Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 579 Waiting For Good News

Chapter 579 Waiting For Good News ([-])
Chapter 579

"Put up and go back to the palace," Yin Jiaoruan said to Yin's mother, then turned to the five old ladies and said, "You can wait for the good news at home."

The five old ladies thought that the persuasion failed, but when they heard Yu Jiaoruan say that, their eyes lit up immediately.

Five people all have the joy and love of successfully calculating people.

This trip was not in vain!

Five old ladies left.

The palace, the government hall—

Yin Jiaoruan entered the palace, first went back to the East Palace to change her clothes, and then swayed in a sedan chair to the Hall of Political Affairs.

The prince seemed to feel that he was lost in the mountain of political affairs and raised his head to look outside the palace.

The guard stopped him.

"Please don't embarrass us, the Crown Princess."

The two guards already knew that Yin Jiaoruan had entered the palace, and they had accepted the imperial edict of the Crown Princess. She was already the Crown Princess, and the royal family had already recorded her name in the inheritance booklet in advance, but this did not prevent them from making Yin Jiaoruan her. stop.

"Without the order of the crown prince, we cannot put anyone down in the Palace of Political Affairs, and please don't embarrass us, the crown princess."

"Get someone to notify you," Yin Jiao said softly.

The two guards looked aside at the little eunuch who looked like a waiter.

The little eunuch hasn't moved yet, the prince who should be busy with government affairs in the palace came out first, personally welcomed Yin Jiaoruan into the palace, and issued an order: "Everywhere in the palace, as long as the princess wants to go, anyone can go. Don't stop her!"

This is delegating power!

Although it was just a verbal will, it was enough.

Yin Jiao softly smiled, looked at Luo Huanzhi, and frowned.

"Sit down," Yin Jiaoruan urged, pointing to the dragon chair.

Luo Huanzhi smiled helplessly: "You found out."

Yin Jiaoruan stretched out her hand to press a few acupuncture points on Luo Huanzhi's head, and Luo Huanzhi's migraine was cured.

Yin Jiaoruan took out the silver needle, and she wanted to give Luo Huanzi the needle.

"do not!"

Seeing this, the eunuchs and court ladies who were serving Luo Huanzhi next to him were startled, and hurriedly stopped him.

Luo Huanzhi turned his head, looked at the silver needle in Yin Jiaoruan's hand, glanced at the eunuchs and maids, and said, "Go ahead and ignore them. Besides, what the Crown Princess said in the future is the meaning of the Crown Prince."

The jaws of the eunuchs and maids serving were almost dropped in shock, they hurriedly lowered their heads, but their hearts were full of emotions.

Didn't it mean that the prince doesn't value the princess? !
After the concubine entered the palace, the prince went back to the East Palace twice, and I didn't see how he got close to the prince!
But at this time...but...

After a few stabs and pull out, Yin Jiaoruan asked, "Does your head still hurt?"

Luo Huanzhi shook his head, nestled his face into Yin Jiaoruan's arms, listened to the heartbeat of the fetus, his stern face gradually returned to calm, and his whole body became relaxed.

With Yin Jiaoruan around, even if there are assassins haunting him, no accident will happen to him because his whole body is relaxed.

"How much I want you to accompany me to deal with the government affairs," Luo Huanzhi sighed deeply.

"Okay," Yin Jiaoruan agreed without hesitation.

The eunuchs and maids in the palace were once again shocked to contribute a lot of high value work essence.

As a fine value, she discovered that there was something wrong with one of these eunuchs and maids.

"Are all those present here your confidantes?" Yin Jiao asked softly.

Luo Huanzhi nodded: "They were all cultivated from childhood."

"Exactly, I want to tell you something," Yin Jiaoruan's eyes flashed.

The tacit understanding of getting along for more than four years made Luo Huanzhi immediately know that there might be other things involved, and his expression froze. At this time, he was relaxed on the surface, but his mind was already serious.

(End of this chapter)

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