Chapter 502

Make a fine value plus plus plus——

There were so many people in the venue, Yu Jiaoruan sat in the box, her mouth burst into laughter until her ears were cracked.

She received another three million points of work essence, and her accumulated work essence exceeded [-] million points!
Going to the capital city is actually quite good.

Isn't it just fifty sets of hair needles?She changed first!
Yu Jiaoruan first changed things and stored them in the magical world, and she would take them out when she needed them.

And the sound of increasing the essence value next to her ear still didn't stop.

"I'll pay five thousand taels!"

"Who doesn't know that Maechuan's paintings seem to come alive like people in the paintings! Is it possible to pass on the treasures passed down by writers?! Five thousand taels? Less, I will pay six thousand taels!"

"One thousand taels!"

"Twelve thousand taels!"

At [-] taels, the asking price became hesitant.

Yu Jiaoruan didn't care about how much money she could make by painting portraits this time. She kept counting the amount of fine value in her mind, and it was [-] fine value.

The follow-up strength is a bit lacking.

However, she is still very satisfied when she thinks that she can earn [-] million worth of work essence by using this haircut.

Yu Jiaoruan smiled like a cat who stole the fish, her whole body was filled with indescribable brilliance, but she still felt that someone was watching her!

Yu Jiaoruan looked down at everyone in the lobby, but she didn't see anyone looking at her!

Could it be her illusion?
And she didn't receive the essence value, it should be... an illusion, right?

Yu Jiaoruan was a little dazed, and flashed through her mind when she was thirteen years old. When she was in Shanao Village, she obtained abilities through the magical cabin in the magical world. For the first time, when she really dealt with her uncle, she also had a feeling of being spied on. The feeling, however, did not receive the offer of fine value.

This is the second time... Is it really her illusion?
Yu Jiaoruan's pair of shining eyes patrolled around the people in the venue, but she still didn't see anything!
Is it really an illusion?
"Two hundred thousand taels!"

The prince finally made an offer, once it was exported, it was ten times higher!This tenfold increase made everyone present silent.

The person in charge of the auction recognized the prince, and asked a little nervously: "Prince, would you like an unregistered bank note, you..."

"Yes," Yin Da sat beside the prince, and immediately agreed with the host on stage.

The prince nodded, waved, and asked the attendant eunuch to come over, gave some instructions, then the attendant eunuch ran out, within a quarter of an hour, the attendant eunuch came back, and took out a large stack of bank notes in his hand: "Unknown , two hundred thousand taels."


Everyone didn't expect that the prince would actually give out [-] points, and they were shocked for a while.

Yu Jiaoruan also widened her eyes.

Why did the prince buy her a custom-made painting, and she could receive four million worth of work essence? !

Even if she didn't show up in person, the essence she harvested must be related to her, and the crown prince... must have something to do with her.

It was the prince who had been missing for several years, so he came back easily!How could it be related to her?

Yu Jiaoruan looked out from the window of the box, wanting to see the Prince's appearance more clearly.


Seeing this, the maid sent by Yin's mother turned pale with fright, and hurriedly stopped her.

Yu Jiaoruan shook off the two big maids, hesitated for a moment, and then "planted" her head out from the window of the box on the second floor.

She fell headfirst to the ground, and the speed was very fast, the distance between the ground of the second floor and the first floor was only more than ten feet high.

The closest ones are half a foot away, and it is impossible to catch people in time.


"Someone fell from the box on the second floor!"

Exclamations rang out.

Yu Jiaoruan was caught, and the person who caught her was none other than... the prince!
Yu Jiaoruan looked at the face mask, and wanted to reach out to uncover the prince's mask.

Although she didn't receive the essence value, the crown prince was more than ten feet away from where she landed now. If he didn't care, how could he rush over to pick her up so quickly? !

Yu Jiaoruan gritted her teeth and stared at the prince.

Is it Yan Xiujiu? !
Why didn't the fine value fluctuate? !

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