Chapter 357 Playing Like Nobody (Fifth Watch)
Chapter 357

"My Lu family is sorry for you. You should complain no matter what you want," Lu's father wiped his tears and choked up, "But for a healthy person, being disabled...that's such a terrible thing. !"

Lu's father begged: "Can you help us? Connect Lu Er's hand bone, I... as long as I have, I am willing to give!"

"Yeah, you are soft, you know how to set bones, so please help me connect them!"

"Qiaoruan, you are a girl, and we can understand that you don't want to be a doctor, but you know how to set bones, so you can't just watch a person become disabled!"


It was Yu Jiaoruan's voice.

Yu Jiaoruan looked indifferently, glanced at Lu Er and the severed hand beside Lu Er, and shook his head.

"Sweet girl, if you can help pick it up, can you do it?" With a serious face, he looked at the Lu family with disgust and said the same thing.

Just as Yu Jiaoruan was about to explain to Lizheng, the old lady Yan beside her also spoke out.

"Ruan Ruan, you can help me," Mrs. Yan knew that Yu Jiao Ruan could connect bones, and there was a sheep with a broken leg in the sheepfold in the yard. Those who walk cannot walk for too long.

Yan Xiujiu's warning gaze swept over the old lady Yan quickly and elusively, motioning her to shut up!
The old lady Yan lowered her head, and she didn't make a sound after that, but even if she spoke, she probably wanted Yu Jiaoruan to make a move.

Yu Jiaoruan frowned, shook her head, and was about to speak when someone interrupted her.

"Our Lu family is sorry for you, as long as you are willing to help Lu Er bone, I am willing to kowtow and apologize to you," Old Madam Lu used a bitter scene.

If Yu Jiaoruan doesn't act again, not to mention that people who don't have much contact with Yu Jiaoruan will look at Yu Jiaoruan with colored glasses because of this, even those who are close to her will feel alienated.

Yu Jiaoruan's face was a little dark, and she raised her hand: "Can you let me finish my sentence?!"

Everyone was quiet for a moment, and looked at Yu Jiaoruan in a daze.

"First of all, I'm not a doctor, don't kidnap me with the so-called morality of a doctor!" Yu Jiaoruan yelled angrily.

Then she deliberately said: "If it is not necessary to kidnap me, I would like to ask you, you have money and food, those people in the north are living in poverty, they can't even eat, why don't you give away the money from your family?" Donate everything?! If you don’t donate, are you still human? Just watch them starve to death?”

Yu Jiaoruan used the same words to hit him, and immediately, many people shut up in embarrassment.

"I also have a grudge against the Lu family. It's common sense that I don't help the Lu family. According to what you said, there are beggars on the road. Why didn't you take them home? If you don't help, can you say that you are not kind and vicious? !"

Yu Jiaoruan rolled her eyes.

After Yu Jiaoruan sent out a word, another group of people touched the tip of their noses awkwardly.

Those who can listen to what others say are only half of the people present, and some people are based on their own understanding, and they take it for granted that others should do that.

Like that, just ignore it.

"I kowtow to you," Mrs. Lu immediately intensified her tricks when she saw that the people who were willing to help them just now stopped speaking for them.

Yu Jiaoruan accepted these kowtows as a matter of course.

"Oh, it's pitiful for a lot of old people to kneel and kowtow to beg for help," another so-called kind person began to preach to Jiaoruan.

"Shut up all of them. Besides, if there is someone in your family who needs bone setting in the future, I'll just skip it!" Yu Jiaoruan was so annoyed that she threatened directly by relying on her superb ability.

No one was more effective than this threat. Those who wanted to speak shut up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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