Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 399 4 Places to Catch Powerful Doctors!

Chapter 399 Catch the powerful doctor everywhere! (seven more)

Chapter 399

While Yu Jiaoruan was communicating with the earthwork doctor, Yan Xiujiu's eyes were paying attention to the situation on the street.

Doctor Tufang obviously didn't want to move out, but he had no other choice. His medicine was cheap and his rent was rising. He really couldn't keep driving and had to leave.

"I don't know where you want to move to?" Yan Xiujiu asked.

The Tufang doctor said: "Go out of the city, probably live in the nearby countryside, and then I will see people in the countryside."

This is a proper brain drain in Fucheng!

Without these talents, Sudden Wind City may eventually become even worse than a town!
"Would you like to go further away and visit other places?" Yu Jiaoruan's eyes flashed, and he thought of abducting him back to the county seat.

The earth doctor shook his head without hesitation.

While leaving the city, an accident occurred.

The doctor of the earth was stopped. Obviously, the officials knew the doctor of the earth and knew the problem of brain drain, so even if the doctor of the earth was suppressed so much that he could not open the medical clinic, the doctor of the earth was still not allowed to leave!

The local doctor rented the last Datong shop in the inn to live in.

Every day, I have to pay six Wen and four Wen for food.

The shopkeeper and waiter of the inn are obviously no strangers to it.

Yu Jiaoruan and Yan Xiujiu could easily live in the upper room, but it was the innkeeper and waiter who found it weird.

Yu Jiaoruan simply went to watch the doctor's whereabouts.

It was discovered that many wealthy businessmen in the city wanted to move out, and they were all stopped!
Unless he handed over [-]% of his family property like the wealthy businessman before, no one would even think of leaving Sudden Wind City.

What is the difference between the governor and the people of Cao's mansion and robbery?
Yu Jiaoruan: "..."

She also counted people who went to four places in different directions, and among these four places, only Sudden Wind City directly regarded themselves as the emperors of the land, and they did not restrain themselves!

Three days later—

Someone from the imperial court took the earthwork doctor to Shangjing to serve the emperor!

The Tufang doctor actually had his own news channel, and he had already realized that something was imminent, so he resolutely sought out Yu Jiaoruan, and took out the Tufang medical prescription written by him himself.

Yu Jiaoruan didn't expect that after three days of hard work, she couldn't learn every single move, but now...

"I don't want your prescription. If you have a chance, help me find someone who can inherit my medical skills. I will be grateful." Dr. Tukata left this sentence and was taken away by the people sent by the court. .

This time the earthwork doctor can indeed leave Sudden Wind City!However this way of leaving...

Yu Jiaoruan looked in the direction of the capital, and her heart became heavy.

The old emperor is chasing powerful doctors everywhere!This shows that the old emperor's health is getting worse and worse.

Yu Jiaoruan held the earthwork medical book and opened a door of the magical hut with a desire for new medical skills.

She obtained a more comprehensive folk medicine book than the earth medicine book in her hand. It not only contains methods of treating snakes, insects, rats and ants, but also uses mud, stones, etc. as medicine, as well as strange healing methods such as the frightening method!

"Hurry up and go back to Shanao Village!"

Yu Jiaoruan thought, if she became famous, would someone from the court come to arrest her? ? !

If she wasn't in Shan'ao Village, people in the court might arrest Mrs. Yan and threaten her to show up!
No, you can't let this happen!
"I built a house in the deep mountain," Yan Xiujiu hesitated, and said the house in the deep mountain that he had prepared for himself.

Yu Jiaoruan nodded fiercely.

Living in the deep mountains, it is inconvenient to eat and so on, but it is safe!

(End of this chapter)

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