Chapter 203 Underwater

"Let's go further, there should be a practice room ahead."

The three nodded and walked towards the end of the passage.

Sure enough, there was a stone room there, and the four pushed the door back and forth and walked in.

The four of them entered the practice room this time. On the futon in the middle of the stone room, there was a dead bone. Obviously, this person had already sat down.

The four looked at each other, and they all took a step forward at the same time, because they all saw the two storage bags hanging on the dead bone and the rotten clothes.

Seeing this, Ceng Jia said: "There are two storage bags in total, how about this, let's gather the contents of the storage bags together, and then distribute them evenly, fellow Taoists, what do you think of this?"

Fang Xiong: "I have no objection."

Lu Zhen rolled his eyes and said, "Yes."

Yan Yihe did not disagree.

Ceng Jia and Lu Zhen stepped forward at the same time, wanting to get the storage bag. At this moment, there was a shaking in the stone room, and there was a loud bang, and the whole stone room began to collapse.

Lu Zhen quickly took one storage bag into his hand, and when he wanted to get the second one, he found that there was nothing there.

He raised his head but met a pair of cold eyes, it was Cen Jia.

"Friend Lu Daoist."

Lu Zhen smiled, "In the current situation, I think we should run for our lives. Everyone will live and die in peace."

After finishing speaking, he rushed directly towards the stone gate where he came in.

Fang Xiong pointed at him and cursed: "Lu Zhen, I knew you were not a good guy, so I will withdraw the two fellow Taoists first."

After he cursed, he chased after Lu Zhen and ran fast.

Cen Jia pulled Yan Yihe and was about to leave, "Go, I'll take you away."

But Yan Yihe held him back, pointed to the underside of the dead futon and said, "Let's move this futon away, there should be a way out under here?"

Ceng Jia was stunned, then nodded, and the two of them moved away the futon that the corpse was sitting on. Sure enough, the stone bricks underneath seemed to be hollow. After they were cut open, water gushed in from the ground immediately.

The two looked at each other and plunged into the hole.

On the other side, after Mo Wushuang collected the stalactite, he followed the edge of the stalactite cave and continued to go deep inside.

The size of this stalactite cave far exceeded her expectations.After walking for two full days, she came to the end, but there was nothing at the end, all were stalactites of tens of thousands of years old.

Mo Wushuang frowned tightly, feeling that it was unreasonable. After searching around for a long time, he still didn't find anything unusual.

She had no choice but to go into the water again. Sure enough, she couldn't walk on the ground, but the water was flowing. She continued walking along the waterway and slowly entered a narrow passage.

This channel can only allow one person to pass through, and the surrounding area is completely invisible, and even a fish cannot be seen in the water.

Mo Wushuang didn't know how long she had been swimming, and she didn't know where this passage led to. She didn't really start to worry until she felt a suffocation in her lungs.

At this moment, a huge suction came from in front of her, forcing her whole body to be pulled forward.

Mo Wushuang tried hard to control his figure but in vain, followed by a moment of top-heavy, and then a moment of suffocation, and he lost consciousness.

When she opened her eyes again, Mo Wushuang was in a closed space, where it was difficult to dry, there was no drop of water, and she couldn't feel any dampness, but her clothes were still wet.

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(End of this chapter)

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