After Chu Shilin left, Mo Wushuang restrained his aura, and then found a black hood to put on for himself, then found a shop that looked very big and walked in.

The store has two floors. Mo Wushuang checked all the items in the store, but still did not see any soul-cultivating wood for sale.

Mo Wushuang frowned, and called the shopkeeper to ask, "Shopkeeper, do you have soul-cultivating wood here?"

The shopkeeper looked at her like he was looking at a fool.

"Soul Cultivation Wood? Fellow Daoist, are you joking with me?"

"What do you say, shopkeeper?"

"This soul-cultivating wood is one of the three great sacred trees. Occasionally, a small piece will be snapped up by monks from all over the world. How can I buy it here?"

Mo Wushuang frowned: "Three great sacred trees?"

"You don't even know the three great sacred trees. These three sacred trees are the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, the Soul Cultivating Tree, and the Spirit Eye Tree."

Mo Wushuang asked in his mind: "Is what Master said true?"

Demon Lord Remnant Cloud's faint voice echoed in her mind: "That's right, this soul-cultivating tree is indeed one of the three great sacred trees."

"According to what the master said, it is very difficult to get this soul-cultivating wood."

"This person should know some news, girl, you may have to spend some money."

Mo Wushuang sighed and looked around, but there were no other customers in the shop at this time.

So she took out a small pack of spirit stones and stuffed it into the shopkeeper's hand, "Shopkeeper, this soul-cultivating wood is very important to me. If you know where to get the soul-cultivating wood, I hope you will let me know."

The shopkeeper took the spirit stone, turned it upside down, put away the spirit stone calmly, and then smiled and lowered his voice and said: "I do know some news about the soul-cultivating wood."

"Then please tell me." Mo Wushuang's eyes lit up, as expected.

"As far as I know, there should be some in the hands of the Nascent Soul Elder of the Corpse Refining Sect."

Mo Wushuang almost wanted to roll her eyes, Cultivator Nascent Soul, tell her where to get it.

"The Nascent Soul cultivator of Corpse Refining Sect, this is a bit difficult."

"Hey, if you ask me if I know about this soul-cultivating tree, I can only tell you what I know.

There was a piece of soul-cultivating wood in the underground auction before, and it was finally auctioned by a Nascent Soul cultivator of the Corpse Refining Sect for [-] spirit stones. "

"In addition to this method, there is another place where you might be able to get it."

Mo Wushuang's eyes lit up: "Where?"

"I don't think Fellow Daoist is a monk from our Northern Territory."


"In the northwest of Hongye City, there is a place called Misty Valley. It is said that some monks have obtained the soul-nourishing wood there before."

Mo Wushuang raised his eyebrows, "Mist Valley."

"Yes, I heard that the piece of silver soul wood that appeared last time was obtained by a monk in Misty Valley. However, I advise you not to go to that place."


"The misty valley is full of poisonous miasma all the year round. Even the Nascent Soul cultivators dare not go too deep into it, let alone us Foundation Establishment cultivators. If we go in, we will never return, unless You have a way to defend yourself."

"If not, I'd like to advise Fellow Daoists, it's better not to take risks."

Hearing this, Mo Wushuang frowned, seeing that he couldn't ask any more questions, he could only leave first.

After walking out of the shop, Mo Wushuang's brows were furrowed, and his heart was a little dignified.

"Master, do you think what the man said is credible?"

Demon Monarch Remnant Cloud did not answer but asked, "What are you going to do?"

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