Chapter 250 Succeeded ([-])

Mu Tiannan was a little dumbfounded.When he was distracted, he was almost wrapped around his neck by a bloodthirsty vine.

He was shocked, and quickly withdrew his mind, concentrating on resisting the bloodthirsty vine.

Mo Wushuang ignored her, imitating what he did just now, and took out a dagger to scrape at the trunk of the sapphire glazed tree.

Before the wine gourd in Mo Wu's hands received one-fifth of the sapphire liquid, Mu Tiannan's exhausted voice came from his ear.

"How long will Fellow Daoist Ye last, I will die."

Hearing this voice, Mo Wushuang really wanted to say, you are still not a man, if you are a man, how can you say that you are not good.

Mo Wushuang had no choice but to hold back temporarily.

The two retreated out of the woods again.

After exiting, Mu Tiannan took a deep breath, swallowed the tonic pill, and began to meditate to recover his spiritual power.

An hour later, he opened his eyes.

The expression on his face was a little embarrassed, because compared with the time Mo Wushuang insisted on just now, he was indeed a little inferior.

What's more, Ye Xing's cultivation base is even lower than his own. He is at the late foundation establishment stage and Ye Xing is only at the middle foundation establishment stage.

"Have you rested? If you have rested, let's continue."

Mu Tiannan gritted his teeth, subconsciously not wanting to be underestimated by her, nodded, stood up, "Okay, let's do it again."

He went back and forth like this several times, until the wine gourd was full, Mo Wushuang finally put away his hand contentedly.

But she was not stingy, after all, this family also contributed.

"You bring a bottle here, and I'll give you a third, and I don't want the one you got before."

Mu Tiannan wanted to say, "Miss, you are so generous, you only gave me one third?"

But for some reason, in her reluctant eyes, the words he uttered were, "Those two porcelain bottles are enough for me."

Mo Wushuang was not pretentious when he heard what he said. Don't say how happy he was, he just put away the gourd, "You don't want this, it's not that I don't want to give it."

Mu Tiannan was speechless.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, since we have obtained this thing, let's get out, there is no danger here."

Mo Wushuang shook his head, and said, "That's the end of our alliance. Fellow Daoist Mu, let's go back first. I have something to do and I need to stay here for a while."

Just as Mu Tiannan wanted to ask why, she remembered that at the very beginning, she said that she came to this Misty Valley not for any sapphire glaze liquid.

She hadn't even heard of sapphire glaze liquid before.

I don't know why, when she heard that she wanted to separate from him, Mu Tiannan felt a sense of loss in his heart, but he didn't know why he should ask to go with her.

In the end, he could only say: "Well, Fellow Daoist Ye should be more careful."

Mo Wushuang nodded, "After Fellow Daoist Mu goes out, it's best not to mention to others that you met me in the valley."

Mu Tiannan was taken aback for a moment, and after a little thought, he understood her thoughts, and nodded in agreement.

Mo Wushuang cupped his hands at him, then looked in the direction, and left without hesitation.

Mu Tiannan looked at the back of the woman gradually going away, sighed, turned around and walked out of Misty Valley.

On this sapphire glass liquid, she has already delayed a lot of effort, and she still has no clue about this soul-cultivating wood.

For the next time, Mo Wushuang focused all his attention on finding the soul-nourishing wood, and searched all the way. Although he still couldn't find the soul-nourishing wood, he encountered a lot of precious spirit grasses that were not young.

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(End of this chapter)

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