shock!My husband and cub always have to post when they are reborn

Chapter 76 Why did you kidnap Nan Rong suddenly?

Li Yuanwu gritted his teeth and remained silent. He knew very well that Nan Rong was his biggest trump card and the key to getting everything back.

His attitude made Li Siyuan guess what he wanted to do, and his eyes changed for a moment: "Li Yuanwu, don't you think that I have nothing to do with you after you kidnapped Nan Rong?"

Li Yuanwu really thought so. He lowered his head and lay on the ground silently. Nan Rong and Li Siyuan are best friends. Now that Nan Rong is in hand, Li Siyuan will obediently do as he wants soon.

Li Siyuan really wanted to say something stupid, Rongrong's identity is not simple, not the ordinary person's identity that Li Yuanwu saw, now that Li Yuanwu has the audacity to kidnap Rongrong, Li Yuanwu will feel better if she doesn't need to do anything.

"Since you don't want to say anything, I won't say anything more until the people from the relevant departments arrive."

She sent a message to the hospital and the young man respectively, one was to call for monitoring, and the other was to check Li Yuanwu's whereabouts today and who he had contacted in detail.

"Yuanyuan, don't you want to know about Nanrong's situation?" Li Yuanwu looked at her suspiciously, his words bewitching.

Li Siyuan signaled Li Han to take care of the baby, she walked up to Li Yuanwu, looked down at him indifferently: "Do you know where you are stupid?"

Before he could answer, she said again: "You dared to kidnap Rongrong and threaten me without even finding out the identities of Rongrong and me. Li Yuanwu, I really admire your courage."

Li Yuanwu didn't believe that Nan Rong had any identity. In his opinion, the reason why Nan Rong could have a good life now was all because of currying favor with Li Siyuan.

"Yuanyuan, as long as you promise me three conditions, you will be able to see Nan Rong soon."

He stood up and said with a smile on his face, "It's not three too difficult conditions, you can do it."

Li Siyuan knew what Li Yuanwu's three conditions were without guessing, and looked at him like an idiot: "There are still 10 minutes at most, and the people from the relevant departments will arrive... Oh, that's wrong, the police should be the first to arrive. .”

"Li Yuanwu, enjoy your days ahead."

After finishing the words, she walked to the baby's side and didn't say a word to Li Yuanwu again.

Li Yuanwu yelled there for a long time, but he didn't see Li Siyuan answering him, or he was a little flustered, so he gritted his teeth and prepared to leave first.

He was stopped by Li Han again, and kicked to the ground by him: "Li Yuanwu, my wife didn't let you leave, so you just stay here obediently."

Li Yuanwu shivered and got up to run again.

He was thrown to the ground by Li Siyuan's flying kick: "Li Yuanwu, even if you run away, the relevant departments and the police will find you."

Li Yuanwu clenched his back teeth tightly, and really hated Li Siyuan: "Yuanyuan, if you keep doing this, I can't guarantee what will happen to Nan Rong."

Hearing his threat, Li Siyuan's face was full of anger, and she grabbed his collar: "Let me tell you, Li Yuanwu, if Rongrong hurts a strand of hair, I will let you experience what life is like death." taste."

This kind of Li Siyuan made Li Yuanwu terrified from the bottom of his heart, but he laughed wildly and said, "Yuanyuan, as I said just now, if you agree to my three conditions, Nan Rong will be fine."

Just as Li Siyuan was about to say that you were dreaming, he heard a strange man's voice.

"Who called the police?"

Li Siyuan looked sideways and saw three policemen approaching, and immediately handed Li Yuanwu over to the policeman: "Comrade policeman, I reported to the policeman, this person is suspected of kidnapping, extortion, etc. evidence of."

Li Yuanwu didn't expect that the police would really come, and they came so soon. He said loudly again and again: "Comrade police, don't listen to my niece's nonsense. We are having a conflict, and she is disobedient."

"Comrade police, I'm my niece's guardian. Something happened to her recently, that's why she's like this. I'm really sorry she did such a thing."

"Go back to the police station." The three policemen, Li Siyuan, Li Han and his son, and Li Yuanwu brought them back to the police station.

As soon as he arrived at the police station, Li Siyuan provided a lot of favorable evidence, including Li Yuanwu's tax evasion and extortion.

Therefore, Li Yuanwu was brought into the interrogation room and interrogated by two experienced policemen.

Li Siyuan, Li Han and his son sat on the stools and waited for the results of Li Yuanwu's interrogation, and for Nan Rong to be found.

Li Siyuan sat for a while, then walked back and forth, her expression was restless, she didn't know how Rong Rong was doing now, I hope nothing happened to her.

"Don't worry too much, wife."

Li Han helped her sit on the stool, and softly comforted her: "We have to believe that people in Nanrongji have their own aura, and walking around in such an anxious way will only make you more anxious, why not Think about whether you have helped Li Yuanwu."

Li Siyuan's brows stood on end, her eyes were as sharp as ice knives, she pressed the corner of her forehead: "Someone must have helped Li Yuanwu, it's impossible for him alone to do this."

"Also, judging from the fact that Li Yuanwu is about to leave the hospital, Rongrong should have been kidnapped not long ago."

Li Han nodded and analyzed: "Li Yuanwu's purpose is to use Nan Rong to force you to submit. Before Li Yuan Wu's purpose is achieved, there is at least a 70.00% possibility that Nan Rong is safe."

Li Siyuan knew this, she was worried that Rongrong would suffer, or something bad happened.

At this time, the phone vibrated twice, and it was a surveillance video sent by the director of the hospital.

Li Siyuan took the mobile phone and watched the surveillance video with Li Han.

The video shows that Nan Rong was carried out by a burly young man. This man carried Nan Rong from a less crowded area of ​​the hospital to the parking lot, and then drove away.

Li Siyuan memorized the license plate number and gave it to the young man, asking him to find out where Nan Rong was hidden as soon as possible.

Judging by Rongrong's situation, she must have been forcibly fainted.

"Honey, you can check Fang's house." Li Han reminded.

Li Siyuan sent another message, his eyes froze inch by inch: "If the Fang family really participates, I will make the Fang family regret it."

Li Han squeezed her shoulders, thinking about Nan Rong's kidnapping, and talking to Li Siyuan: "Does my wife think that the kidnapping is not so simple?"

Li Siyuan was aware of the problem, and frowned: "Yes, why did Li Yuanwu suddenly think of kidnapping Rongrong, and how did he make Rongrong dizzy? There are still many doubts."

"Maybe someone helped Li Yuanwu with this matter, but it's also possible that we were thinking too much."

Li Han hummed: "According to the current situation, the best way is to ask Li Yuanwu something."

"Honey, Li Yuanwu has such a good face, we can start from this point."

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