Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 620 Willingly

Chapter 620 Willingly (Seventh)
Chapter 620

As soon as the news came out that the yield per mu was [-] jin, no matter whether they were originally living in Shangjing or those who fled from the disaster, they didn't believe it.

How can it be? !
If there is such a crop, why didn't they find it before? !
The refugees couldn't accept it, and thought it was the court's bragging, so they wanted to see it even more!
There will only be more people applying for field guards and farming than for digging ditches!
With everyone doubting and uncertain, two and a half months have passed...

Another group of refugees came to Shangjing, this time there were more refugees than before, more than [-] people!And one after another, there are many single refugees coming.

As soon as the refugees who came later came, they were popularized by the first batch of refugees about the news of court recruitment and food management. They were told that today is the time to harvest a new kind of grain with a production capacity of up to [-] catties per mu!

As soon as the news came out, although there were a large number of new refugees, they were all "exploded". After a heated discussion.

They no longer think about entering Shangjing, but think about how to go and see the new grain with a yield of more than [-] catties per mu!
There are five Huangzhuangs around the capital, and the fields of these five Huangzhuangs are surrounded by refugees in rags!
The refugees were orderly. None of them jumped directly into the field. They were all watching the people in the field digging sweet potatoes. They dug out the largest stalls that were as big as a child's head, and the smallest ones that were the size of a child's fist. The ones dug out of the acre of field are piled up in the center of that acre of field for display.

After a while, under the efficient work, a pile of sweet potatoes appeared!
Use the scale to support the basket after basket, no matter whether you can count or not, try to count with your fingers.

"One box is one hundred catties, and one, two, three... eighteen boxes of stalls are harvested in this acre of field, which is [-] catties..."

When they heard the yield per mu reported by the grain officials, both the laborers and the onlookers gasped suddenly. They couldn't believe what they heard, but the new grain sweet potatoes were still placed in front of their eyes. It was so real, so real that they had to believe it!

In other words... They have sweet potatoes as a new food, so they won't starve to death!

More than [-] newly arrived refugees mixed in with many rebels. They had already made up their minds to make trouble, and planned to test the strength of the upper capital first.

The rebels don't care how many refugees die!Those who want to rush to the top don't care at all!


The royal recruitment and the appearance of new food have disrupted the rhythm!
The refugees they plan to use will attack the court once!
However, the refugees had nothing to eat, so they were forced to join the rebel army!In fact, they turned to the rebel army only because they wanted to live. Now, they don't have to work hard to survive, so why do they have to fight hard with the rebel army? !

The refugees are all willingly waiting for the court's relief!
Wanting to bring a wave of rhythm, the strategy of testing the strength of the capital in the capital failed, and more than [-] refugee troops they had trained were folded in!
Among the refugees, the ambitious rebel army was unwilling to withdraw from the refugee group and planned to report the news. Those who went to report the news did not really think about the sake of the refugees, but just wanted to be a hero in troubled times and take advantage of the situation That's all!

The court is recruiting workers again, this time recruiting people who can easily build houses or sheds, as well as people who farm the land, so as to grow more new crops such as sweet potatoes.

More than [-] refugees seem to be a lot, but there are so many houses and sheds!There is so much wasteland to open!It is necessary to build terraced fields in the mountains, and to disperse farther away from Shangjing. There are more than [-] refugees, which is not enough!

(End of this chapter)

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