I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

Chapter 236 Trying to enter the valley

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Mo Wushuang felt that breathing became more and more difficult.

The mind was also dizzy for a while, and the blue silk handkerchief formed a defensive cover, which also shook slightly.

Mo Wushuang knew that the blue silk handkerchief might have been damaged.

Going on like this is not an option, and Mo Wushuang had no choice but to exit the Misty Valley first.

Seeing her appearance, Xie Miaomiao laughed, "Haha, look, what I said, he won't last long."

Mo Wushuang ignored her, but put away the blue silk handkerchief, and sure enough, there were spots of damage on it.

Mo Wushuang stretched out his hand, stroked it lightly twice, feeling distressed for a while, Mo Wushuang wrapped the blue silk handkerchief with spiritual power, and then placed it in the bracelet space.

The aura in the space of the bracelet is special, and Mo Wushuang knows that it will recover in a short time under the nurturing of the original power of heaven and earth.

Wu Qinghua asked: "This fellow Taoist, how is the situation?"

Mo Wushuang shook his head slightly, "No, although my magic weapon can temporarily resist the poisonous miasma, it won't last long."

"This poisonous miasma can't be penetrated by spiritual consciousness at all, and almost nothing can be seen inside."

Wu Qinghua also sighed, and said: "This poisonous miasma is not the most dangerous, the most dangerous is the monster poison in this misty valley."

Mo Wushuang frowned, "What does Fellow Daoist mean?"

"Because of being infected by this poisonous miasma for a long time, the monsters in this misty valley have already mutated, and they are also very poisonous. They hide in this poisonous miasma and wait for an opportunity to move. cannot be detected in advance.

I don't know when they will take advantage of people's unpreparedness and suddenly jump out to attack. If they bite, it will be fatal. "

"Fellow Daoist, you really understand the situation in Misty Valley."

Wu Qinghua scratched his head honestly, "Because I'm here to hunt for treasures, so I learned more about it."

"That's right."

After the two talked for a while, Mo Wushuang found a place slightly away from the Misty Valley, and began to meditate and adjust his breath.

She also felt a strong discomfort in her body just now.

After taking a Rejuvenation Pill and running it for a few days, she felt better.

After recovering, Mo Wushuang stood up again, and she thought of another method.

Returning to the entrance of Misty Valley again, Mo Wushuang directly released two wooden puppets, these were the spoils she got after successfully breaking through the level after entering the master's cave.

Originally, it could no longer be used, but under the teaching of Demon Lord Remnant Cloud, she also mastered some methods of making wooden puppets.

So now you can also drive the wooden puppet to do some simple things.

The two wooden puppets she took out now are of the lowest level.

Seeing that Mo Wushuang came back so soon, Qiu Shaoyang and the others were still wondering that this man had acquired a new defensive method so soon.

Unexpectedly, this time she actually took out two wooden puppets.

Xie Miaomiao didn't taunt Ya'an again this time, "Puppet art, I didn't expect you to be proficient in the art of making puppets. It has been lost for a long time. How did you learn it? I really looked down on you before. "

The three people brought by Chu Shilin also saw this scene, and looked at each other, the expressions on their faces were obviously a little surprised.

Wu Qinghua's face showed a little admiration, "I didn't expect this fellow Taoist to be a puppet master, he is truly a genius."

Qiu Shaoyang narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not speak.

Mo Wushuang didn't reply, but controlled the two puppets and entered the misty valley.

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