Chapter 170 Sea Beast Attack
Mo Wushuang was afraid of being recognized by him, so he entered the cabin as soon as he got on the boat and never came out again.

Mo Wushuang has observed that the Lou family's merchant ship has a powerful defensive formation, presumably to defend against sea beasts in the sea, and there is also a monk of alchemy on board.

In addition to the alchemy monk, including Lou Jing, there are four foundation-building monks.

Mo Wushuang couldn't help being secretly surprised. Pingsha City is just a small city on the southeast coast, and the cultivation families in the city have such strength, which shows the high level of cultivation in the Zhongwu Continent.

This was the first time Mo Wushuang went to sea since he came to this world, and he was quite surprised, after finding out that Lou Jing didn't recognize her.

Mo Wushuang would also come to the deck to enjoy the scenery from time to time.

The aura on the sea is also very abundant, and she is admiring the scenery.

Suddenly the whole ship shook, Mo Wushuang released his consciousness, and sensed that a huge ironhead fish was attacking the stern of the ship.

The monk driving the boat didn't show any signs of panic, the merchant ship's built-in defensive formation blocked the ironhead fish's attack.

When the ironhead was dizzy, the merchant ship suddenly accelerated and drove away.

There are many such attacks along the way.

In this way, the merchant ship sailed for another five or six days. On this day, Mo Wushuang, who was meditating in the cabin, suddenly felt some commotion on the splint.

Out of curiosity, she also paid off and went to the deck.

The hull was shaking violently, and there were two golden tiger sharks attacking the hull at the same time. These two golden tiger sharks were both level [-] sea beasts, which were almost equivalent to the cultivation base of human monks in the late stage of foundation establishment. Can't play much role.

Can't beat them back.

Mo Wushuang noticed that there was a middle-aged man in a white Taoist robe standing on the splint at this time. Although the man's appearance was still young, there were traces of white hair on his temples.

Lou Jing and other four Foundation Establishment monks of the Lou family stood on both sides of the man.

Mo Wushuang guessed that this man should be the alchemy cultivator who joined the boat this time, but he didn't know what kind of cultivation he received.

But it shouldn't be a problem to deal with these two golden tiger sharks.

But the monk who formed the alchemy had no intention of doing anything at all. He looked at the four of Lou Jing and said lightly: "You four go."

The four of them didn't hesitate at all when they heard the words, they took out their magic weapons, and in a group of two, they rushed out of the formation and fought with the two golden tiger sharks respectively.

Mo Wushuang watched intently. Among these four people, only one should have a late foundation establishment cultivation base.

Among them, Lou Jing's cultivation level should be the lowest, only in the early stage of foundation establishment, but he didn't show any signs of panic, and he seemed to have a lot of fighting experience.

Taking advantage of another person temporarily restraining the golden tiger shark, he leaped into the sky, and then a folding fan suddenly appeared in his hand.

He unfolded the fan and threw it in the direction of the golden tiger shark, and saw the golden tiger shark spinning in the sea.

Mo Wushuang suddenly realized that there must be a phantom formation inside the folding fan.

Lou Jing held the sword in both hands, and then fell from a high altitude, the long sword pierced straight into the head of the golden tiger shark.

The sea water suddenly turned bright red.

At the same time, the other golden tiger shark was also dealt with by those two.

The Qi training monks on the boat were all in awe when they saw this scene.

Brother Jiedan of Lou's family also nodded in satisfaction, and ordered: "Go and clean up the corpses of these two tiger sharks, otherwise more sea beasts will be attracted."

"Yes, elder!"

(End of this chapter)

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