Chapter 179 Changes in Dantian
It seems to be much richer than the aura gathered between heaven and earth.

Mo Wushuang tried to draw a trace of mist into his body.

The moment the mist entered her body, Mo Wushuang shivered all over, and every pore felt an unprecedented sense of comfort.

But before she had an expression of enjoyment on her face, there was a sudden change.

That strong aura, after swimming around her body, went directly to her dantian and settled down.

However, the original aura in Mo Wushuang's dantian seemed to be very dissatisfied with this outsider's behavior of occupying the magpie's nest.

He actually wanted to expel this spiritual energy voluntarily.

And this wisp of mist was not to be outdone at all, but began to devour the aura she had cultivated with great difficulty in Mo Wushuang's dantian.

Mo Wushuang's complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly restrained her mind, holding onto Yuan Shouyi, trying to suppress the violent aura in her body.

But it didn't work at all, the two actually started fighting in her dantian like this.

Mo Wushuang was a little panicked, she felt that her dantian was about to burst in the next second, and then she felt that the blood vessels and veins all over her body began to ache violently.

Then, Mo Wushuang passed out directly.

After she fell into a coma, strands of white aura continuously entered Mo Wushuang's body from her left wrist.

Just like that, the original aura in her body was quickly swallowed up by the white thick original power of heaven and earth.

That's right, what is contained in this bracelet is the real power of the origin of heaven and earth.

After completely devouring the miscellaneous spiritual energy in her body, this source of power traveled around the meridians and acupoints all over her body, and then returned to her dantian again.

When Mo Wushuang woke up again, it was already three days later, the first thing she did when she woke up was to check if her dantian was still there.

After looking inside with her spiritual sense, Mo Wushuang breathed a long sigh of relief, and then frowned. She felt that her dantian was different from before, as if it had grown a little bigger.

And the spiritual power gathered in the dantian is also very different from before, not only in capacity, but also in quality.

Furthermore, the veins all over her body seemed to have become tougher.

Mo Wushuang stared wide-eyed, "No, no, I have advanced, I have advanced to the ninth level of Qi training after sleeping all the time."

She laughed a few times, and almost figured out the key to this, which should be the role of the white aura in the bracelet.

She touched the bracelet lightly subconsciously, and for the first time felt that God had finally opened her eyes.

"Then since the mist in the bracelet can be absorbed into the dantian, wouldn't I be able to directly use the mist to practice in the future?"

When Mo Wushuang thought about it, she couldn't wait to try it out, but she learned the lesson from the last time, this time she was extra careful, only took out a little bit, and absorbed it into her body.

It's just that this time, unlike the first time, the white mist was directly transformed into spiritual energy and was sucked into the dantian.

Mo Wushuang was overjoyed, thinking that God finally gave her a golden finger.

"Since this is a space, living people can't enter it, so can dead things be stored, or else it wouldn't be here to store this kind of spiritual energy."

After hesitating for a moment, she tentatively threw a piece of spirit stone into it.

Then her consciousness clearly sensed the location of the Lingshi in it.

 Thanks to the family for the recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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