I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 166 Buying Magical Instruments

Chapter 166 Buying Magical Instruments
"I, the shopkeeper, want to pick out one or two magical artifacts this time."

"The Magical Artifacts in our store are all good things. Of course, the price is not cheap. What kind of Magical Artifact do you want, whether it is an offensive Magical Artifact or a defensive one."

"Does the shopkeeper have any good recommendations?"

The shopkeeper thought for a while, took out several jade boxes, and opened the first box, which contained a long red whip.

"This scarlet whip is very suitable for women."

Seeing the long whip, Mo Wushuang's eyes looked nostalgic, but finally she shook her head: "I don't want this, is there anything else?"

The shopkeeper opened the second box again, this time there was a pair of short daggers in the box.

The shopkeeper explained: "These are a pair of daggers made from the teeth of a third-level sea beast with four claws and explosive fish."

Mo Wushuang fell in love with it at a glance, nodded, "How many spirit stones are these?"

Seeing that she liked it, the shopkeeper stretched out two fingers and shook, "Two thousand spirit stones."

"Okay, I'll take this."

There was a smile on the shopkeeper's face, and at the same time, he was puzzled. Two months ago, this little girl was so poor that she couldn't even get a few hundred spirit stones. She had to do the task first, and it only took two months. .

He didn't even blink his eyes when he bought a magic weapon with thousands of pieces of Lingshi.

And Mo Wushuang looked at a copper basin-like object placed next to him, a little curious, stretched out his finger and asked: "The shopkeeper's is also a magic weapon?"

The shopkeeper looked at the copper basin and nodded, "That's right, this is a good defensive magic weapon."

"How to say?"

"This is made of tungsten-copper crystals. It can be used as a defensive magic weapon, as a flying magic weapon, and as a boat to sail in the water. Do you think it has infinite uses?"

Mo Wushuang imagined himself sitting in a copper basin and flying in the sky, and suddenly felt a little thunderous.

Seeing the strange expression on her face, the shopkeeper smiled, "Let me try it for you, and you will know its magical effect."

The shopkeeper brought Mo Wushuang to the backyard, threw the copper basin into the air, and followed with a hand formula.

The copper basin instantly became larger, and then fell upside down on the ground.

"When you encounter an attack, you cover yourself like this. I guarantee that even a foundation cultivator will need to spend a lot of effort to break this magic weapon."

Mo Wushuang rubbed his chin, "I feel that although the appearance is a little bit bad, and it doesn't quite match my temperament, but the defense is not bad, and it's good enough to survive the world's water."

"How many spirit stones does the shopkeeper have?"

The shopkeeper stretched out three fingers and shook, "Only three thousand spirit stones are needed."

Mo Wushuang sighed in his heart, the spirit stone he just got is not hot yet, and it will cost five thousand spirit stones.

But in the end she still bought the copper basin, and finally she bought some spiritual herbs needed for alchemy again, this time buying a hundred copies of each kind.

After packing all the things, the shopkeeper sent her out the door with a smile on his face.

After returning to the cave with the things, Mo Wushuang began to get familiar with the operation methods of these two magic tools. After she was able to manipulate these two magic tools proficiently, she was ready to retreat for alchemy again.

In the south of the city, Mo Wushuang's stall disappeared after only two days. Many monks who hadn't had time to buy the elixirs were beating their chests and feet.

The other stall owners who sold pills were also secretly relieved when they saw that no one came anymore. If he kept doing it like this, then their business would not have to be done.

(End of this chapter)

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