Chapter 257

As soon as he finished speaking, Mozun Remnant Cloud's tone changed slightly: "Girl, someone is here."

Immediately afterwards, Mo Wushuang heard a sharp bird song from above the sky.

Mo Wushuang looked up and saw a griffin fighting a monk in the sky.

Mo Wushuang felt the coercion coming from mid-air, his expression changed, he turned and ran.

That griffin beast looked like a high-level monster. I don't know if it was a fifth-level or sixth-level monster. As for the monk, it was at least a middle-level cultivation base.

Mo Wushuang didn't want to be affected by the aftermath of the battle between the two, so he thought it would be better to run quickly.

She shot out the lotus boat, leaped onto it, turned into a light and fled towards the northwest.

It didn't take long for Mo Wushuang to no longer feel the spiritual pressure of fighting skills, and she was still wondering if it would be over so soon.

At this time, there was a slight blur in front of her eyes, and the monk who was still fighting with the griffin just now stepped on a Buddha dust and appeared in front of her.

Mo Wushuang stopped and his expression changed slightly. Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, he stood up from the lotus boat, bowed respectfully and said, "Your junior has met senior."

But the man said with a blank face: "You, a junior, run fast. I was worried that no one would find the way for me, so one came here. Then you come with me."

Mo Wushuang's face turned cold. Under the coercion of the monk who formed the alchemy, she was already unable to move from top to bottom.

The man stretched out his hand and grabbed Mo Wushuang out of the lotus boat.

Being caught in the hands of the middle-aged man, Mo Wushuang's teeth itched with hatred in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it.

She just lowered her head slightly, pretending to be cute.

The middle-aged man also stopped talking, and once again brought Mo Wushuang back to the deep well.

"Come on, it's been a waste of time running so far."

The alchemy cultivator threw Mo Wushuang aside, and then walked to the side of the griffin.

It was only then that Mo Wushuang noticed that the griffin had already been beheaded by that man.

After the middle-aged man took out the demon pill of the griffin beast, he ignored its corpse and walked back to the deep well again.

He looked at Mo Wushuang inexplicably, and said with a strange expression on his face: "One escaped, and another one. Although the cultivation base is a little lower than that kid, it's enough to survive."

When Mo Wushuang heard the words, his heart skipped a beat, he looked up at the middle-aged man and asked, "What does senior want this junior to do?"

"What to do, of course, is to find the way for this real person."

After speaking, a bottle of elixir appeared in the man's hand, and after opening the porcelain bottle and pouring out a elixir to eat, he looked at Mo Wushuang again.

Mo Wushuang knew that the elixir should be used to resist the poisonous miasma.

The middle-aged man said: "You little girl is really weird. Say, what treasure do you have on your body that can resist this poisonous miasma?"

Hearing her question, Mo Wushuang felt a thump in her heart, and immediately felt that something was wrong. If she was telling the truth, this man would definitely come to check her body.

Then the secret of her physique will be exposed, but if she doesn't say it, how can she hide it.

This was really a difficult problem. Mo Wushuang simply stood up, and then made a sincere and fearful expression, saying: "Senior, this junior also received a treasure from the elders of the family, so that we can temporarily resist this poisonous miasma."

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Oh? What magic weapon, show it to Ben Zhenren."

Mo Wushuang walked towards the man step by step, "Since senior wants to see it, then junior should offer it with both hands."

(End of this chapter)

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