Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 688: Master Cooker!

Chapter 688: Master Cooker! (six more)
Chapter 688

It's not stupid to go to the capital, how can you not know that other states also have objections?

How could it be possible to give them the method of growing new grains for no reason?

It depends on their sincerity.

Shangjing City sent [-] troops to fight, and directly surrounded Sufeng City.

Some people in Sudden Wind City rushed to Shangjing City, and after confirming that Shangjing City indeed had a grain yield of [-] catties per mu, they sent the news back to Sudden Wind City.

The Cao family wanted to stick to the city, but...

Cao's army was recruited by force, and those who were forced into the army had no training and were just ordinary people. They rebelled without hesitation, opened the gate of Sudden Wind City, and let the army from the capital enter the city !

This battle was fought beautifully!
But in the same way, this battle is almost like not fighting!
The Cao family and other four families in Sudden Wind City were besieged by the army they organized themselves!
And they have long been accustomed to the life of the Master, and they have no fighting spirit at all. The moment they were surrounded, they directly chose to surrender.

It's that bad.

The Cao family was the first to raise the flag of rebellion, and it will only be more ruthless in dealing with it!
It turned out that children who were six or six years old were exempt from death, but the Cao family couldn't do it. If they didn't kill chickens and respect monkeys, more state capitals would feel that there was room for them to raise the flag of rebellion without hesitation!
With this stick, the whole Cao family... was completely wiped out!

Some state capitals who wanted to raise troops had to think about it, and their hearts were trembling.

In just one and a half months, Sudden Wind City was successfully recovered!
The imperial court sent officials to manage Sudden Wind City, and set the rules, with a three-year rotation. After three years, the officials must return to Beijing to report on their duties again. Anyone who violates the rules will be shot to death!

It is no longer possible to cultivate local tyrants and local emperors!
The sent guards are also changed every three years, if they refuse, the same fate will follow.

The way the court manages Sudden Wind City also represents their thoughts on other state capitals.

It is true that the state shepherd of the state capital thinks that he is powerful enough to be the emperor, so naturally he refuses!
However, they were not reconciled before the new method of growing grain was available.

Luo Huanzhi sent out an imperial decree to ask state shepherds and governors from all over the country to go to Shangjing to report on their duties, and sent a wave of officials to take over.

This is a ruthless move!
If they go to Shangjing, they will most likely be trapped in Shangjing. If they refuse to go to Shangjing, then the court will regard them as treason and send troops to encircle and suppress them!
Want a way to grow new grains?

miss you!
However, if the court made this move, if they endured it, it would be tantamount to surrender, and it ran counter to their idea of ​​becoming emperor on their own. How could this make them reconciled? !
In such a situation of vacillation, there is still a state that has decided to give up obtaining new grains and raise the flag to rebel first!

First establish himself as the emperor, then he has been the emperor!

As for whether you can defend the city...

Two months later-


It's time to harvest the second season of rice, which grows twice a year!

With the magnificence of the first harvest, and the second rice harvest, there are still so many people running to watch!
This time, the yield per mu of land was only [-] catties, but it still made the people in Shangjing very excited and excited.

The officials’ farms in Shangjing City, etc., also received the new grain and planted rice harvested in autumn. Huangzhuang is the second season of regenerated rice, and the harvest is small, but they are harvesting the first season, which also reached the mu Produce six hundred catties!

Not only can this news not be blocked, but it has to be spread by others, so that it can be spread far and wide so that everyone in the world knows about it!

In October, state shepherds and governors from all over the country brought their family members to the capital to report on their duties.

As for the state shepherd who wanted to experience what it was like to be an emperor, there was no need to go to the capital to send troops. The local middle-aged men and women spontaneously organized a team, and wiped out the state shepherd who made himself emperor!

Cooker, cooker soul, cooker master!
It's bad guys who want to stop them from eating their fill!

It must be defeated!

The shocking effect of the new food was brought into full play by Luo Huanzhi!
 A new article is already being prepared...

(End of this chapter)

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