Chapter 217
Mo Wushuang's heart, which was still in heaven just now, dropped to the bottom of the valley in an instant. It's like saying nothing. No matter how rare you see her with this kind of physique, it doesn't matter if there is no matching technique, and neither is Mao.

It's better not to let her know that she is a gifted person from the beginning, but after knowing it, she doesn't have the corresponding skills, which is too big a psychological gap.

Seeing that she was depressed, Demon King Remnant Cloud smiled and said:
"Girl, do you want exercises?"

Mo Wushuang nodded subconsciously, "Of course I want it."

After finishing speaking, Mo Wushuang suddenly came to his senses, raised his head suddenly, his eyes sparkled, "Could it be that senior has some exercises suitable for juniors?"

Demon Monarch Remnant Cloud nodded, "You guessed it right. When I was traveling in my early years, I stumbled across a cave left by an ancient monk. I got a copy of the Hunyuan Cultivation Technique there. I think it should be suitable for you. When you Really want to?"

Mo Wushuang stared at the man's wise eyes, did not immediately say that he wanted it, but asked, "Senior, are you willing to pass on the exercises to me?"

"It's not impossible to pass on you, but there are conditions. Now let's go back to the topic just now, little girl, are you willing to fulfill your wish for this deity. Naturally, I won't let you be busy.

If you agree, I will not only teach you the Hunyuan Kungfu, but also give you a third of my collection,

If you can kill those two people in the future, I will give you all the rest of my collection, you see how it is. "

When Mo Wushuang heard the words, there was no joy on his face, but a dignified one.

To be honest, one-third of the collection of a half-step deity cultivator, this temptation can't be ignored, plus the exercises that suit her, but she won't be dazzled by these foreign things all at once.

If you lose your life, what's the use of those treasures and skills.

As for pretending to agree to it first, and then quitting after getting the exercises and treasures, she never thought about it.

Even if the man in front of her is just a divine sense, it is not something she, a young monk who has just established a foundation, can play with. This man naturally has the means to restrain her.

After pondering for a while, Mo Wushuang slowly raised his head to look at Demon Lord Remnant Cloud.

The man also looked directly into her eyes, "How is it? Little girl, have you considered it?"

Mo Wushuang nodded, and said slowly, "To tell you the truth, senior, I want that exercise, and I also want to get senior's collection, but although the exercise and treasures are good, you have to have the life to enjoy them.
I'm just a casual cultivator without any backing. Senior, you asked me to deal with the Nascent Soul cultivator in Magic Star City alone. It's obviously unrealistic, and I can't do it. Even if Senior gave me all your collections, It's not a good deal either. "

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, "Then what do you mean?"

"If I can really succeed in the Nascent Soul on that day, I promise senior that I will wait for the opportunity to avenge senior on the premise of giving priority to saving the junior's own life. This is the only thing I can promise. I don't know what you think, senior?"

The man laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Hahaha, okay, you little girl, you are really cautious, but you are also very slippery. What you mean is that even if you give birth to a baby in the future , but also to meet the right opportunity to make a move.

If you wait until the day when you sit down and this suitable opportunity does not appear, wouldn't it be empty talk. "

Mo Wushuang didn't feel embarrassed when his thoughts were exposed, and touched his nose, "So far, this junior can only do so much."

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(End of this chapter)

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