Chapter 527

"This is my daughter, Jiaoruan, whoever bullies her will bully me," Mother Yin held Yu Jiaoruan's hand, her face seemed to be blooming.

After hearing Yin's mother's introduction, the madam nodded hurriedly, swept her own daughter, and asked her daughter to have more contact with Yu Jiaoruan.

Mother Yin took Yu Jiaoruan to the next lady of high status.

Just like this one by one, Yin's mother introduced Yu Jiaoruan tirelessly, until she introduced Yu Jiaoruan in front of the wives of officials of the third rank or above.

Yu Jiaoruan hurried to get a cup of tea and said, "Mother, drink some tea."

She halfway wanted Mother Yin to stop introducing it like this, but Mother Yin was as happy as a child who hadn't had candy for a long time and suddenly heard candy, so she couldn't bear to stop it.

Then it's okay for her to bring tea, right?
Mother Yin took it with a smile, took a sip, moistened her throat, and continued to introduce it to the rest of the wives.

Half an hour passed in such an introduction.

Yin's mother knew that talking and drinking while standing was considered rude and rude among the aristocratic family, but this was the tea brought to her by her precious little daughter, she had to drink it, and it was obviously only very weak Tea, but she drank honey-like sweetness.

Yin's mother made such a statement, although the other wives felt that Yin's behavior was out of family style, no one dared to say anything, but instead praised Yu Jiaoruan and filial piety.

"Let the children play together?" Mrs. Gao suggested.

Mother Yin was worried and looked at Yu Jiaoruan.

Yu Jiaoruan blinked, if she didn't leave, how could she give others a chance?

Mother Yin nodded, and said: "I have something to call my mother, do you understand?"

"Okay," Yu Jiaoruan nodded, and walked away happily.

"We also thought that your little daughter would never be found. It seems that God's will is still on your side. See, the child has been found now?"

"Yes, Mrs. Yin is lucky..."


Mother Yin was surrounded, listening to the compliments from the wives, and what she talked about the most was about Yu's tenderness.

Eunuch Mi returned to the capital suddenly and died suddenly, so at this time, the people at the banquet did not know that Yu Jiaoruan was the legendary doctor Yu.

Of course, Yu Jiaoruan herself did not admit it.

Among the girls——

"Hee hee, Sister Yin, we meet again!"

Mrs. Wei's younger sister, Aunt Wei said hello.

Surrounding Aunt Wei are also Mrs. Wei's two daughters, they all love to see beauties, beauties, and beautiful things.

"Auntie, we meet again."

Aunt Wei said hello.

The girl from the Ruan family stepped forward, looked at Yu Jiaoruan secretly, and said, "Hello, Miss Yin."

Yu Jiaoruan looked at the little Ruan family girl in surprise.

She also saved Mrs. Ruan's life, right?

Ruan Wumei, the youngest daughter from the Ruan family, added [-] points for her malicious actions.

It's inexplicable.

"Ruan Wumei, how can you stand here?! Get out of here quickly," Aunt Wei hurried away.

Ruan Wumei's eyes immediately turned red with grievance, and she looked at Yu Jiaoruan aggrievedly.

Yu Jiaoruan was thoughtful and didn't intend to intervene. This little girl didn't like her. Although the other party didn't do anything against her, but she had preconceived malice, and it might not be the case later.

Stay away from villains.

"Sister Yin..." Seeing that Yu Jiaoruan didn't help her, Wumei Ruan's chest heaved with anger: "Sister Yin also thinks I'm unworthy?"

It's inexplicable.

Yu Jiaoruan looked at Aunt Wei, waiting for answers.

For the chalcedony treasure that Yu Jiaoruan gave to the family, Aunt Wei immediately explained why she drove people away.

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