Chapter 185 Return
Every time a low-level sea beast approached, she solved it by herself if she could solve it, and avoided it far away if she couldn't solve it, and didn't bother herself who was recovering from her injuries.

Lou Jing shot out his own flying sword, stepped on the flying sword and flew high into the sky. After staying in the air for a while, he returned to the copper basin again.

Said: "There are sea areas around, and there are no big islands to distinguish the direction, but I think we should fly to the northeast, and we should find the island where we landed."

Mo Wushuang spread out his hands and said that he had no objection.

Lou Jing stretched out his hand to her naturally, "Let's go!"

Mo Wushuang nodded, but the copper basin he put away jumped onto his flying sword, and Lou Jing withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

The two flew in the sky for three full days before they found a small island.

"Miss Mo is giving a tonic pill."

Mo Wushuang took out the animal skin and filled it with, "Two hundred spirit stones for one pill."


Lou Jing twitched the corner of his mouth, took the elixir and skillfully signed his name.

Mo Wushuang put away the animal hide before he began to look around.She does have some impression of this island.

She was about to take out a map of the sea area for comparison, but Lou Jing suddenly pulled him behind him.

Just as she was about to speak, she saw a stream of light falling not far from the two of them.

The two looked at the person who came by at the same time, and the person also looked over at the same time.

The person who came was a man. The man was wearing a bright red brocade robe, the tails of his eyes were slightly raised, and there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Mo Wushuang felt that when Lou Jing saw this person, his body became tense in an instant.

The man in red smiled and said, "Who am I supposed to be here? It turns out to be Mr. Lou Qi. Hey, there is a beautiful girl here. Is this a good thing to disturb Mr. Lou?"

While the man was talking, his eyes were still looking behind him.

There was no trace of a smile on Lou Jing's face, and he turned his body sideways, blocking the people behind him tightly, "I don't know why Mr. Chu came here suddenly."

"I was chasing a sea beast. I came here. I saw someone here and came down to take a look. I didn't expect it to be Mr. Lou. I thought it was a pair of wild mandarin ducks."

Lou Jing: "Since this is the case, then we will not delay Mr. Chu's affairs. We have to return to Qingzhou Island, so we will go ahead."

After finishing speaking, Lou Jing bowed his hands to the man, and flew directly into the sky with Mo Wushuang.

The man in red touched his chin as he watched the two people go away, narrowed his eyes, and then disappeared on the island in a flash of light.

Lou Jing brought Mo Wushuang to land on another smaller island nearby.

Mo Wushuang looked at his apparent strength, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Who is that Mr. Chu? I think you are quite afraid of him?"

"You said Chu Shilin, he is from the Chu family."

"Do you have a holiday?"

"That's out of the question, it's just that there are occasional small frictions between the forces we belong to, and his cultivation level is higher than mine, so."

Mo Wushuang understood what he meant, and waved his hand to show that he was not interested in these things.

"Where are we going next, and how long will it take to return to Qingzhou Island?"

"I think it's not far from Qingzhou Island. I also know the general direction. It will take about five days."

Mo Wushuang nodded.

Lou Jing was a little embarrassed, "Miss Mo, give me another elixir."

"Don't be embarrassed, you are my big customer now, just remember to pay me the spirit stone when you go back."

"Hungry, okay!"

 This book is relatively slow, and family members who can't wait can subscribe first, and read it after getting fat.

(End of this chapter)

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