Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 818 That's a Shortcut

Chapter 818 That's a Shortcut (Fourth Update)
Chapter 818

The military general who came to the court looked ugly, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer.

"The value here is not worth [-] taels. I can find others to get some more," Laichao general subconsciously changed the topic, and looked at the envoy for help.

He also realized that his mind was indeed not as fast as that of a general.

Laichao Wenchen took a step forward and said, "I wonder what Madam's estimate is?"

"Hey," the woman sneered, and then continued: "Subconsciously changing the subject is also a kind of guilty conscience."

"Da Luo Dynasty, although I don't know the full explanation, I know that the new emperor and the overlord are both good. I see that you deliberately discredit them. What is your intention?!" The woman chased after her.

The military generals and civil servants who came to court were a little bit embarrassed, and they all looked at their prince who came to court for help.

Laichao said to the prince: "Our lives are in your hands, how dare you be dishonest? We are Laichao, and the Daluo Dynasty is there. We are friendly and antagonistic. It is wrong to habitually smear a few words." , but the fact is that this is just a different position.”

See this makes sense...


I was stunned to raise a small matter to a major issue between the two countries.

"I don't know which country these two strangers are from?" The prince Laichao's eyes flickered slightly.

He felt the two people's protection of the Da Luo Dynasty. If they were from the Da Luo Dynasty, they could only be killed if they couldn't be bribed!
Even if he could be bribed, he still felt uneasy, after all... the way he defended the Da Luo Dynasty did not seem like he could truly surrender.

"Heh, I want to change the topic again, come to court, it's worse than the slave system that I despise, " the woman sneered.

The faces of the princes, civil servants and generals who came to court were all ugly.

"You are strangers from the Great Luo Dynasty, aren't you?!" The prince Laichao has realized that the pair of strangers in front of him are not something they can buy, otherwise... why would they work for the Great Luo Dynasty? Can I head to a mission? !

"Heh, pay the money quickly," the woman urged with a smile, not denying it, but affirming it.

Add [-] points to the essence value of the prince from Lai Dynasty with a distorted killing intent.

From... Zuojingjiajiajia...

Incarnated into a chattering magical world, he said: Host, if you let them fight, you can go up and use force casually on such a big battlefield, how much money can you collect!Maybe you can collect [-] million points in one go!
Yin Jiaoruan's heart skipped a beat, that was a shortcut, if Luo Huanzhi dissipated before she recovered her abilities, she might take the shortcut, but now...

The woman turned her head to look at the man with different looks and imposing manner, and then looked at the embassy who came to court and urged: "Give you a moment, take out all the treasures!"

From... Zuojingjiajiajia...

The ferocious beasts approached another foot, obviously annoyed the pair of strangers in front of them.

The missionaries who came to the DPRK did not dare to delay any longer, and took out their valuables one after another.

They took out the obvious ones and left the non-obvious ones, thinking that the man and woman could not see them.

The woman yelled at the wolf leader, and the wolf leader sent several wolf brothers to surround the outermost guard.

The guard shivered, his whole body froze, not daring to move.

The wolf boy jumped up, and the guards were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground. He gave up his anger in despair, closed his eyes and waited, and then found that his body was cold, and the clothes on his body were bitten. All the money was searched out!
The bank note in the shoe was not spared either, and Brother Wolf also found it.

Unexpectedly, the three wolves came to take most of the money hidden in him!

Except for two strangers, Dachang was too shocked to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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