Chapter 260 Mineral Veins
Mo Wushuang was taken aback, stepped forward, and picked up the thing.

"What is this? It looks like a rock."

Mo Wushuang put the thing on his hand, only felt the thing in his hand was icy cold.

She was just about to throw the thing away, but the sound transmission from the Remnant Cloud Demon Venerable resounded in her mind: "Girl, wait a minute, hold this thing closer, and take a closer look as a teacher."

Mo Wushuang paused, and lifted the black stone upwards.

She wondered: "Master, maybe there is something weird about this stone."

Demon Lord Remnant Cloud did not speak, and after a while, he said leisurely: "This is actually the Nine Nether Irons, no wonder there are ghost fires and ghost worms here."

"Master, what are these Nine Nether Irons?"

"Ah, this Nine Netherworld Iron is a very precious material for refining weapons. It is said that in ancient times, when the demons still existed, most of them liked to use this Nine Netherworld Iron to refine weapons."

"Is the weapon made from the Nine Nether Irons very lethal?"

"Well, this thing is not common, and it also has a certain degree of magic. The magic weapon refined by the Nine Netherworld Iron is extremely lethal and powerful. It is difficult for ordinary Taoists to control. If you are not careful, your mind may be reversed and become a magic weapon. Maybe even a lunatic."

Hearing this, Mo Wushuang suddenly felt that the thing in his hand was a little hot, so he threw it away.

"Master, do you think my mind was bewitched by this trick before?"

Seeing her frightened appearance, Demon Lord Canyun couldn't help laughing: "This is a rough stone, how can it have such great power. It is also a good thing, you put it away first, and when you form a pill in the future, you can refine it." It might come in handy when making a talisman."

Mo Wushuang was surprised, "Master, are you serious?"


Mo Wushuang had no choice but to put it away.

"Girl, you can look around to see if there is still this thing, it seems a bit strange for the teacher."

Mo Wushuang nodded, "Okay!"

She walked to the side of the mountain, and saw that there were several similar black crystals in the soil layer, and she dug them all out.

"Master, look, there are quite a few more here."

"Girl, you are so lucky. If the teacher is not mistaken, there should be a vein of Nine Netherworld Iron here. It seems that it was mined by someone, and these were formed later."

Mo Wushuang's eyes lit up, "Master, you just said that this is very valuable."

"Hungry, yes!"

"Then what are you waiting for, dig."

Mo Wushuang took out a sickle from the storage bag, and immediately prepared to dig.

Remnant Cloud Demon Lord was speechless, and reminded: "Girl, you don't have to be afraid of the man above, who came down suddenly and saw you digging here, and directly left your little life."

Mo Wushuang swallowed his saliva, and put it away, "This is indeed a problem."

"There is also the place where you fell just now. Go back and take a good look to see if there is anything."

Mo Wushuang wondered, there is something, isn't it just a pile of white bones, and some rotten wood.

Looking at the branch that was broken by her just now, Mo Wushuang opened his eyes wide, "Master, this must be the soul-cultivating tree."

Demon Monarch Remnant Cloud also had a bit of a smile in his voice, "That's right, this should be the Soul Cultivating Wood."

Mo Wushuang was overjoyed, and finally had something on his mind.

"Get rich, get rich, there are so many. If you don't need it, you can still sell it and exchange it for spirit stones."

After this incident, Mo Wushuang turned his attention to the dead bones next to him.

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(End of this chapter)

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