Chapter 161 Exchange
The shopkeeper nodded, "Yes."

After talking about the shopkeeper, she prepared all the things she needed and placed them on the cabinet.

"A pill furnace with [-] spirit stones, Qi Gathering Pill, Qi Returning Pill, and Jingxin Pill require [-] copies of medicinal materials, a total of [-] spirit stones, and four living flame rats cost [-] spirit stones. , in this case, there are still three hundred Lingshi remaining."

The shopkeeper paused for a moment and asked, "Does this fellow Taoist need pills? The small shop also sells basic pills."

Mo Wushuang shook his head, thought for a while and said, "I don't need Danfang, you can add another spirit animal bag to me."

"The spirit beast bag costs two hundred spirit stones, so there are only one hundred spirit stones left."

"Well, that's it."

Mo Wushuang sighed in his heart, this Lingshi is too inexperienced.

After collecting the things and spirit stones, Mo Wushuang returned to the cave where he rented before.

Although the cave she rented was the most inferior, it also had a small isolation formation, and what she was doing in it, ordinary monks of the same level could not spy on it.

Of course, Foundation Establishment cultivators would not live in such a place, so Mo Wushuang was not very worried about alchemy here.

Back in the training room, she first took out the two storage bags she got in the woods, and poured out all the contents.

Looking at the broken copper and iron that fell down, Mo Wushuang really wanted to roll his eyes. These two people were even poorer than her, no wonder they wanted to rob others.

The two of them didn't have five hundred spirit stones in total, and one of the only two porcelain vases was empty, and there were only two Huiqi pills in the other porcelain vase, which was of the lowest quality.

Then there are a few fireball symbols, and two flying swords.

Mo Wushuang curled his lips and cursed secretly, "Two poor ghosts!"

After packing up his things, Mo Wushuang planned to start alchemy. After cleaning the newly bought alchemy furnace, Mo Wushuang first took out the herbs for refining Qi Gathering Pill, placed it in front of him, and spread his palms.

A small cluster of flames suddenly appeared in her palm, looking at the small flames that kept jumping in her hand, Mo Wushuang's eyes were both puzzled and complicated.

The reason is that the color of the cluster of small flames in her palm is neither red nor the orange-yellow of the previous life, but three colors of black, white and gray.

The sharp part of the flame is pure white and slightly transparent, the bottom is black, and the middle is gray.

Ever since she was able to condense the pill fire, she discovered the abnormal change of the pill fire in her body. She didn't know the reason, nor did she understand the difference between this pill fire and the flames bred in the dantian of ordinary monks.

She also tried it, and the lethality of this flame has not changed much from the previous life.

After thinking about it for a while, she still couldn't think of any clues. In this respect, her cognition was really lacking.

Withdrawing his mind, Mo Wushuang was ready to start alchemy.

The last time she made alchemy was already in her previous life. For fear that her hands would be too raw, Mo Wushuang tried to figure out the characteristics of each herb again, for fear that the first furnace would blow up the furnace, and the elixir would be wasted. She can't afford to consume it now. .

After adjusting the state, Mo Wushuang took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and patted on the alchemy furnace, the lid of the alchemy furnace opened automatically, and Mo Wushuang put the herbs into the alchemy furnace one by one in order.

Then close the lid of the pill furnace, condense the pill fire, and guide the pill fire to the bottom of the pill furnace by pulling and pulling your fingers.

Mo Wushuang concentrated and calmed down, forming fingerprints on his hands, hitting the outer wall of the alchemy furnace.

Two hours later, Mo Wushuang looked at the eleven pills in his hand with a dull expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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