoruan tugged at the corner of Yan Xiujiu's clothes, this action was intimate and natural, as if she had done it countless times and was used to it.

Yan Xiu Jiuying glanced at the soft hand that was pulling the corner of his clothes, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and said: "It should be the Cao family who 'trained' her."

As for the training method, Yan Xiujiu knew about it, but he didn't want to say those things to pollute Yu Jiaoruan's thoughts.

But the more Yan Xiujiu didn't talk about it, the more curious Yu Jiaoruan became.

Yu Jiaoruan looked up at Yan Xiujiu with her pretty, cute and bright face, and wanted to explain in more detail.

Yan Xiujiu: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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