I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 195 Breaking the Formation (1)

Chapter 195 Breaking the formation ([-])
Yan Yihe nodded when he heard the words, a formation disk appeared in his hand, first he walked around the small pool, looked at the small water pool from time to time, and looked down at the formation disk in his hand from time to time.

After watching for a while, he frowned slightly, and the people around him didn't bother him.

After a while, Yan Yihe put away the formation disk, Yu Jian flew high into the sky, and checked the small pool again.

Then it fell down again, with a serious expression on his face.

The remaining five people hurried over to inquire about the situation.

Among them, the strong man was the first to ask: "I said Yan Yihe, after watching for a long time, did you see anything? What kind of formation is here?"

Although the rest of the people didn't speak, they all looked at him.

Yan Yihe nodded, "It is true that a formation restriction has been set up here, and it should be a good alchemy cultivator who set up this formation restriction."

The eyes of several people lit up when they heard this.

Lu Zhen asked: "Then Daoist Yan, are you sure you can break this formation?"

Yan Yihe thought for a while, and said: "If my guess is correct, the five-element array has been set up in this pool. I'm not very sure. I can only try it. Don't hold too much hope."

Lu Zhen nodded, "Then it all depends on Fellow Daoist Yan, and the few of us will protect the law for you."

Yan Yihe: "I will probably need five to seven days."

The dark and strong man scratched his hair, "It will take so long, then I'll go to sleep first."

The few remaining people were scattered.

Seeing this, Mo Wushuang also quietly exited the area of ​​the small pool and returned to the periphery of the island.

Sitting by the sea, Mo Wushuang felt a little tangled in her heart. She didn't expect that there would be a cave left by a monk of alchemy here. If that monk finally fell here, there should be a lot of treasures left in the cave. .

After she built her foundation, she really lacked some magic weapons to get close to her. This opportunity was right in front of her eyes, "Would she follow along?"

Of course, those foundation-building cultivators would not let her a young cultivator in the Qi training period get any advantage, as long as she showed her face, she would be wiped out by them immediately.

Her current strength can't compete with them at all, so what should she do? Mo Wushuang fell into deep thought.

Five days later, Mo Wushuang returned to Xiaoshuitan again, and the six people still did not leave here.

The monk surnamed Yan was sitting in a corner, with an array in front of him, but he was fiddling with something in his hands.

The rest of the people are all meditating.

After waiting for more than two hours, the monk surnamed Yan suddenly stood up, with an unconcealable tired look on his face.

Seeing him get up, several people stood up at the same time and looked over.

Yan Yihe: "Okay!"

Everyone's eyes immediately lit up when they heard the words. They all knew that if this was an abandoned cave, there would not still be formation restrictions.

Several people knew in their hearts that there must be something good in it, and the expressions on their faces became excited.

Yan Yihe walked to the edge of the small water pool, and several people followed him.

The brawny monk couldn't wait to urge him: "Yan Daoyou, what are you waiting for, do it quickly."

Yan Yihe did not move, but looked at the five people in front of him inexplicably, and said: "You fellow Taoists also know that our formation masters are not very strong in fighting skills and defense. After I break the five elements formation, Serious depletion of aura"

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(End of this chapter)

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