Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 405 Something Happened in Shanao Village!

Chapter 405

Mother Lu is a villain!

Since he thought that he got a little joy from the eunuch and could work with the eunuch's subordinates, he began to torture the people in Shan'ao Village!
Those who have been hostile to Mother Lu, Mother Lu will not let them go!

Even if they have never been hostile to Mother Lu, they have a close relationship with the Yan family and Yu Jiaoruan!That was her enemy, and she also targeted her fiercely.

Rows of simple standing cages are set up in the center of the village, and people's necks are encircled by the round holes on the top. People in the cage will die!
In order not to die, the people locked in the cage had to hold their feet and hold the wooden pillars of the cage with their hands, trying to support their bodies so as not to let their necks hang.

"Lu Heshi, you will have retribution!"

Lizheng's daughter-in-law was locked in a wooden station cage, her neck was stuck in the small round hole, her hands were holding on to the wooden pillar to support her body, and she was struggling with her feet, but she still couldn't help it, screaming angrily , The veins on the neck are bursting out!But she still kept yelling at Mother Lu who stood aside and had nothing to do with her.

"Lu Heshi, you will die a terrible death!"


The more than [-] people who were locked in the cage had a good relationship with the Yan family and Yu Jiaoruan, and they all chose to remain silent, and they were arrested and locked in the cage right now.

There are also some people who have a good relationship with the Yan family and Yu Jiaoruan on weekdays, and have betrayed Yu Jiaoruan long ago. As long as they know about Yu Jiaoruan, they will tell them one by one!
Then that part of the population was spared from being kept in the cage.

"Don't worry, it means that Jiaoruan has appeared, how can you get out of this cage!" The corners of Lu's mother's lips couldn't hold back an upward smile.

"Let them be locked up, can it really inspire people?" The people following the eunuch looked at the situation, why did he not believe it?
"Last time when Lizheng's leg was broken, Yu Jiaoruan was able to fight against Juren for him. It can be seen how much Yu Jiaoruan values ​​these people. Now that their lives are hanging by a thread, she will definitely show up!"

Lu's mother thought she understood Yu Jiaoruan, and raised the corners of her lips proudly.

Under the scorching sun, more than [-] people were dried in the sun, like dried fish, at [-] degrees without any dead ends. Soon, their lips peeled, sweated, and became dehydrated!

The subordinates brought by the eunuch didn't even want to give them a sip of water, maybe let them go.

As if watching people being dried to death in the sun is just an ordinary thing.

Their behavior is more than cruel and inhumane? !

Stormwind City——

Yu Jiaoruan stared numbly at the houses of Cao's family and other four families who were on fire. After watching for a while, she turned and left neatly.

She planned to take the wealth from the robbery and give it to some people who left outside the city.

"Why did you come back?"

The down-and-out rich businessman and others recognized Yu Jiaoruan and Yan Xiujiu, and couldn't help sighing.

"Which year and month are you going to go by walking like this? Maybe they will come back to rob you again?" Yu Jiaoruan didn't believe that they had really robbed all their things, and they must have hidden them.

Sure enough, when she finished speaking, the eyes of those who were not really down and out among the down and out rich businessmen flashed.

"This is a little money for you guys, leave quickly," Yu Jiaoruan accurately gave it to a few truly down-and-out rich businessmen.

Seeing this, those wealthy businessmen who were not really down and out also wanted to take a share of the money, and immediately said, "Why don't we?"

"Why don't you, don't you have any points in your heart?"

Yu Jiaoruan gave him a supercilious look, and quickly left.

Yan Xiujiu followed decisively.

The real down-and-out rich businessmen looked at the fake down-and-out rich businessmen with a fierce look in their eyes, "You guys are using us!"

And these, Yu Jiaoruan, who left, didn't see it.

In Yu Jiaoruan's head, the voice of making money into accounts sounded at an inopportune time, something happened in Shan'ao Village!

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