I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 200 Re-entering the Illusory Array

Chapter 200 Re-entering the Illusory Array
It took them so much effort to enter this cave, and they lost one person before even touching the edge of the treasure, which is really a bad start.

After waiting for another hour or so, Yan Ning still did not appear. They knew in their hearts that she might be in danger.

Fang Xiong was still very impatient, and said: "It's almost time, that girl probably didn't come over, let's go."

Others also agreed that although the stone room they are in now is larger in size, it is still empty and there is nothing, except that there is a stone door at the end of the stone room.

The few people walked towards the direction of the stone door without even thinking about it. When they reached the middle of the stone room, the scene in front of them changed again.

There is no stone room in front of him, but it is in the hot desert.

All eyes turned to Yan Yihe's direction again, Yan Yihe also frowned, he didn't expect that after the defensive formation outside was destroyed, there would be so many checkpoints in this cave.

He settled down and said: "Fellow daoists, don't panic, I think this is a phantom formation, as long as we find the location of the formation's eye, we can break out of the formation soon."

It's just that before the words fell, the yellow sand under the feet of the people began to sink, and it didn't take long for the sand to flow over the calves of the people.

Lu Zhen's complexion changed drastically. Seeing that several people were struggling desperately, he yelled, "Don't move around, the more you struggle, the faster you will sink, try to see if you can fly the imperial weapon."

Hearing what he said, several people also stopped their movements, and shot out their own flying magic weapon, trying to get out of trouble, but the next moment they found out that there was some kind of restriction imposed here, and the flying weapon was not allowed to fly at all.

The few people really panicked now, and before they could come up with a good solution, a behemoth suddenly appeared in front of them.

Huang Shan woman's complexion changed drastically: "It's a giant scorpion."

Seeing that everyone was in a mess, the most calm person at this time was the feminine-looking man, who shouted: "You, Daoist Yan, come to find the eyes of the formation, and the others will fight the giant scorpion together with me, for you, Fellow Daoist Yan!" To gain time."

"it is good!"

They discovered that after the giant scorpion appeared, the sand under their feet no longer sank.

Yan Yihe took out the formation plate and formation flag, and then looked around, wanting to find this place that makes people feel inconsistent.

But after searching for a long time, I still haven't found anything that may be the eye of the formation. Apart from the giant scorpion, there is nothing but yellow sand in the sky.

"Then where are these eyes hidden?"

"Fellow Daoist Yan, are you well? We're about to run out of strength." Lu Zhen urged.

"I'm looking, give me some more time."


Yan Yihe turned his head to look in the direction of the cry, and happened to see that the giant scorpion's tail pierced straight into the Huangshan woman's chest.

Yan Yihe's heart skipped a beat, and his mind was confused.

Ceng Jia saw that he was flustered, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission: "Don't worry, I'm here, I won't let you have any accidents."

Yan Yihe nodded, his head was already sweating, he touched the sweat on his head, then paused, "Yes, sweat."

He seemed to have thought of something, then raised his head suddenly, and saw that there was no sun in the blue sky. Isn't it strange that there is no scorching sun in such a high temperature here?

Yan Yihe's eyes lit up, and he yelled at several people: "I found the formation point, which one of you has a bow and arrow?"

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(End of this chapter)

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