Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 605 Unspeakable Touch

Chapter 605 Unspeakable Touch (Part [-])
Chapter 605

"Well," Luo Huanzhi understood, called his aides, and ordered that the officials present not hear.

In addition to these, this time, he divided his cronies into groups of four, which also meant that they would censor each other. He thought about it before, and decided to retire in the countryside with Yin Jiaoruan, give up the status of the prince, and the organization of his subordinates Managed looser.

As a result, there are so many things in this pine!

And after he returned to the court, there was a mountain of government affairs that forced him to spare no time to sort out the internal situation of the organization.

But this incident made him realize that he had to tidy up the organization!

Yin Jiaoruan looked in the direction of the west of the city, observing the waves of non-stop activity of making money, and once again noticed the little baby Luo Xiangqiao's making money.

Yin Jiaoruan turned her head and looked at the intersection of the west and east of the city, unable to understand.

"They are moving towards the east of the city quickly. Isn't the city blocked? Why are they still moving so fast?" Yin Jiao looked at Luo Huanzhi in confusion.

Yin Jiaoruan didn't know why, but Luo Huanzhi knew it very well.

"Send the rest of the imperial guards to patrol the area around the capital! If there is any suspicious child holding the child, don't hurt the child!" Luo Huanzhi ordered again: "Be careful to attack the west and attack the grass snake!"

Yin Jiaoruan quickly understood, her face was very dark, and the veins on her forehead were protruding, and she asked, "Are there many secret passages underground in the capital?!"

Luo Huanzhi didn't want to admit it, but the fact is...he nodded.

In addition to the royal family digging secret passages to save their lives, some officials’ homes also secretly dig secret passages, and sometimes they will accidentally dig through those secret passages, directly digging into the palace’s secret passages, or digging into other officials’ homes At home, these are all possible.

Yin Jiaoruan gritted her teeth, feeling heavy.

In other words, the thief holding her daughter is moving in the dark passage at this time!

It's useless to block the upper capital!

"If..." Yin Jiaoruan looked at her son Luo Xianghuo, and said with a heavy heart, "If the thief escapes from Shangjing with his daughter, I will personally chase him out."

I can only feel sorry for my son for the time being!

But the son is protected by his father, so it is very safe to think about it.

"Jiaojiao..." Luo Huanzhi suddenly felt that having a baby is not a good thing!
If it wasn't for the two children getting involved in Yin Jiaoruan's thoughts, how could they leave as soon as they wanted to? !

Luo Huanzhi closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were full of blood and filled with red blood. At this time, he really seemed to be the god of death in folk rumors.


Luo Huanzhi pointed at one of the officials and said a word coldly.

The officials present only felt chills in their hearts, especially the one pointed at, who was so frightened that he immediately shrank behind the other officials!But it's useless...

Luo Huanzhi moved!
When Luo Huan pointed his finger at the official, a stone was shot out, and the official didn't dodge at all. The stone hit his head and hit the ground hard with a "bump!"

Undoubtedly, Luo Huanzhi at this time is more terrifying than the previous assassins!
Kill people without giving any reason, any reason!
"The prince...is he possessed by a demon?"

Some officials have already lost their heads in fright.

Yin Jiaoruan reached out and grabbed Luo Huanzhi's arm, with helplessness and love in her eyes.

Luo Huanzhi's appearance of devouring blood gradually receded, and he turned to look at Yin Jiaoruan.

Yin Jiao softly said: "Ah Jiu, I know that you hate evil like a vengeful heart, and you always want to kill all the wicked people in the world, but not all wicked people who make mistakes deserve to die, let's not do this, okay?"

She said this to make up for Luo Huanzhi, and at the same time, she was also indescribably moved.

(End of this chapter)

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