Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 448 Really Thought

Chapter 448

With five hundred thousand fine points, the "Pulse Determination Technique" she inherited has been upgraded to an advanced level. The time for her to take a pulse has been shortened, the accuracy has increased, and the fineness of the pulsation that can be distinguished has also increased.

Confidence in Mrs. Ruan, who had a heart attack in suspended animation and was hard to feel the pulse before she came to rescue her, also increased.

If she really wants to improve all the abilities she has acquired, it is estimated that... the essence value will not be enough!
For the time being, she will see which one is more needed and then promote which one.

The old maids and maids beside Mrs. Ruan dared not move, but the doctor was holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor, holding the idea that "maybe one more person will be implicated and convicted, and he can reduce the punishment", The doctor nodded.

"Let her try, I can't do it anymore," the doctor sat on the ground, weakly.

The old lady looked at each other with a group of close maids, and with the same thoughts as the doctor, she resolutely gave up her seat.

Restoring the beating of the stopped heart is the most urgent thing right now.

"Which one of you is closest to your wife? I need you to help him out," Yu Jiaoruan urged, if they were unwilling, then she would have to do it by herself.


"Follow my orders!"

Yu Jiaoruan knelt down on the imperial concubine's couch, pressed Ruan Fu's heart up and down, and did not forget to direct the person who inhaled the breath to move.

It was still more than a quarter of an hour before the imperial doctor arrived, so it must be too late!

All the doctors from the nearest medical center in Shangjing were invited, but there was nothing they could do about Mrs. Ruan's "dying breath". Right now, there was only one Yu Jiaoruan who was working hard.

After a while, the non-breathing Madam Ruan's heart started to breathe, and Yu Jiaoruan got down from Madam Ruan's body, and briefly explained the reason.

The doctors who rushed over thought it was a bad job, but they didn't expect that they could get a medical explanation. At that time, their eyes lit up, they listened carefully, and nodded repeatedly, wishing to engrave every word of Yu Jiaoruan's explanation in their minds inside.

"Not all people who are in suspended animation can press their heart and lungs to resume breathing, but those like Mrs. Ruan can. As for whether they are out of danger?" Yu Jiaoruan shook her head and took out a small porcelain life: "This is a life-saving pill. This is the key to keeping Mrs. Ruan out of danger."

While speaking, Yu Jiaoruan took out two, handed out one, and she swallowed one by herself.

Seeing that Yu Jiaoruan took the pill, the old lady next to Madam Ruan felt relieved, and fed that small pill into Madam Ruan's mouth.

Fortunately, Madam Ruan still knew how to swallow after recovering her heartbeat!

The mothers and maids beside Mrs. Ruan were happy that Mrs. Ruan escaped this catastrophe, and shed tears because they were able to save their lives.

"There's nothing in this Baoxin Pill. You can give it to your wife in an emergency, and it can calm your mind, but it's just some pills made from folk remedies. If it's really a matter of life, this Baoxin Pill is useless," Yu Jiao said. Ruan changed hands and handed out a small porcelain bottle to the old lady beside Mrs. Ruan.

"Thank you, thank you..." When the old lady took the medicine, her hands were cold and trembling, and she was also frightened just now. Now she can't wait to worship Yu Jiaoruan as a god!

Yu Jiaoruan smiled and waved her hands: "Don't be like this, I'm sorry, this pill is only prepared by the elderly in my family."

Realizing that Mrs. Yan did not come to Beijing with her, she added: "Later when I went out, I forgot to put it at home and carried it with me. You need further treatment, you can pour the pills inside to the doctor for research and make more.”

Because Yu Jiaoruan acted so generously and didn't have any intention of hiding it at all, the people present really thought it was just a bottle of ordinary pills that were easy to get.

"The Baoxin Pill made from this folk prescription was developed by a local doctor named Suifengcheng. It's a pity..." Yu Jiaoruan shook her head.

Her eyes flickered slightly. If there is manpower to protect the life of the doctor, then... can the confused old emperor save the life of the doctor?

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