Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 396 I have to find something for Mother Lu

Chapter 396 I have to find something for Mother Lu (fourth update)

Chapter 396

This is what Liu Jinshi and his family saw when they came here with Mrs. Han Juren tied up.

The news about Liu Jinshi lagged behind, and he was a little confused.

Yu Jiaoruan looked at the former governor, the current Liu Jinshi, with a half-smile.

Liu Jinshi decisively pressed his daughter to kneel down for Yu Jiaoruan.

Yu Jiaoruan turned around and walked in, closing the door, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

That night, five more patients and their relatives arrived at the gate of Yan's house together.

And these five people, like the first ten people, have no money, but want to cure serious illnesses, and they also want to kneel down to make Yu Jiao soften their hearts, so as to give them free treatment.

The number of critically ill patients is a bit exaggerated, as if someone is manipulating it behind the scenes.

In the morning, there were already twenty-two critically ill patients and their family members kneeling outside the gate of Yan's house. They also wanted to give Yu Jiaoruan free medicine.

Judging from the current number, the number will increase!

Three days later—

The gate of Yan’s house is almost turning into a small market. Rows of temporary huts are neatly set up, and all of these huts are sick, or moaning, or coughing, and none of them look pitiful. of.

In other words, there are already sixty-three critically ill patients here!

A row of carriages came to a stop at the gate of Yan's house.

Sixty-three patients and their family members looked at the gate of Yan's house together.

Yu Jiaoruan stepped out of Yan's house, led by Yan Xiujiu into the carriage, and directly ignored these people.

It was found out that the reason why these nearby patients came to Yan's house was because someone was spreading the news that "as long as you kneel outside the gate of Yan's house, Yu Jiaoruan will treat you for free".

And the one who spread the news was none other than Mother Lu.

Mother Lu is too busy, I have to find something for Mother Lu.

"Master Yu, where are you going?"

Seeing that Jiaoruan was about to leave, the patient and his family were so frightened that they hurriedly surrounded the carriage and refused to let the carriage leave.

"I never see a doctor for free, I feel that the world will fall into a trap, I will fall down and dream, and I will come sooner," Yu Jiaoruan said loudly.

The sixty-three patients and their family members were silent except for a few eccentrics who came here to find trouble.

"You are so rich! What's wrong with giving us free medical treatment?!"

"That's right, so rich, yet so stingy, be careful to be cursed, there will be no blessings!"


Yu Jiaoruan raised her eyebrows, arguing with this kind of weirdo, it's boring to win the quarrel, and even more irritating to lose the quarrel.

The bodyguards that were temporarily invited stepped forward and directly dragged the three patients and their irritable family members to a distance.

"What are you doing?"

"Did you see that stone? There is a mark on it. The place where you are now building your shed is also the homestead of the Yan family. You have already trespassed on a private house!"

The bodyguards motioned to those who were thrown out to see for themselves.

The people surrounding the delicate carriage dispersed, and the carriage left.

"Doctor Yu, where are you going? When will you return?"

In fact, most people know that where can there be pies in the sky?It's just...they always have such expectations in their hearts, maybe they kneel and kneel, and Yu Jiaoruan's heart softens?
Liu Jinshi also knelt among the patients for three days. He watched Yu Jiaoruan and Yan Xiujiu leave in the carriage, turned around, and kicked Mrs. Han Juren again!
As for Mrs. Han Juren and her two sons, in Liu Jinshi's place, they live like servants, and they can't go back to Han Juren's mansion!

Han Mansion was sold by old man Han and old lady Han. Old man Han and old lady Han said they were going back to their hometown, and then they disappeared!

There are only two possibilities...

(End of this chapter)

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