Chapter 365 Make Things Absolutely (Part Three)

Chapter 365

Han Juren's face became ugly.

Han Juren also obtained his current net worth after more than [-] years of accumulation after passing the examination. How could he agree to give [-]% of it all at once?

He even relied on himself as a juren, and he didn't want to give a penny. He just wanted to send off the countrymen with a calligraphy and painting.

After all, he is a Juren, and Yu Jiaoruan and the others should be grateful to get his calligraphy and paintings.

"Can you treat it first?" Han Juren resolutely restrained his expression, showing his gentle appearance again.

"Give me the money first," Yu Jiaoruan shook her head, staring at Han Juren coldly.

Didn't she think she didn't know that Han Juren wanted to cure him first, and then he didn't give him a penny after he was cured? !
Han Juren stared at Yu Jiaoruan, and finally looked at Yan Xiujiu who was two heads taller than him.

Yu Jiaoruan is an ignorant little woman in the countryside who doesn't understand, Yan Xiujiu, as his husband, should understand that his identity is not easy, right?

Yan Xiu's Nine Eagle eyes were only reflected on Jiaoruan, he realized that Han Juren was looking at him, but he didn't even glance at Han Juren out of the corner of his eye.

"If I find out that the money you gave was not [-]% of your net worth, and you deliberately smuggled the money out through some means, you will die," Yu Jiaoruan blocked the way of those insidious tricks first!
Han Juren's face couldn't hold back anymore, and he lowered his face and said, "Do you know my identity?!"

"It's nothing more than a juren," Yu Jiaoruan reached out to touch her waist, took out a token representing the status of the state capital, and played with it in her hand. When Han Juren saw what the token in her hand represented, she sneered innocently at Han Juren.

Han Juren's pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously took several steps back. His limp was clearly visible to everyone present.

Han Juren was very concerned about his lameness, and when he realized that he was being seen, the veins on his forehead popped out, but his face remained calm.

"Miss Yan, is this price increase aimed at all those who ask for bone grafting?" Han Juren clenched his back molars, trying to look gentle, but while he was trying to smile gently, the veins on his forehead burst out of anger, showing A bit distorted.

"No, this charging method is only for you," Yu Jiaoruan announced loudly, not afraid of offending Han Juren.

Han Juren gritted his teeth, very angry.

"If you dare to do it, don't ask to come," Yu Jiaoruan thought of Lizheng, her eyes darkened.

Han Juren gritted his teeth and shook his sleeves, and asked his attendants to help him into the carriage. He still didn't want people to see him limping, and walked very slowly, looking at you as if his feet were fine.

Han Juren and his party left.

The surrounding villagers were a little worried about Yu Jiaoruan.

"Mr. Yan, will you be retaliated for offending Juren so much?"

"It's okay," Yu Jiao smiled softly, and it was time for Li Zheng to know the reason for his broken leg.

Thinking of this, Yu Jiaoruan felt a block in her heart, thinking that Lizheng might alienate the relationship between the two families because of this, she was inevitably a little depressed.

For this Han Juren, even if she offends him to death and makes him hate her, she will not soften her heart!

If you don't do everything right today, people like Han Juren will still attack those close to her even if they don't believe in her medical skills!

She doesn't want to see such a thing again!

Even though Yu Jiaoruan said she was fine, all the onlookers could see the disappointment in her eyes.

The crowd started to disperse, and the door of Yan's house was closed for a while and then opened again, and Yu Jiaoruan and Yan Xiujiu came out of the house.

"You are this?"

They couldn't understand, Yu Jiaoruan must have brought a gift to Han Ju's family to apologize, right? !If this is the case, why did you offend people to death just now?

(End of this chapter)

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