After saying this sentence, Mo Wushuang saw that Mo Yaoqian's soul would become transparent from time to time.

Mo Wushuang is in a hurry, senior, your soul cannot wander outside for a long time, it will dissipate soon,
You first enter this soul orb to cultivate yourself.

Mo Yaoqian also felt the instability of her soul, and flew directly into the soul orb without the slightest hesitation.

Mo Wushuang put Mo Yaoqian's body back into the bracelet again.


"Now that the soul has been found, it's almost time for us to leave."

"Then let's go, what about Master's cave? Will there be other monks breaking in?"

Demon King Remnant Cloud smiled, "Even if someone comes in, they won't get anything. How can a teacher leave good things to others at will?"

"Then I don't want others to destroy Master's cave."

"You girl, I will open a large formation to hide this cave, and then I will teach you to lay a hidden formation, which will hide both the cave and the ten thousand-year-old stalactite cave. Even the Nascent Soul cultivator can’t find it.”

Mo Wushuang's eyes lit up, "It's so good."

Under the teaching of Demon Monarch Remnant Cloud, Mo Wushuang used a lot of spirit stones and materials, and it took seven days to set up the formation.

After the big array was set up, she went outside to feel it herself, but she really couldn't find anything.She was completely relieved.

It's just that I feel distressed about the spirit stones and materials spent on setting up the formation. You must know that to maintain the operation of the formation, it depends on the aura in the spirit stone. High-grade spirit stones and top-grade spirit stones.

Of course, none of this belonged to her, but it still gave her a headache.

Mojun Canyun looked at her, shook his head and laughed, "I didn't realize that you girl is still such a money fan."

"Master, those are high-grade spirit stones and middle-grade spirit stones. How many pills do I need to refine to earn so many spirit stones?"

"If you have strength, are you afraid that you won't have a spirit stone?"

"Master, you wait."

Mo Wushuang quickly ran to the place where the stalactite pool was, and directly took away the entire stalactite pool and the stalactite inside.

Demon King Remnant Cloud just wanted to cover his face.

"Okay, master, we can go now. Master, where do you want to attach your spiritual consciousness?"

"You open your hands."

Mo Wushuang opened her hand obediently, and a black forehead appeared on her hand, with a red gemstone inlaid in the middle of the forehead.

"You can just carry this with you, and the spiritual consciousness of being a teacher will be attached to it."

Mo Wushuang put it away with great care.

Then she asked a question that she had never dared to ask, "How long will the master's sacred stone last?"

"You girl, you have wanted to ask this question for a long time."

She was silent.

"Don't worry, the teacher will always watch you avenge the teacher."

"Master, you put so much pressure on the apprentice like this."

Mo Wushuang changed into men's clothes and put the black forehead on his head.

"Let's go."

Follow the waterway that came down before, and return again.Mo Wushuang once again returned to the place where he went down to the small pool for the first time.

Looking at the dilapidated island that had been bombarded by the sky thunder before her, she was a little dazed.

"What's going on, it wasn't like this before I went down."

I released my spiritual sense to investigate, and there is no monk near this small island.

Looking in the direction, Mo Wushuang threw the lotus jade hairpin into the air.

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