Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 692 Scene Trigger

Chapter 692 Scene triggering (fourth update)
Chapter 692

The palace banquet begins——

At the Dachao meeting, they had already reported what achievements they had made, but at this time, they mainly focused on eating, drinking, playing and having fun.

To eat, each official and his family members have a small portion of steamed rice from the newly planted grain this year. To drink...it is also grain wine, to play...is to throw pots and other small games, and to enjoy is to watch performances.

In the capital city, apart from the few courtiers who wanted their daughters to enter the harem and let their daughters go up to perform dances, it was the daughters of eight officials who came back from other places. They let their prostitute daughters go up to perform. And their prostitute is not so much their daughter as their tool.

Yin Jiao sat beside Luo Huanzhi softly and expressionlessly, holding the baby Luo Xianghuo and the baby Luo Xiangqiao in her arms.

The eyes of the two little fellows patrolled the banquet, and when their eyes fell on the six officials who joined forces to manage a state, the two of them respectively provided the essence of anger and resentment.

She understood.

The purpose of Yin Jiaoruan's extravagant and wasteful holding of such a banquet was for this purpose, and it was considered accomplished. As for the future...

The banquet is held, we have to wait for them to end.

Yin Jiaoruan turned her head to look at Luo Huanzhi, signaling Luo Huanzhi to look at the girls performing in the center.

It's hard not to know their intentions with all those coquettish looks.

With so little clothes on, and the belly is exposed, why don't you have a cold wind?

For these girls who want to seduce her husband, even if they know that a man can keep it on his own, no matter how many beautiful girls there are outside, it has nothing to do with them, and he will still be angry.

Luo Huanzhi squinted his eyes half-closed in enjoyment, but actually didn't look at these people at all.

The performances by the daughters and sons of various officials are over and play time begins.

Writing poems, painting, calligraphy, playing the piano, playing chess...you can play whatever game you want to look elegant.

Not only their daughter wanted Luo Huanzhi's attention, but their son also wanted Luo Huanzhi's attention.

Because as long as Luo Huanzhi agrees, their son can enter the court as an official without recommendation.

Yin Jiao softly frowned, an inexplicable thought slipped through her mind, itching like a cat's paw, she couldn't hold back, turned her head, and whispered to Luo Huanzhi.

"The ancestor emperor conducted a scientific examination, although in the end it was still the aristocratic family, and the officials recommended many officials, can we make the scientific examination bigger and better? In this way, can the officials be with the aristocratic family, and it doesn't matter if the officials recommend it? "

Rong Xiucai passed the Juren examination. Without the support of his family, he gained his current status because of Luo Huanzhi's attention. There are too many scholars like Rong Xiucai in the world!

They have no connections, no family background, no recommendation from officials, they are only talented people on foot, no matter how difficult it is to advance!

"Most of the officials who passed the imperial examination were descendants of aristocratic families, and a small number of them entered official careers because they took refuge in certain officials," Luo Huanzhi explained.

This is one of the reasons why small officials are oppressed by high-ranking officials.

"What if we don't let them know about the exam questions?"

Yin Jiao softly frowned, a bunch of scientific research ideas popped up in her mind, and she actively talked to Luo Huanzhi in a low voice.

"Maybe...you can try it," Luo Huanzhi thoughtfully, staring at Yin Jiaoruan for a moment, fascinated and unable to extricate himself.

His Jiaojiao is really amazing, he can think of so many things.

Yin Jiaoruan was in a daze, as if a scene was triggered, some knowledge or some memory images would flash in her mind.

She was a little flustered about this situation, and she didn't know how to describe it.

(End of this chapter)

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