Chapter 246 Sapphire Glass Liquid

Mu Tiannan pretended not to see the impatient expression on her face, but still smiled slightly and said: "That's right, the reason why our four brothers and sisters risked our way to this misty valley this time is because of this sapphire glass liquid."

Mo Wushuang frowned: "Sapphire glaze liquid?"

"You Daoist Ye, haven't you heard of Sapphire Glazed Liquid?"

"I really haven't heard of it. Fellow Daoist Mu, what is the effect of this sapphire glaze liquid?"

"I forgot, Fellow Daoist Ye is not a monk from our Northern Territory anymore. This sapphire glass liquid can increase the chance of forming an alchemy by [-]%, and it can also play a role in purifying the heart when a monk experiences the demon of forming an alchemy."

Mo Wushuang raised his eyebrows: "There is such an effect."

Mu Tiannan nodded.

At the same time, I also have some curiosity in my heart, this woman did not enter Misty Valley for the reason of sapphire glaze liquid, so why?
Mo Wushuang looked at Mu Tiannan again, seeing that she was indeed a late-stage Foundation Establishment practitioner, and understood the purpose of his visit this time.

"Then why did fellow Taoist Mu tell me this?"

"This sapphire glazed liquid can only be obtained from the trunk of the sapphire glazed tree, but this sapphire glazed tree is in the inner circle of Misty Valley, where the level of monsters is relatively high, and most of them are highly poisonous. Tried several times, but ended in failure.”

Mo Wushuang: "So you mean you want to practice with me?"

Mu Tiannan: "Although Fellow Daoist Daoist Daoist doesn't need the sapphire glaze liquid leaf yet, it will come in handy sooner or later. Even if the excess is sold, it will be worth a lot."

Hearing this, Mo Wushuang was a little moved. Anyway, she was going to the inner circle to find the soul-cultivating wood, so it would be good to get some sapphire glaze liquid along the way.

"You know where the sapphire glazed tree is located."

"This is natural."

"Okay, let's talk about it first, how much we get, we will share it equally."

"no problem."

After the matter was settled, the two didn't leave immediately, Mu Tiannan took the tonic pill, and then began to meditate to recover his spiritual power.

Three hours later, the two began to march towards the inner circle of Misty Valley.

"Ye Daoyou is not far ahead."

"Fellow Daoist Mu, be careful!" Mo Wushuang shouted.

Hit out the diamond ring to hit Mu Tiannan five meters in front of him.

Although Mu Tiannan's cultivation was higher than hers, Mo Wushuang's spiritual sense was stronger than him because of his practice of Guoning Shenjue, so he discovered the dangerous approach before he did.

There was only a bang, and Mo Wushuang's vajra ring collided with the body of the iron-backed poisonous centipede.

Mo Wushuang and Mu Tiannan were fast on their hind legs.

"Ye Daoyou is an iron-backed poisonous centipede. This centipede has mutated, and the liquid it spouts is too poisonous. You must not let him spray it."

This is a monster that has been at the top of the fourth level.

The iron-backed poisonous centipede was obviously a little annoyed when he was attacked, and he didn't intend to let the two of them go, but came after them.

This poisonous centipede was more than three meters long. Mo Wushuang had just tested it with a vajra ring. This guy was covered in copper skin and iron bones, so he couldn't break it at all.

"Friend Mu, do you know this guy's weakness?"

"Its weak point should be above the belly."

Hearing this, Mo Wushuang was a little dumbfounded, this guy's belly was tightly pressed against the ground, how could he attack like this.

Mo Wushuang: "Don't run away, if you want to go there, you have to get rid of this guy."

Mu Tiannan thought the same way, the two turned around and went up to meet the iron-backed poisonous centipede.

Mo Wushuang threw out a pair of daggers and stabbed at the relatively weak eyes of the iron-backed poisonous centipede. Mu Tiannan held a long sword in his hand to attract its attention.

(End of this chapter)

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