I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 213 Half-step God Transformation

Then he saluted the man respectfully, "Junior Mo Wushuang, I have met senior."

The man nodded in satisfaction seeing her being so courteous.

"The little girl is not bad."

Seeing that the man had no intention of harming him, Mo Wushuang became more courageous.

She tentatively asked: "What did the senior say just now? Could it be that the senior deliberately lured the junior here."

"Can you say the same?"

"What is your purpose, senior?"

"Little girl, you are really direct in asking, aren't you afraid of me?"

Mo Wushuang shook his head, "Senior's spiritual consciousness is so powerful, just one thought can kill this junior directly, right?"

The man smiled slightly, "The little girl is very transparent. Before the deity sat down, I set up many checkpoints and tests here to wait for a suitable monk to come and entrust my last wish. But what I didn't expect was that five or six hundred years had passed. , except for the two nascent soul-stage little guys, there are only a few Foundation Establishment cultivators who have no ability to enter the cave of the deity."

"However, those trash didn't even pass the first level."

Mo Wushuang's eyes widened. Can the Nascent Soul cultivator be considered a little guy in front of this man?Then what kind of cultivation level did this man reach during his lifetime?

"Little girl, do you want to know the cultivation level of this deity before sitting?"

Mo Wushuang was surprised, "Senior, you know what I'm thinking about?"

Mo Wushuang was a little wary.

"This deity is half-step to transform into a god. Although he failed to transform into a god in the end, his supernatural powers are not comparable to ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators."

"Half-step transformation into a god?"

Mo Wushuang had an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Senior, didn't you say that monks in this plane cannot be promoted to become a god? What about you, senior?"

"That's why I said that I am a half-step God Transformation. The level of aura in this plane is so strong that there is really no way for a Nascent Soul cultivator to successfully advance to God Transformation.

And even if someone successfully transforms into a god, his supernatural power will be suppressed by the interface, and he will not be able to display his true strength as an avatar monk at all, so it doesn't make much sense, except that his lifespan will increase a little. "

Mo Wushuang nodded, indicating that he understood, "Then senior, you must be someone with excellent qualifications."

"What's the use of good aptitude, and what's the use of half-step transformation into a god? In the end, it's not that I don't know people clearly, which led to my final fall."

Mo Wushuang's eyes widened, and he braced himself to listen to the gossip.

The man raised his pretty eyebrows, "Little girl, you want to hear it."

Mo Wushuang nodded hurriedly.

The man sighed, "It's okay to tell you."

"This deity, titled Canyun Demon Monarch, was once the city lord of Demon Star City."

Mo Wushuang was slightly surprised. She didn't expect this man to be a demon cultivator. In her impression, a demon cultivator gave people a gloomy feeling, but this man gave her a very peaceful feeling.

"How surprised I am a magician."

Mo Wushuang nodded: "This junior thinks that Moxiu is the kind of heinous big devil."

The man laughed twice, "Haha, little girl, there are Taoist cultivators, demon cultivators, medical cultivators, sword cultivators, and martial arts cultivators in this world, why can't there be demonic cultivators? .”

"They are no different from other monks, it's just that their bodies are more suitable for the skills of magic cultivators. Every monk has his own choice of path."

"There is no distinction between good and bad people in this world. Everything is just a trend of interests. Could it be that Daoxiu will not do things like killing people and seizing treasures under the trend of huge interests?"

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