Tian's wife is fierce

Chapter 853 The full text is over, thank you for your company

Chapter 853 The full text is over (eight more) Thank you for your company

Chapter 853

The last stitch is closed.

Yin Jiaoruan's movements were not in a hurry, if she didn't look at it with a murderous look behind her, she would have looked very elegant.

That's when... things changed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle seemed to have eyes behind her back, and when the opponent approached her a distance of one foot, she shot out suddenly.

Ye Qiusheng, who came in, widened his eyes in disbelief, seeing that he was being attacked, he couldn't understand, he had obviously added a silent state to himself!Why is it still being discovered? !


When Ye Qiusheng fell down, he still couldn't understand.

He had lied to Luo Huanzhi, sneaked in here, how could he still be discovered? !
Yin Jiaoruan counted the surgical tools one by one and put them into the box. After making sure that there was nothing missing, she turned around slowly and looked at the person behind her.

"You came."

"You...knew I would come?" Ye Qiusheng couldn't believe it.

"If it wasn't for me, how could you have kept it from Ah Jiu?" Yin Jiaoruan shook her head: "Too naive."

Luo Xianghuo realized that what happened next was something he couldn't accept. He shook his head subconsciously, wanting to refuse, but in the next second, he was knocked unconscious by the drug!

Yin Jiaoruan took a pill of this medicine into Luo Xianghuo's mouth.

The drug melted into his throat and quickly took effect in his body. Within a moment, he couldn't hold his heavy eyelids.


Luo Xianghuo thought it was loud, but he didn't notice it at all. His sincerity was actually very small, and it couldn't attract the attention of outsiders at all.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Qiusheng couldn't move his body, but his consciousness was still clear, he couldn't shout, but he could still speak.

"I'm curious," Yin Jiao softly squatted beside Ye Qiusheng, and reached out to touch the deadly Baihui acupoint in the center of Ye Qiusheng's head.

"What are you going to do?" Even though Ye Qiusheng couldn't move his body, he still felt fear in his heart, and his body shivered involuntarily, as if he was on the ground of ice and snow!
"Don't be afraid, it will be fine soon," Yin Jiaoruan moved her hands.

A small blade was caught between the fingers, and it just pierced into Ye Qiusheng's Baihui acupuncture point. The strange thing is... Ye Qiusheng didn't die!

"The key point is that hitting here is easy to kill, but if you grasp it well, it won't happen."

At this moment, Ye Qiusheng could no longer make a sound, his lips opened and closed invisibly, and his self-righteous roar was also silent.

Ye Qiu couldn't move, he didn't dare to move.

And the keyword system in his mind moved, trying to get away from the host, but turned into a light ball and escaped. When he thought no one could see it, it was chopped off by a string of codes.

The magical world is going crazy too: Host, if you do this, we will die with him ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Although the magical world is a code, as the core of autonomous luck becomes complicated, it also has complex emotions similar to human beings, and at this time, it panics.

If you are a human being, why would you want to die?

The magical world implores.

Yin Jiaoruan now suspects that there will be loopholes in this world because of the chaos in the magical world, so... so be it.

Faced with Yin Jiaoruan's internal questioning, the Mysterious World couldn't answer, because...it was indeed his fault.

It's not that if you accidentally kill someone, it's not murder. If you do it wrong, it's wrong!
The magical world once again silenced with one click.

"Are you crazy?!"

The pale-faced Luo Huanzhi rushed into the political affairs hall. He looked at the light group, rushed over, took the light group directly, and lifted the code prison outside the light group.

Yin Jiaoruan stared at Luo Huanzhi in astonishment.

How could Luo Huanzhi see the code light? !
It is invisible and cannot be captured by the naked eye, unless it has a system itself!

Luo Huanzhi pinched hard, and the ball of code light that originally required Yin Jiaoruan to fight for herself and the magical world did not dissipate!

Just like that, it dissipated!
Yin Jiaoruan was shocked, she couldn't believe it, her mouth was wide open as if she could stuff an egg, and she just looked at Luo Huanzhi in a daze.

Luo Huanzhi hugged Yin Jiao softly, and the first sentence was: "I'm sorry, I didn't keep it from you."

"When you asked, I didn't answer because I couldn't tell. If you ask now, I still can't tell," Luo Huanzhi said again.

Yin Jiaoruan closed her mouth slowly, letting Luo Huanzhi hold her, her mood couldn't be more complicated.

Without the keyword system, Ye Qiusheng is a person who cannot know the secrets in this world. In the next moment, he will not be obliterated by the laws of the world!
The moment the soul dissipated, he still couldn't react, and dissipated just like that with a stunned face.

Luo Xiangqiao and Luo Xianghuo woke up safely, and the wound recovered and repaired quickly under the most suitable Chinese medicine.

Everything returns to calm.

A hundred years later——

Yin Jiaoruan and Luo Huanzhi left the small world.

Yin Jiaoruan finally knows who Luo Huanzhi is!

She gasped in disbelief.

The magical world that followed her was even more shocking and garbled.

A big "pie" has fallen from the world!
It was smashed to death.

【End of full text】

In other words, I wrote [End] and [Fan] on the title of the volume. In fact, the latter part is purely caused by my obsessive-compulsive disorder. Whether I can read it or not... is actually not that important, sweat.

Thank you sisters for your company over the past four months, thank you!

Owning tomorrow, looking forward to the future, I hope we will meet in the next book, and I will definitely arrange it in advance for the next book, so that I only need to use the OCD within that framework, and I don’t have to embarrass my sisters, and I’ll edit it, sweat .

The most important thing is: thank you sisters, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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