Chapter 241 Free walking
"Smelly girl, I sweated a lot for you. Fortunately, you survived in the end."

Mo Wushuang took a deep breath, and there was no longer any discomfort between the internal organs, and there was no obstacle to the flow of spiritual power.

Wisps of poisonous miasma were still slowly pouring into her body, but they were transformed into spiritual energy in an instant. In this way, she didn't need to use special exercises, and the spiritual energy in her body was growing by herself.

"Master, if I stay here for a while longer, won't I be directly promoted to the late foundation establishment stage."

After hearing this, Mojun Canyun wanted to roll his eyes, "The beauty you think is that the spiritual power will increase sharply during the first transformation. In the future, although the spiritual power will also increase, it is Very slowly."

"You don't need to practice, you can continuously improve your spiritual power, even if it's just a little bit."

Putting away the formation, Mo Wushuang took out the blue silk handkerchief again, checked it, and there were small damaged holes on the silk handkerchief.

She has a distressed look on her face.

Seeing her like this, Mojun Canyun was also speechless, thinking that this apprentice is good at everything, but he is greedy for money.

"Okay, this silk handkerchief can still be repaired."


After walking two steps forward, I found that the poisonous miasma seems to have spiritual intelligence. Seeing her, they will unconsciously retreat. In this way, a safe space is formed five or six meters in front of her. Area.

The distance between the eyes and the spiritual consciousness has also increased a lot.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"It should be because the age of existence is too long, and these poisonous miasmas have a sense of crisis." Remnant Cloud Demon Lord explained.

"Won't that affect my absorption of miasma?"

"Greedy girl."

After being able to walk freely, Mo Wushuang began to walk deep into the Misty Valley.

At this time, outside the Misty Valley.

The three Foundation Establishment cultivators of the Chu family were also discussing her.

"Brother Liu, that Fellow Daoist Ye has been in for several days, and he hasn't come out. Has he found a way to stay in the Misty Valley?"

"I'm afraid it is. I think that Ye Xing's fellow Taoist, although he is only at the early stage of foundation establishment, seems to be quite wealthy, and he has a lot of magic weapons. He also knows the art of refining puppets. A child of a big family and a big sect."

"should be."

the other side.

Wu Qinghua: "I don't know how fellow Daoist Ye is doing now?"

Xie Miaomiao: "Maybe you have already died in it, maybe you two should be concerned about Senior Brother Mu, it's been half a month, should we go in and find someone, or I'll talk to you." Send a message talisman to inform Master that he is an old man."

Wu Qinghua: "If it really doesn't work, that's the only way to go."

In the misty valley, Mo Wushuang walked carefully in the poisonous miasma.

Suddenly her figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when she reappeared, she was already more than ten meters away from where she had just stood.

Looking at the place where she was standing, a spider the size of a washbasin was wriggling its obese body, and there was cold sweat on Mo Wushuang's forehead.

It was really too dangerous just now.

The monsters here are very weird, and most of them are mutated monsters, all of which are poisonous. Mo Wushuang dare not provoke them casually, so he can only avoid them.

She has entered the central area of ​​Misty Valley, and the number of monsters here has gradually increased.

But the poisonous miasma became thinner little by little. The poisonous miasma in the middle area was far less dense than that in the outer area, so the visibility has also improved a lot. Now she can see a range of about [-] meters around.

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