Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 362 Who is playing hard in the dark!

Chapter 362 Who is playing hard in the dark! (ten more)
Chapter 362

"This is medicine," Yu Jiaoruan gave her another medicine to rest and recuperate her body, so as to speed up the healing and recovery of her bones.

"How much?"

Lizheng's daughter-in-law felt very happy when she thought that Lizheng would no longer have to become disabled.

"No, Uncle Lizheng is like a relative to me, show him his legs, no need," Yu Jiaoruan shook her head.

"How can this be for a leg?! It must be," Lizheng's wife took out twenty taels of plugs from her bosom and said to Yu Jiaoruan, "I don't know if the money is enough!"

"No," Yu Jiaoruan refused.

The pills she gave Rizheng were homemade and specially packaged.

"Is twenty taels too little? Wait a minute, I'll get it," Li Zheng's wife went to get the money box.

Yu Jiaoruan has received the unwilling work of Li Zheng's eldest son!

When Lizheng fell, the three sons of Lizheng's family stayed in the yard, as did the eldest son who had a stroke. In addition to Lizheng's family, Lizheng's two younger brothers and his nephews also came.

"Don't touch the wound," Yu Jiaoruan reminded again worriedly.

"Okay, I'll watch. Please accept the fifty taels." Li Zheng's wife took out five silver ingots of ten taels.

"No," Yu Jiaoruan insisted on shaking her head.

It was her who got Lizheng down, her fault!
Yu Jiaoruan felt uncomfortable and felt very uncomfortable.

Maybe it's just hurting her, she doesn't care, but hurting someone she values, she will definitely retaliate with triple blows!
I believe that someone will look for her to see the severed limbs soon, and she will know who is secretly attacking her!

"Accept it, you must accept it. If you don't accept it, we will feel uneasy about accepting it," Lizheng's wife insisted.

Yu Jiaoruan only took an ingot of ten taels of silver: "That's enough."

Lizheng's daughter-in-law didn't believe it: "I smelled ginseng on the pills, how could ten taels be enough?"

"Ginseng is grown on the top of my own mountain, so it's worth it... I bought some ginseng seeds back then, and it wasn't that expensive," Yu Jiaoruan shook her head.

The ginseng grown on the mountain has only been grown for more than three years, and it is not suitable for medicine at all. The century-old ginseng she bought at a high price is used in her pills, which is worth at least three hundred taels.

But these, Yu Jiaoruan didn't want Li Zheng's wife to know.

Lizheng's daughter-in-law put away the money box helplessly, "Thank you, Jiaoruan, thanks to you this time."

Yu Jiaoruan opened her mouth, she didn't dare to say that the hopeless disaster that Lizheng suffered was probably because of her, but she couldn't say it, she didn't want to lose Lizheng and their friendship.

The more important it is, the more suddenly some things are hidden in my heart, and I dare not say it, and I am even afraid that they will know.

"Don't be so polite, we are, uh... from the same village," Yu Jiaoruan wanted to say "myself", but when I thought about it, how could she and Li Zheng's family be from our own?
After leaving Li Zheng's home, Yu Jiaoruan whispered: "Take me to the place where Uncle Li Zheng fell down, okay?"

The place where Li was falling was next to a field, and there happened to be a path surrounded by stones that could be walked by one person.

And this kind of path is covered with small stones, which can play a good buffer and prevent slipping. It shouldn't be so easy to fall, except for going awry and falling into the field.

But there was no mud on Lizheng's body, so he obviously didn't fall into the field.

Yu Jiaoruan noticed the abnormal slipping on the ground. Obviously, a small trap was set here, even though it was hidden again with stones at this time, but the soil in the gaps between the stones is new, so you can tell it at once.

Her mood couldn't help but feel a little heavy!
This is a place where people seldom come, it is a bit far from the village, and no one will stare at it at all, so it is difficult to find out who is doing it secretly!

(End of this chapter)

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