Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 34 The meaning of things is very different!

Chapter 34 The meaning of things is very different! (four more)
Chapter 34 The meaning of things is very different!

Yu Jiaoruan took Old Madam Yan by the hand, went to the clinic first, and personally saw the injury on Madam Yan's back. When she saw the deep bruise, she gritted her teeth and remained silent, only hating that she was not cruel enough when she hit Lu Da !

She should break Lu Da's leg or hand!
However, the old doctor said that the internal organs were not injured, and the bones may be a little cracked or something.

"Ruan Ruan, grandma is fine," the old lady Yan coaxed.

"I want the best ointment and medicinal soup," Yu Jiaoruan solemnly said, taking out ten taels of silver and putting it on the counter.

"You have to wait a while," the old doctor glanced at Yinzi, then at Yu Jiaoruan and Mrs. Yan, and went to the backyard.

On the road in front of the clinic, there are quite a few people from Shan'ao Village who came to the county town to go to the market today. They knew about Yu Jiaoruan and Mrs. Yan. They looked into the clinic curiously, and happened to see Yu Jiaoruan The rich and powerful took out the picture of Shiliang saying that he wanted the best ointment.


The three women together stared round their eyes and gasped, unable to believe what they saw.

"This Yu Jiaoruan, why is she so rich?!"

"Could it be Mrs. Yan's money too?"

"How rich is Mrs. Yan's net worth!"

"Hey, Old Madam Yan gave all the money to Yu Jiaoruan for safekeeping, right? I'm not afraid that Yu Jiaoruan will run away with the money!"


Yu Jiaoruan turned her head and looked at the three women from the same village who were parked at the entrance of the clinic, and understood how she got the work essence value that she had just received.

That is at this time——

The old doctor came over with a medicine box, opened it, and there were small jars of ointment inside.

"This is the blood-activating and stasis-removing ointment from the capital city. It is also the most expensive. It costs twenty taels. If you say it's ten taels..." Seeing that Yu Jiaoruan took out another twelve taels, the old doctor stopped talking at that time, in disbelief She looked at Yu Jiaoruan.

The clothes are simple, and I don't see any difference in temperament, but I didn't expect such a big deal, it's really a shame!

"I want the best."

"No," the old lady Yan shook her head, "I'm buried up to my neck in loess, and it's okay to have a little bruise on my back."


Seeing Yu Jiaoruan, the three women who blocked the entrance of the medical hall and watched without leaving took out another ten taels, gasped, and couldn't believe what they saw.

There was another reminder sound in her mind to get the fine value into account.

After she took out the twenty taels, another twenty taels of silver was stuffed into her purse by the magical world, and she wanted to stuff more, as if she wanted to make her more prominent.

Anyway, she can't keep a low profile now, so it's better to be more high-profile, and earn more money, and she wants to use the money to learn to read and write!
Of course, the more essence you have, the better.

"How much is the medicine in this box worth?"

"There are eight kinds of ointments in this box, fifty taels, except for the most expensive twenty taels and this ten taels..."

The old doctor was interrupted by Yu Jiaoruan before he finished speaking.

Yu Jiaoruan pulled out his sleeves again, and took out another thirty taels, which added up to the twenty taels on the cabinet, exactly fifty taels.

"I want it all," Yu Jiaoruan said.

"Ruan Ruan," the old lady Yan was breathing hard, trying to stop her.

The old lady Yan noticed the three people from the same village who were watching at the door, and she took out fifty taels all of a sudden. The people in this village saw it, and they didn't know what they would say!

The old doctor looked at Yu Jiaoruan in surprise.

"You don't need to buy so many, and you don't need the best," Mrs. Yan advised in a low voice.

"Grandma, maybe the best one won't work for you? If you buy all of them, you can try other ones," Yu Jiaoruan held the old lady Yan's hand and shook it coquettishly.

The old lady Yan thought about the two hundred and ninety taels that Yu Jiaoruan used to buy furniture, which was less than the fifty taels in front of her, but after all, the people in the same village saw it!
The meaning of the matter is very different!
"Grandma, grandma, grandma..."

(End of this chapter)

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