I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 234 Trying to enter the valley

Although he is Mo Wushuang's master, he will not let her develop the habit of relying on her for everything, which will not benefit her growth at all.

Mo Wushuang didn't ask any more questions. Normally, under such circumstances, she knew that the master didn't intend to make another move, and she wasn't disappointed. She had to try to solve some things by herself.

While meditating, Wu Qinghua spoke again.

"Does this fellow Taoist also want to enter the Misty Valley?"

Mo Wushuang nodded, "Yes."

Before the man could speak again, Xie Miaomiao sneered.

The tone was a little sarcasm: "Based on your cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment, you really want to break into the foggy valley.

Senior Brother Mu's cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment, and the magic weapon to protect him, has not yet come out, so what are you doing. "

"Thank you, sister, don't talk like that."

"Wu Qinghua, why don't you pay attention to what she is doing."

After saying this, she walked away impatiently and stopped talking.

Only then did Wu Qinghua shake his head slightly, and said again: "This fellow Taoist, please don't blame me, my junior sister has such a temper, and she is still a very good person."

Mo Wushuang smiled nonchalantly, "It's okay, besides, what your junior sister said is right, I am indeed at the bottom of my cultivation."

Mo Wushuang didn't bother to pay attention to that woman at all, it was obvious that she had a second illness.

"Fellow Daoists don't mind, as long as the poisonous miasma in this misty valley is extremely poisonous, anyone who touches it will be poisoned. If there is no means of defense, it is best to enter cautiously."

Mo Wushuang nodded, thanked again, and then walked aside.Ways to start meditating deep into your bones.

It is definitely not possible to sit and wait like this, how powerful this poisonous miasma is, and how long she can resist it, you must try it to know.

Just thinking about it, another group of people gradually appeared in the sight of several people.

Seeing the person coming, Mo Wushuang was slightly taken aback, it turned out to be him, Chu Shilin.

Sure enough, there was no truth in this man's mouth, what to deal with some family affairs, this is obviously aimed at this misty valley.

Mo Wushuang looked over with a half-smile in his eyes.

Chu Shilin was followed by three people, all monks in the late foundation establishment period.

When the four of them came to the barrier of Misty Valley, they felt a gaze falling on him, and he also looked up.

He met a pair of peach blossom eyes full of playfulness.

Chu Shilin was taken aback for a moment, the corners of his lips raised slightly, revealing a wicked smile, and the man's voice carried a kind of bewitching power.

Slowly said: "It turns out that Fellow Daoist Ye is also here."

"Master Chu, don't come here unharmed."

"I didn't expect to meet Daoyou Ye again so soon. It's really a fate."

Mo Wushuang raised his eyebrows and just smiled.

"Ye Daoyou is also going to enter this foggy valley."

"I have this plan, but I haven't thought of a way to enter the valley. From this look, Mr. Chu is already confident."

"The elders in the family have indeed bestowed a treasure that can resist the poisonous miasma in this valley, but I have never tried it, and I am not sure."

"Oh? So that's the case." Mo Wushuang didn't ask if he could take her into the valley together.

The two have no relatives and no reason, so why should they take her with them? Besides, there are four of them, and she is only one. Even if he dared to take him with him, she would not dare to go.

A look of helplessness appeared on Chu Shilin's face, and he said, "This magic weapon can only protect one person, so."

Mo Wushuang paid his respects indifferently, "It's okay, I'll figure it out on my own, Mr. Chu please."

Seeing that she looked confident, Chu Shilin couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

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