Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 628 Provoking Discord

Chapter 628 Sowing Discord (Fifth Watch)
Chapter 628

"Bump bump..."

The sound of a group of people falling to the ground was uncontrollable.

"Quick, gather, gather!"

The fourth prince was trembling with anger, his limbs were cold, as if they were about to be frozen, and he finally realized how terrifying the hidden weapon in Yin Jiaoruan's hand was!

Yin Jiaoruan took a step, Luo Huanzhi immediately followed, he wanted to protect his wife!

Yin Jiaoruan showed a helpless smile to Luo Huanzhi: "You take good care of our child, I can do it, you can't underestimate me, you dare to underestimate me, I'm stingy, I will remember your little revenge Oh."

Luo Huanzhi was unmoved.

A group of assassins originally surrounded the banquet hall as if they were making dumplings, but at this moment, they immediately gathered into a circle, and instead were made dumplings by the imperial guards.

The most miraculous and shocking scene appeared!

The imperial guards surrounding the assassins specially left Yin Jiaoruan and Luo Huanzhi a one-foot-wide road for people to pass through.

Yin Jiaoruan raised her hand twice, and shot twice at almost the same time, another mass of assassins fell down on her head and in front of her body!

Some of these assassins didn't have poison in their mouths, and they didn't even think that this mission would fail!Because of this... when they fell down, they still couldn't believe it.

There are also assassins who have already prepared the antidote to deal with the drug. However, when they put the antidote in front of their noses and sniffed it, they found...the antidote they brought was useless at all. Those who should fall will still fall.

More than five thousand assassins!

Within a quarter of an hour, they all fell down!
The fourth prince was under control.

The fourth prince can commit suicide, he has poison in his mouth, but when it is time for him to swallow the poison, he dare not, he is afraid, he is timid, and chooses to have the poison taken out. ,

The Fourth Prince thought of the Empress Dowager, his face was filled with fear and happiness.

"Luo Huanzhi, if you dare to touch me, the queen mother will hate you to death! Do you want your biological mother to hate you to death?!" The fourth prince was proud.

Even if he stirs up the wind and the rain, what can Luo Huanzhi do to him? !

Luo Huanzhi frowned, and a "hill" was formed between his eyes. Violence and anger were in his resolute eagle eyes, but also... his heart was full of love, and he didn't know what to do!

"I don't want to kill you, there are ways to make your life worse than death," Yin Jiaoruan patted Luo Huanzhi's arm.

"Luo Huanzhi, your wife holds such a terrifying weapon in her hand. Aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid? If she wants to establish herself as emperor, she can use the hidden weapon in her hand to wipe out the entire army. At that time, Who can stop her?!"

Seeing that he didn't have to die, the fourth prince began to provoke the relationship between Yin Jiaoruan and Luo Huanzhi.

In short, even if he himself is not well, he will not let Luo Huanzhi and Yin Jiaoruan feel better!

Luo Huanzhi turned to Yin Jiaoruan, "Does Jiaojiao want to be emperor?"

Yin Jiaoruan's eyes widened in surprise, and her heart felt stabbed by something, causing an inexplicable pain.

Luo Huanzhi is suspicious of what the fourth prince said, okay? !

The Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle in her hand is nothing more than a useless little box without her as a concealed weapon for supplementing essence points!

Those present who were still awake also felt that... Luo Huanzhi was suspecting Yin Jiaoruan, and felt sorry for Yin Jiaoruan inexplicably.

The empress put down the rebellion for the emperor with her baby!The result is... oh...


Yin Jiaoruan pursed her lips. It took only a moment for her to think, she immediately said angrily: "Yes, I want to be the emperor!"

She knew that under such circumstances, it was wrong to be angry, and it would make the situation worse, but when her temper came up... this person is Luo Huanzhi!It was Luo Huanzhi whom she trusted!It turned out that someone asked her that!She can't control her temper!
(End of this chapter)

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